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  1. M

    Here is pics of my new grandson and my granddaughters!!...

  2. M

    I have a new Grandson!!!!

    Thankyou!!! It was wonderful news !!
  3. M

    I have a new Grandson!!!!

    My daughter just gave birth to my first grandson 7/11ounces and 20 inches long He is beautiful!!! She has three daughters her first son !!!We are just sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy I thought I would spread my joy to everyone.:D :D :D :D :D Teresa
  4. M

    Pinks New Song "Stupid Girl"

    RE: Pinks New Song Pink has been around for a long time you must not listen to much music. She is far popular then Paris Hilton I think Pink is awsome!!! Pink is like this if you don't like her looks don't look at her !!! She just doesn't like to act fake or stupid to grab somebodys atention...
  5. M

    Depressed My Boyfriend and I are Breaking up!!!

    What do you guys think maybe I shouldn't be asking this but here I go Well my boyfriends daughter hates me and my children but we were close until her sister got a divorce from her husband and moved in with her and her mother which her sister is not my boyfriends child and she just change so...
  6. M

    For those of you who pray

    I will be praying for your brother too!! GodBless him and your family Teresa
  7. M

    Are all you Seahawk fans still asleep?

    I agree Steelers are definitley going to win I lived in pa all my life, love those STEELERS I never miss a game !!! Sorry Seahawks you all are gonna be losers. This is Bettis superbowl this year GOOD LUCK NEXT YEAR!!!!!! TERESA
  8. M


    Here We go Steelers here we go !!!!!! I love the Steelers does anyone else !!!!!!! :7 :D :7 :D :7 :D
  9. M

    hamstring problem???

    I am having pain below my butt and the pain is the whole way down my leg to my foot could anyone tell me if I tore my hamstring? Most of the pain is below my butt and my knee and foot. Thanks Teresa
  10. M

    Question about diet pills????

    >I have a very touvhy, ballsy Barbara Walters type of question >for you...and I am not trying to offend...sorry if I >it goes... > >Is it possible that the doctor never perscribed diet pills and >a 900 calorie diet and maybe your DD is just saying the doctor >did so that you...
  11. M

    Question about diet pills????

    Yeah Thats what I thought too !!! 900 is really low I can't even go that low myself and I am thin I think I will get a second opinnon never really thought of that Thankyou !!!
  12. M

    Question about diet pills????

    Can anyone tell me anything about these diet pills Phentermine there are 2 kinds one for morning and one for dinner. The doctor prescribes these for my daughter cause she has a weight problems she weighs 269 and 5'7 I don't beieve in diet pills just wandering if anyone has any ifo on these pills...
  13. M

    this is about my son!!!

    Thankyou so much I am gonna take him to a doctors to ease his mind though Beause he just is so worried it won't go away I am gonna let him read this hope it will ease his mind alittle. He does the same thing that your brother did wears a shirt swimming he is just so embarrassed over this I just...
  14. M

    This is about my son!!!

    Thankyou so much!! Me and his dad is divorced so he don't really have anyone to talk to and he has 2 older sisters so no help there. But I am tomorrow calling his doctor and gonna see about a personal trainer I just felt so bad like you said they17yrs olds are hard to understand but trying...
  15. M

    this is about my son!!!

    My son is 17yrs he is 6'2 and has alittle tummy not fat though He doesn't exercise but he has been lifting a little he steals my weights sometimes but anyway my question is he is worried about his chest around his nipple area is fatty could anyone tell me if you think maybe he is still going...
  16. M

    This is about my son!!!

    Cathy or anyone My son is 17yrs he is 6'2 and has alittle tummy not fat though He doesn't exercise but he has been lifting a little he steals my weights sometimes but anyway my question is he is worried about his chest around his nipple area is fatty could anyone tell me if you think maybe...
  17. M

    January Rotation: Let's Work

    Thanks Cathy I have to take it a little slow this month I have bronchitits I have been sick for 2 weeks But can't wait to get started on those rotations Thanks so much !!!!Your the best!!:)
  18. M

    About Whey protein could someone help me????

    OK lol I thought it meant the same thing iguess it was easy way to spell it lol thanks for the help!!!!
  19. M

    These are my Grandbabies hope these pics work!!!

    Thanks I do have alot of fun with my babies}( I am a proud grandma:D
  20. M

    About Whey protein could someone help me????

    Well I just don't eat meat or fish at all. I do eat all dairy products. I just don't like meat I am not a complete vegan. I eat egg whites also not often though!!