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  1. holisticbody

    Do Cathe's comments ever make you laugh?

    I just got "Low Max" last week and am currently learning the moves. There's a part during the blasts where she's doing lunges on the step which really fatigues the legs. Something about the music shift at one point at the same moment when she says "Keep your back straight, We're not like...
  2. holisticbody

    no animal protein

    I first cut out beef and pork, not that I ever cared for either much anyway. I read along time ago that the taste of Pork is the closest thing to human flesh which is enough of a turn-off. Then I cut out chicken, and then fish. Next to go was milk. And then eggs (which always gave me gas...
  3. holisticbody

    How would you start w/BodyMax 2?

    I've been doing the cardio segment with the upper body and abs segments for now. I don't think I'll be combining the cardio and the cardio-ciruit segments for awhile, as I already feel challenged enough by the cardio and I'm still working on perfecting the steps. You just have to keep...
  4. holisticbody

    Article - stevia unsafe?

    The FDA has specifically stated that "ONLY A DRUG CAN CURE A DISEASE." That alone is enough for them to loose all credibility in my eyes, although there are many more reasons. Further more, there has never been any confirmed reports of someone exerpiencing any dangerous ill-effects to...
  5. holisticbody

    Article - stevia unsafe?

    >I have to wonder how much this new information is driven from >the sugar industry. Sorry but I just don't trust big >corporations anymore. Oh, I know right? Someone has definitely been bought off for sure. Altough this might not seem like a big deal to most people, it really is part of...
  6. holisticbody

    Article - stevia unsafe?

    But refined sugar, aspertame and sucralose are pefectly acceptable, right? The FDA is always issuing "warnings" against every natural alternative to pretty much anything. They warn us against taking herbal suppliments and vitamins while issuing their stamp of approval on many potentially...
  7. holisticbody

    Skinny Bitch

    Whole grains, nuts and vegetables contain more than enough protein that the human body requires - even without even having to eat beans or tofu. The whole "protein" thing is another myth. There is no such thing as "protein deficiency" unless maybe if you starve yourself or live on a diet...
  8. holisticbody

    Skinny Bitch

    Whole grains, nuts and vegetables each contain more than enough protein the human body requires - even without even having to eat beans or tofu. The whole "protein" thing is another myth. There is no such thing as "protein deficiency" unless maybe if you starve yourself or live on a diet...
  9. holisticbody

    Article that says cardio is better for metabolism

    Btw, I read an article somewhere that said strength training *does* increase caloric burn, but it's only when these muscles are put into action (i.e. running, walking, aerobics). This actually makes PERFECT sense. People who combine strength training *and* cardio do tend to lose more weight and...
  10. holisticbody

    Article that says cardio is better for metabolism

    That certainly is a great article. I've seen plenty of people who are very muscular *and* overweight, especially a lot of men. In fact it seems like most big-boned/large framed people I know put on both muscle and fat easily, while naturally very thin people appear to have little of...
  11. holisticbody

    On Collagevideo's staff favorites

    Now let me just say that I love ordering from Collage Video and that they have great customer service. But is there anyone else who thinks their 'staff favorite' picks often make little sense? I have bought/rented exercise videos that they've picked as staff favorites that are just plain bad...
  12. holisticbody

    Who is/was your strangest crush?

    Cole/Belthazar on the TV Show "Charmed" (Seasons 3-5). Something about that half man/half demon with magical powers, who could shapeshift and disappear/reappear that I found really seductive. }( :9 I also agree with the person who said "Aladdin". He is probably the sexiest animated character...
  13. holisticbody

    Body Max 2 on the way! Step choreography question.

    I received this DVD yesterday and I love it. I watched it through once and had to try it immediately after ... I got a lot of the steps down okay the first time but other moves will take some practice as they are new to me. But I wasn't totally lost either so that's good. The Upper Body portion...
  14. holisticbody


    I would really like to put a Cathe poster in my workout room, although the kitchen sounds like a great idea too! I'd searched for them before but to no avail. I think a lot of us would definitely buy them and it would help me stay motivated. I know my husband wouldn't mind having a Cathe...
  15. holisticbody

    Oh My Bod Clothing !!

    I'm going to order some clothes from them ASAP!! Finding exercise clothes that fit me is seemingly impossible. I'm 5', 100 lbs, size 2-4. Hemming the length isn't a big deal. But my problem when finding pants especially, is that the waist comes up too high (over my belly button) and if I pull...
  16. holisticbody

    Does B&G ever get any easier!

    B&G is definitely going to be next Cathe purchase! I watched the video clips and it contains all of the lower body exercises I've been looking for on one DVD. I love floor work as I can only do so many squats and lunges in addition to step aerobics without it killing my knees. I also find floor...
  17. holisticbody

    Just ordered Muscle Max!!

    This video is also on my "to buy list." As of now I've mostly been using Jari Love's DVDs for my weighted workouts.
  18. holisticbody

    Body Max 2 on the way! Step choreography question.

    Thank you everyone for all your replies. I am even more excited about getting this DVD now - I can't wait! It was a hard choice between Body Max 2, Drill Max and Circuit Max as my next Cathe purchase, but I went for BM2 because of the exercise variety and the way it's divided up. It doesn't...
  19. holisticbody

    Body Max 2 on the way! Step choreography question.

    Hello Everyone, I just signed up to this forum although I've lurked around here before. I've been using exercise videos for a little over a year now. I would say I'm at intermediate level so I thought this was a safe bet. I'd watched Cathe on FitTV before and was always interested in trying...