Question about diet pills????


Can anyone tell me anything about these diet pills Phentermine there are 2 kinds one for morning and one for dinner. The doctor prescribes these for my daughter cause she has a weight problems she weighs 269 and 5'7 I don't beieve in diet pills just wandering if anyone has any ifo on these pills my daughter is 20yrs I try to get her to exercise but she just won't well she did walk on my tredmill today hopefully she keeps doing this .The doctor told her to only eat 900cals aday I don't think that is healthy.If anyone knows any ifo on these pills please let know.
Thanks Teresa
I know nothing about the pills so I can't comment on them specifically but diet pills, for the most part anyway, are not a good route to take...

900 cals a day? That seems awfully low!

Maybe you should get a 2nd opinnion for your daughter....JMO.:)
Yeah Thats what I thought too !!!
900 is really low I can't even go that low myself and I am thin
I think I will get a second opinnon never really thought of that
Thankyou !!!
Phentermine is half of fen-phen (s/p) which was pulled from the market a few years ago because of cardiac side effects. It's a stimulant.

Also 900 cal per day is too low. I think I would find another doctor.

Maybe you should take her to an RD instead. Doctors(last I heard), are not required to take more than 1 nutrition class to graduate so a great deal of them don't know squat about nutrition. Going below 1200 calories is crazy as far as I'm concerned!! Your just asking the body to go into starvation mode at that point!

I have taken phentermine .37 before. I am not familiar with taking one in the morning and one at night. In the beginning the effects were strong, I was not hungry at all and a little energized. But that wears off. For me they helped me eat less and stopped my carb cravings. I only started taking these because I had given up hope. I do not believe diet pills will ever be the answer. It helped me get going. As soon as I went off of them I gained 3 lbs back. I then had to go cold turkey again on the carbs - because the cravings were back. They did not leave until I really started eating right. Also, when I knew I was going to go off of the diet pill I became very depressed knowing what work was layed out before me - to lose the weight on my own. I later read this is a common side effect when going off the pill.

Maybe this will help her get started and get her excited about losing weight on her own. Provide as much information to her about eating healthy and working out. Knowledge is power. I loved the Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle E-book. It is a book full of info that made me feel there is a way to conquer my unwanted fat. I felt empowered. I am still working on it. Introduce her to this forum. It has been so helpful and most people want to help and provide support to others.

I love the 2nd opinion idea. 900 calories is way too low and diet pills are a really bad idea...they can be hard on your heart. The whole point is to be healthy so why take something that will only cause more problems??? If they worked, everyone would be thin.

(((Time for my rant))) People spend more time trying gimmacks and "easy solution" quick fix diets and gadgets...they blow a load of money and time on stuff that will not work. If they spent that time doing what WE ALL KNOW WORKS (ahem...nutrition and exercise) then they would be in shape by now! Instead, they lose years trying the latest fad.
Excuse me while I rant for a moment here....

WTH kind of doctor is this person? Telling someone to eat 900 calories a day is absolutely ludicrous. And prescribing stimulant diet pills is also ridiculous. Your daughter needs a sensible eating plan and some exercise. There's no quick magic pill that will get rid of the weight. Imagine someone telling you that you could only eat 900 calories a day? I'd starve!!! And I'd never do it. It would be impossible. I say you better get your daughter a second opinion damn quick.
>Excuse me while I rant for a moment here....
>WTH kind of doctor is this person? Telling someone to eat 900
>calories a day is absolutely ludicrous. And prescribing
>stimulant diet pills is also ridiculous. Your daughter needs
>a sensible eating plan and some exercise. There's no quick
>magic pill that will get rid of the weight. Imagine someone
>telling you that you could only eat 900 calories a day? I'd
>starve!!! And I'd never do it. It would be impossible. I
>say you better get your daughter a second opinion damn quick.

yeah what shelley said since she crawled into my brain while i was sleeping and posted this message LOL.

i would really check this guys credentials. 900 calories is ridculous hell to me anything under 1500 is pushing it. checking portioins and changing the quality of food will help her loose weight not 900 calories NOBODY can live off that.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Unfortunately, the 20 year old daughter is an adult and able to make her own decisions. I think that's one of the reasons Teresa is so upset. Her post sounded very concerned, as she should be. You guys can rant all you want about diet pills but you are probably preaching to the choir. I bet Teresa feels the same way and is just trying to find a way to convince her daughter not to take them.

