Pinks New Song "Stupid Girl"

RE: Pinks New Song

Pink has one hard ass body! That is for sure! If you look deep under the make-up, the snawrled eyes, gritted teeth and spiked hair, you'll see a very beautiful woman.
RE: Pinks New Song

>The one scene I didn't really like was the last one,
>when the little girl picked the football. Why applaud her
>decision to choose that traditionally testesterone-fueled
>pastime? I would've felt better if they had her picking up a
>Cathe DVD instead!!!! :D

OMG!!! I thought the same!!! Good grief! Do we have to totally assume a masculine role just to feel strong? Blechhh! I feel strong every day when I do my own thing as a woman.

Nuf said!
RE: Pinks New Song

It just doesn't sound sincere to me. Actually, it's very easy to poke fun at the other girls that just lay it out on the line. I don't consider myself a cutesy, doll-faced girl, but I won't bash the other girls for trying to make a living. Women have it hard enough as it is. We should be bashing videos like the one I saw not too long ago were some rapper had women on a leash. Talk about nauseating. If you want to hear me 'cuss...

RE: Pinks New Song

Interesting points.....I loved what jillybean said about "Pink playing the same game the same as the rest...," but nobody can convince me that Paris Hilton and the others that she so vividly parodies are "stupid." I didn't know who Pink was before her little satirical jab ....but I certaily did know who Paris Hilton was....;)
With her funky Pink hair isn't Pinks idea of beauty is just as warped as what she parodies?

I applaud the basic message....but do question the messenger.

RE: Pinks New Song

Pink has been around for a long time you must not listen to much music. She is far popular then Paris Hilton I think Pink is awsome!!!
Pink is like this if you don't like her looks don't look at her !!!
She just doesn't like to act fake or stupid to grab somebodys atention
she is down to earth not a skank!!!
RE: Pinks New Song

>Pink is like this if you don't like her looks don't look at
>her !!!
>She just doesn't like to act fake or stupid to grab somebodys

Case closed.

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