About Whey protein could someone help me????


I am a vegan I just wanted to know how much should I use
a day does it make a difference that I am A vegan should I
use more or not.any suggestion i would really appreicate it.
Thankyou Teresa}(
Why is a dairy product, it's not vegan, so I don't know why you are interested in it?

Some vegan protein powders are Vegan Complete (pea and rice), hemp protein, "Raw Power" (with brazil nut protein, hemp, maca and goji berries), soy protein powder, and rice and pea protein powders.
Well I just don't eat meat or fish at all. I do eat all dairy
products. I just don't like meat I am not a complete vegan.
I eat egg whites also not often though!!
there's a name for that, and it's "vegetarian" (not "not a complete vegan").

As for how much of any protein powders to take, that depends on your goals. I personally think that we should get most of our nutrients from real foods (and there are some whole protein powders out there, such as hemp).

One or two servings a day (at most) seems reasonable. I'm sure some other folks who use it will chime in here.
Some say that Whey is easier to absorb than other protein sources. Others like soy protein isolate. Whey is the protein in cottage cheese (curds & whey). I often use a protein shake called spirutein, I think it is very yummy, and it is dairy & egg free. I think Kathryn's probably right, it's better to get nutrients from food. Instead of these concentrated sources of vitamins/minerals. But, I live a hectic life and I guess it's just easier to cover things if I have a few shakes a week. And, they are very filling.

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