My sister took diet pills when she was about 20. She got hooked on them and started having the shakes and other symptoms. She weaned herself off eventually and stayed away from them the rest of her life. BTW, she gained the weight right back after she got off.

Weight Watchers should work very well for a young person who has a lot of weight to lose.
I have a very touvhy, ballsy Barbara Walters type of question for you...and I am not trying to offend...sorry if I it goes...

Is it possible that the doctor never perscribed diet pills and a 900 calorie diet and maybe your DD is just saying the doctor did so that you would not question her plan? Maybe it was her idea but if she said "the DR. said to eat nothing and pop diet pills" then you would not give her a hard time since you are so health concious???

Just a thought because the more I think about it, it just seems so crazy for a DR. to suggest such a thing. Both are really bad ideas and the combo could be so horribly dangerous! If you are sure the Dr. told her to do that, PLEASE get her a new Dr.!

Again, sorry if my question is offensive, it was just a thought.
>I have a very touvhy, ballsy Barbara Walters type of question
>for you...and I am not trying to offend...sorry if I
>it goes...
>Is it possible that the doctor never perscribed diet pills and
>a 900 calorie diet and maybe your DD is just saying the doctor
>did so that you would not question her plan? Maybe it was her
>idea but if she said "the DR. said to eat nothing and pop diet
>pills" then you would not give her a hard time since you are
>so health concious???
>Just a thought because the more I think about it, it just
>seems so crazy for a DR. to suggest such a thing. Both are
>really bad ideas and the combo could be so horribly dangerous!
> If you are sure the Dr. told her to do that, PLEASE get her a
>new Dr.!
>Again, sorry if my question is offensive, it was just a
I wish she was lying about the pills but she showed me them we had a big talk about them this morning but she got mad I even made her read wut people wrote on here and yeah this doctor (Dr.Perez )is a quack because I know alot of people who goes to her for this reason and she charges 90 dollars for the pills I told her just to do wut I do exercise and eat right but she said its not that easy i no its not but I just don't want anything to happen to her I did make her eat alittle better today though but she crys cause she don't want to be fat and it makes me feel so bad for her I would take her weight if I could.
But sorry for rambling thanks though and it didn't offend me at all
Hi, Teresa. Tell your daughter that nutritionists do not recommend dropping below 1200 calories because it is difficult to get the proper nutrients below that number. Nine hundred calories is so stringent it is possible she's set herself up to fail. If she can stick to it and lose weight, she may end up putting more on when she starts eating more normally, which she will. Her metabolism and she will sacrifce muscle and it will be difficult to get the vitamins and minerals she needs as well.. The pills may stave off hunger but hunger is an important part of the equation. It's not necessary to starve oneself to lose weight. Diet pills are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. I would encourage her to use a reduced calorie diet and an exercise plan. Encourage her that it is that easy. Slow, steady weight lost, one to two pounds per week is the way to go. Do you think she would see a nutritionist? Tell you are worried she may harm herself and the best way to lose weight is to eat less and workout more, to build muscle and increase metabolism. And to be patient. It took time to put the weight on and it will take time to lose it but the tried and true combination of a healthy balanced diet and a regular exercise program will give her results she can keep and improve her health. Diet pills could do more damage than good. Good luck, Teresa. I hope she will listen to you and dump Dr. Perez, who obviously is out to make money and doesn't are if she harms a young unhappy woman in the process. Talk to her about why she overeats and just love and encourage her and hopefully she will come around.

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Sarah, I believe it. I used to work for a doc that said that a person could live on water and vitamins alone to drop the pounds. I think it's the older docs that are worse in their understanding of proper nutrition. As someone posted before, they are not required to take an actual nutrition course. I hope that has changed.

Teresa, I hope you're daughter can find a support system to get her through her weight loss struggles. It's going to take time, obviously, so she needs to hang in there. I wish her luck.

