Rhythmic Step...with no modifications!

I've been doing Rhythmic Step since September, it's been a regular in my rotation. When I first previewed it,I knew I wasn't going to be able to do the whole think the first time through so for the first 3 weeks my goal was to make to the 30min mark of the video then cool down and do my weight work. Believe me, that 30 minutes was a killer for a while:). The second three weeks I decided to work to the 40 min mark and found that I couldn't go that long. I figured oh well, no need to play head games with myself so I decide to just work to the end of aerobic segment #2 (about 34min) then cool down. I tell you, I love the music in segment two so no matter how hard I would try to pace myself, as soon as the music came up from the break, it was party time! So I would go all out and then crash, I mean it actually took me about 15min after my cool down to get from the bed to she shower, but the music was so good I just couldn't help myself.

Anyway, I had been working to the 34min mark for over three months and I was still extremely tired after that point and I figured that since I was eating well and staying hydrated maybe for me that was as far as I was meant to go with Rhythmic Step.
Last Saturday I did Rhythmic Step and still had to stop at the end of Aerobic segment #2, but yesterday, Friday...after 8 hours of work I came home for my 'Happy Hour' (my workout) and to my surprise at the end of segment #2 I still had some energy, I wasn't as tired...so I told myself o.k., let me see how far into segment #3 I could go and I made it all the way through and still had energy to burn...so I started the Challenge. It finally hit me that I was actually going to finsh the whole video when I looked at the remaining time in the Challenge and I only had 2:21 min to go!

I guess that even though I couldn't actually see it or feel it, I was actually making progress over these months. It is such and awesome feeling. So for anyone getting frustrated with not seeing any improvements in your fitness level, hang with it, because it is happening.:)

Sorry to ramble...but I had to tell somebody...somebody who would understand how it feels.:)

Stay fit,

RE: Yeeeah DeeDee!!!


How did you ge the clapping happy faces and the waving one. I love them.

Way to go DeeDee! This gives me hope. I have yet to make it entirely through Rhythmic Step, but that's what I love about Cathe's videos - it's always a challenge to get to that point where you can go all the way through them. However, just the other day I was able to get all the way through Cardio Kicks without stopping, intensity drills and all. For me, that is a significant step since much of the video is so high impact, which KILLS me! Anyway, nice work... reading of others' successes is part of what keeps me going.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-02 AT 01:25PM (Est)[/font][p]DeeDee,
Doesn't it feel great? I did the whole thing through yesterday without a problem. Congrat's! :-jumpy
I am so happy that you made it through the workout. I am new to Cathe and I find the tapes quite challenging. I have been a Firmie for several years and decided to give this Cathe a try. This was three weeks ago and I have not made it through one of her tapes. But it's great!! It nice to hear that I have something to look forward to soon-I HOPE!:)
Hi Lizzie,

Cardio Kicks is a killer for me. The last time I did it I made it through the jumping kicks drills without impact modifications for the first time. Without the jumps I could easily keep good form and technique and kick face level, but with the jumps I couldn't kick nearly as high, but it still felt good to finally feel comfortable with the jumps. Besides, if I had to, I could go mad crazy on someone's shins with those jump kicks.:) (just kidding:) )

Stay fit,


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