Body Max 2 on the way! Step choreography question.


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Hello Everyone,

I just signed up to this forum although I've lurked around here before. I've been using exercise videos for a little over a year now. I would say I'm at intermediate level so I thought this was a safe bet. I'd watched Cathe on FitTV before and was always interested in trying her workouts. I just recently purchased my first Cathe DVD "Basic Step & Body Fusion" and I love it! So much so, that I just ordered "Body Max 2" since I liked the content description and the clip preview. I have to admit I'm a little worried how I'm going to make out though since I'm reading that it's very tough. I feel challenged by Basic Step & Body Fusion" as it is, but I'm able to get through it okay. I've been combining the Basic Step w/ Body Fusion and the Stability Ball Abs, or Basic Step w/ all three add-ons.

I have quick question about the choreography though, as I know I can always modify the weight segments if they're too heavey or contain too many reps for me.

I pretty much got the choreography down on "Basic Step & Body Fusion" the second time through it (oh of course, I mess up here and there sometimes but can jump back on right away). I can do it with the pivot turns and hops just fine, at a 6" height, and it's a regular full-length step, not the club step. Is the choreography in "Body Max 2" that complicated or do you think I'll probably catch on quickly based on my experience with the former?

I'm just hoping I can get the full aerobic benefits of DVD almost right away without spending a lot of time trying to figure out the steps.:)
I just wanted to let you know that I am very choreographically challenged and I found that BM2 was not too difficult to learn. I don't own Basic Step & Body Fusion but as a comparison to Rhythmic Step, BM2 was much easier for me to learn. I seem to have more trouble with the more dancey step workouts.

BM2 is a great workout - it is extremely challenging as produced and also has some really excellent premixes. Be sure to give those a try too. I think you will really enjoy this workout!

Good Luck!!
Body Max 2 was one of the first Cathe workouts I did (my very first step workout) and I did not have any problems with it. I was so confident that I tried Imax 3! was awful;(
Like you, I feel so in love with Cathe workouts after Basic Step and Body Fusion that I dived right into Body Max 2.

The choreography is definitely harder, and the intensity is much higher. I think that after a couple of tries, you will be able to get the steps down, but the higher intensity might get you.

I would suggest trying to learn BM2 one segment at a time, tacking it on after your regular workout for the day. So if you are doing Basic Step that day, when you are done, lower your riser (probably start with just the platform) and try the BM2 warm up segment. Continue like this until you've mastered all of the cardio.

Good luck, it's a fun one!
You've gotten great advice so far and I would agree that maybe you should start with just the platform for trying to learn and doing one segment at a time. Whenever I try a new step video that seems a little more complex to me, I'll do it that way and it helps to not have to face several step combos at once. It may be that you are doing so well and having such a good time that you feel like continuing after all (that happened to me the first time I did Step Blast and I only meant to do one combo but ended up finishing the whole thing). I think the step portion of Body Max 2 is lots of fun and some of the parts that seemed very difficult at first are now the most fun.

[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hi there!
Body Max 2 is a great choice! It has such a terrific variety of premixes that you don't have to worry about doing all 90+ minutes at once to get a sweat drenching. Try the "boot camp" premix. It has 4 or 5 cycles consisting of a short non-complex step segment, a lower body weights section, an upper body weights segment, then a core segment. Then the cycle starts all over again. You're gonna love this dvd!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I'm very intermediate when it comes to complex choreography and I found that I had to go through BM2 several times to get the step work right. Once I learned it though, I think it's one of the more fun step routines. I also like how you can break BM2 into segments. I often do just the upperbody and abs routine.
Congratulations on getting Body Max 2. Cathe repeats things a lot in the step portions, so after a few times, it shouldn't be too difficult. I would rate her choreography in this one as moderate/intermediate. I love the upper body work in this one and the ab routine is really good.

Thank you everyone for all your replies. I am even more excited about getting this DVD now - I can't wait! It was a hard choice between Body Max 2, Drill Max and Circuit Max as my next Cathe purchase, but I went for BM2 because of the exercise variety and the way it's divided up. It doesn't matter though, cause I already plan on buying plenty more!
I just got this in the mail Wednesday, and have used it twice. I don't usually use an 8 inch step, but have been with this video, and of my gosh, do I feel a difference. I've had to lower my step during the circuits. I have the original BM and think BM2 is even more challenging. I like the way this workout is arranged. It's easy to mix and match. Which is what I've done both days. I did the step section and upper body the first time, then the warmup and circuit section the next time with chest, back and plank from Slow and Heavy. I love DVD's.
Ok, I'm convinced. I ordered BM2 just now from Advanced Workouts via Amazon. Had to get something else anyway and got free shipping. Can't wait!

I received this DVD yesterday and I love it. I watched it through once and had to try it immediately after ... I got a lot of the steps down okay the first time but other moves will take some practice as they are new to me. But I wasn't totally lost either so that's good. The Upper Body portion is amazing and I really like the music. I think I'm going to get an all strength training DVD next while I work on the Cardio of BM2. I'm eying either B&G or MM.

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