Boy, do I feel naive!LOL!! I didn't think they had Dr.'s out there that are that bad! Seems like they would have lawsuits out the wazoo!

As for your daughter, it sounds like she has a long road ahead of her and already she feels overwhelmed. My unsolicited but don't preach (I am sure you wouldn't). Encourage her to talk to others who have been there (will we do? We all are on some sort of quest).

This next part is important so lean in...encourage her to make goals and plenty of them. Make a big goal and then mini goals to lead up to the big goal, and then even smaller goals leading to the mini goals. If all she is looking at is "One Big Goal" to lose 60 pounds (or whatever it may be) then losing 1 pound in 1 week doesn't seem like you are acheiving much (regardles of the amazing accomplishment that would be). Focusing on the giant goal belittles all the small achievements that are criticial along the way. Break it down so that she has weekly goals...hell, even daily goals! A daily goal could be to simply eat better and drink plenty of water and weekly goals could be to lose 1-2 pounds, get 4 days of cardio in (30 minute sessions). Having smaller goals that she can achieve after 5-7 days (and then reaching them) will also help boost her confidence that she can do this.

This will not be easy for her but there are a ton of things she can do to make it easier...maybe even FUN! Ask any woman here...we'd rather be on this journey making mistakes along the way than to not be on it at all!
My stepson lost 110 lbs. just by eliminating all sugary drinks and junk food. While he was at school, he was eating and drinking all the worst stuff, and then he stopped and took up bike riding and it all just went away. The body is very resilient when you are 20, and your daughter really should use that in her favor now, and not wait to lose the weight until she gets older. Have you put the word "phetermine" into google and read all the links? I'm sure there is a lot of info out there.

Just curious. What do you think your daughter's problem is? Is it just bad eating habits or are there emotional issues? I think it makes a big difference. Maybe she needs psychological counseling? I think that obesity like hers can be a sign of emotional problems that need to be dealt with.

Just my two cents.

Any doctor who would prescribe diet pills and such a low-calorie diet doesn't know what he's doing, IMO. Most MD's only have ONE or TWO nutrition classes during their entire course of study. They are taught to treat with medication and surgery, for the most part.

A dieticien would be perhaps a better choice for your daughter.

>My stepson lost 110 lbs. just by eliminating all sugary drinks
>and junk food. While he was at school, he was eating and
>drinking all the worst stuff, and then he stopped and took up
>bike riding and it all just went away.

Nancy: good for him! He should be very proud of himself for taking the responsibility for his own weight loss and doing it in such a responsible manner.

I think that too many people nowdays want the quick fix and the pills rather than taking responsibility and doing it the "hard" way (which is more effective in the long run).
I agree with Nancy. She sounds like an emotional eater who uses food to drown her sorrows. It's a vicious circle because it ultimately adds being overweight in a world that is intolerant and cruel to the of overweight to her sorrows. And she's young and must feel out of control. I think that is why she would even consider diet pills. Desperation. I think she is very lucky to have such a supportive mom and Sarah's advice is terrific. You have the wisdom and knowledge to help this child and let her know there are a bunch of women here who would love to guide her, many of whom have dealt with just such issues. Do a search on this website of Donna, who lost an enormous amount of weight when her doctor warned her she was in grave danger of losing her life. She used diet and exercise and ate a healthy number of calories as she did it. She was incredibly inspirational to all of us. Dani just posted a link to a website called, I believe, and is great too. Get your daughter to use a food journal and to pay close attention to everything she puts into her body. There's a book called Eating Mindfully by Dr. Susan Albers which might be helpful as well. It's aimed at college aged kids who go off to college and gain weight. Working with you your daughter can lose the weight she desires healthfylly. It's exciting to think about! :)

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Just chiming in again to say that I heartily agree with everything Bobbi has said and agree that Sarah's advice is terrific. By setting very small goals, she'll have something to feel good about. Whatever the emotional pain that caused the original weight gain, the pain is vastly intensified by the actual weight gain itself. It is difficult for anyone to be obese, and it is even more difficult for such a young person. If your insurance provides for any kind of mental health benefit, I would use it now to see a qualified professional who can help your daughter with her emotional issues, before she ages out and your insurance stops covering her.


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