Article that says cardio is better for metabolism

I don't know about boosting metabolism, but when I started doing weight lifting along with my cardio, I broke my plateau and started losing weight again. I don't do heavy lifting. Just the circuit workouts and 2, 3, and 5 lb weights. I'm about graduated to 3, 5, and 8 lb weights. :)

I've stopped losing weight again, but I haven't been able to work out in over a week due to a nasty head cold and have upped my calories to maintenance until I can get back into things.

Lorie, it's another fitness myth that just won't die. At least it's based on some truth, compared to some of the other nutty myths that persist. Muscle does in fact use a few more calories than fat, but, unfortunately, not enough to make a difference to any of us.

Sleeping longer can probably do more for weight loss than strength training. One study showed that people who slept four hours or less per night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who slept between seven and nine hours a night. Those who got five hours sleep a night were still 50 percent more likely to be obese. This may have to do with the amount of leptin produced in the brain, which is a natural appetite suppressant, but I don't think this has been conclusively determined.

Nonetheless, strength training is VERY important for a whole host of reasons. My primary reason is to avoid the frailty of old age I see in so many of my clients, and to prevent osteoporosis.
I'm bumping this to encourage this fitness myth to die. We should probably also have a sticky thread entitled "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCING". :p
That certainly is a great article.

I've seen plenty of people who are very muscular *and* overweight, especially a lot of men.

In fact it seems like most big-boned/large framed people I know put on both muscle and fat easily, while naturally very thin people appear to have little of either.

I do think stength training is just as important as aerobic training however and that article in no way contradicts that.
i agree with doing BOTH cardio and weights is the best way to increase your metabolism. society is so "either/or" and "all or nothing" Health is about balance and its about every part of it: cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, nutrition and positive mentality.
I think that circuit training like Cathe's bootcamp and circuit max workouts also burn a ton of calories because your heart stays aerobic for the whole workout. I think the article would refer more to calories burned during a Slow and Heavy workout. But here's another caveat-stonger muscles mean you can start doing the 8 inch step rather than the 6 inch step. And that will boost your calorie burn during aerobics. Or running-becuase you can run harder with less fatigue.
Even if strengh training did nothing for weight loss I would still do it because I love feeling strong and, like Nancy, am terrfied of turning into a scrawny, frail little old lady!!
Btw, I read an article somewhere that said strength training *does* increase caloric burn, but it's only when these muscles are put into action (i.e. running, walking, aerobics). This actually makes PERFECT sense. People who combine strength training *and* cardio do tend to lose more weight and have leaner physiques than people who just do cardio. This is certainly what has worked best for me.
>I think that circuit training like Cathe's bootcamp and
>circuit max workouts also burn a ton of calories because your
>heart stays aerobic for the whole workout. I think the article
>would refer more to calories burned during a Slow and Heavy
>workout. But here's another caveat-stonger muscles mean you
>can start doing the 8 inch step rather than the 6 inch step.
>And that will boost your calorie burn during aerobics. Or
>running-becuase you can run harder with less fatigue.
>Even if strengh training did nothing for weight loss I would
>still do it because I love feeling strong and, like Nancy, am
>terrfied of turning into a scrawny, frail little old lady!!

I think you've made some excellent points. It only stands to reason that strength training increases your endurance for other cardio activities. I can't conceive of a fitness program that doesn't include strength and flexibility along with cardio.
Cardio is a great calorie burner while you are doing it. Weight lifting, however, causes your body to burn more calories all day long since a stronger muscle requires more fuel to survive then a weaker one. I do not believe that you can lose any significant amount of weight or body fat with weight lifting alone but I DO believe that it is a VERY important piece of the puzzle and NO ONE should go with out it! :)
>I am hijacking my own thread, but I was wondering what half
>you are running? I see it's your first. YOU GO!!! After you
>finish, you will be hooked. I am sure you will soon be doing
>a full (my vote is for's flat, fun, and they give
>you a great medal!).

Hi Lorie!

I am doing a local half here in Jersey where I live. It's fast and flat. I think it's a combo of boardwalk and street running. I am really looking forward to it but I am scared at the same time. I am pretty confident I can do it though. Let's just hope I am right!:)

I have thought about a full marathon and can't decide if I'd want to put myself through that. It's an awesome goal to shoot for but I'm just not sure if it's for me at this point.
>Cardio is a great calorie burner while you are doing it.
>Weight lifting, however, causes your body to burn more
>calories all day long since a stronger muscle requires more
>fuel to survive then a weaker one. I do not believe that you
>can lose any significant amount of weight or body fat with
>weight lifting alone but I DO believe that it is a VERY
>important piece of the puzzle and NO ONE should go with out
>it! :)

Wendy, unfortunately, that is not the latest thinking. I know that's probably what they say in the PT materials because so many PTs say it, but the latest studies indicate otherwise.

Have you started to study to take the exam yet?
I passed the exam in July, Nancy! Where have you been!? :7 :7 :7

I personally think it all comes down to what works best for the individual. Everyone is different and will gain better results from different things. I think both cardio and weights are equally important and that the combination in which you choose to do them should be a personal choice based on your likes, dislikes and what your body reacts to best.

I personally got the best results of my life when I cut back on the cardio and jumped up the weight training while others here have tried to go that route but it simply did not work for them.

Scientific studies are okay but nothing beats trying different things and then doing what works best for YOU. :)
WAY TO GO WENDY!!!!!!!!!!:7 :7 :7 :7


ETA: I do check out the arrow thread most days, but you're hardly ever there. How do you expect me to keep up with you if you don't post???? (Is little DS still little?)
Thanks very much Nancy!:)

You've got a point-I only post on the OAL thread on occassion. I spend most of my time at the check-ins these days...Sorry 'bout that.

DS is so NOT still little. OMG! He's 2 and growing like a friggin' weed! :eek: He is one awesome little kid though! I love him to pieces. :+

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