This is about my son!!!


Cathy or anyone
My son is 17yrs he is 6'2 and has alittle tummy not fat though
He doesn't exercise but he has been lifting a little he steals my weights sometimes but anyway my question is he is worried about his chest around his nipple area is fatty could anyone tell me if you think maybe he is still going through puberty or does he just need to exercise his chest area he is so upset over this I would appreicate
if anyone knows anything about this. He wants me to take him to a doctor he is so upset.
Thankyou Teresa
I have a 17 year old. As far as taking him to the doctor, I would. This may be something that he will feel better about discussing with a doctor. He also may be still in puberty. My 17 year old is almost 6 foot, he will be 18 in March, and still does not shave. Boys can continue to grow into their 20's. Again, a doctor may be able to ease his mind. If the doctor suggests he needs some exercise to rid himself of some excess fat, if you can afford it, try to get him some personal training to teach him what he should be doing. If not, ask around with male friends and try and fine someone who would be willing to help him start working out.

17 year old boys are somewhat hard to understand. They are on the verge of being an adult, but there is so much they don't want to talk about, that is why the doctor may ease his mind on some things.
Thankyou so much!!
Me and his dad is divorced so he don't really have anyone to talk to and he has 2 older sisters so no help there.
But I am tomorrow calling his doctor and gonna see about a personal trainer I just felt so bad like you said they17yrs olds are hard to understand
but trying to.
Thankyou again you eased my mind knowing you have a son to so you do understand. thankyou
No problem. I joke that teen age boys are alien creatures. Really they have such tender hearts, and they try to be tough and cover it up. I think taking him to the doctor and getting him to connect with men you trust will help him a lot.

Now if I could figure out my almost teen age daughter(although at least I have been through what she is going through!).

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