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  • Dear Debbie:
    Thank you for responding to my post concerning improving overhead shoulder strength. I just posted another post concerning my proposed program to improve my shoulder presses. My post can be found on page #2 of this week's thread:

    If you could give me any comments on my proposed program -- either through the thread or directly to me at davidj -- I would be very grateful. I realize you must be very busy. Note that I am very weak in my overhead shoulder presses. I still work with light "twig" dbs!

    I hope things are well with you in Ohio. I am originally from western PA (north of Pgh).

    Take care,
    Debbie, very nice picture on your Avatar - I haven't been on here in a while, so today is the first I've seen it!
    Ugh, Debbie! I can't bring myself to post that for all the world to see. It won't let me PM you.
    Kristi, I have no problems figuring it out for you. Let me know your age, weight, height and how many hours a week you workout.
    Hi, Debbie,
    I have a question, and I REALLY hate to bother you because you are so generous with your time, experience, expertise, etc! What do you think is the best resource to determine the number of calories I ought to be eating to maintain my current weight? I'm really NOT asking you to figure it out -- just hoping you can point me in the right direction. If you don't have time, I totally understand!
    Hello Debbie! It's been a while but I've spent the last two months doing Meso 1... and I'm done today!!! LOLOLOL One week of rest (TG!!!)
    I have a quick question for you, if you have the time... I have been drinking a protein shake during Meso 1 after a weight workout (read someplace that there is a 30-90 min window after a weights workout where your muscles need the protein to develop). My question is if I should continue drinking a protein shake and when during the recovery week or would that overload my kidneys and be no help at all since I will only be doing light cardio and stretching...
    Oh... and one more thing... (LOL)... what's your take on an undulating rotation for STS?....


    Hi everyone!

    I have a ? for you...I am trying to lose some unwanted extra weight I gained over the Winter...about 10 pounds. I am doing cardio 5-6 days/week. But I am confused as to whether I should start doing total body training 3 X/week or concentrate on Butts and Guts once/week with 2 total body training days/week? My lower body is the LAST place I lose weight, and the FIRST place I need to lose it. I am short 5/2. Is it best to lose with weight first and incorporate total body and once I lose the weight start to break body parts down such as Butts and Guts? And is that too much cardio?


    I know this is a little bit random, but I'm a journalism student at Columbia University working on a story about women who choose not to have kids or are postponing it later than most and came across your comments on an old message board.

    Is there any chance that you might be willing to talk about your thoughts and experiences? I'd love to listen.

    Please let me know!

    Thanks so much,
    Jill's truly awesome to see you on here! Your advice and suggestions is over the top and thoughtful of you! Look at you girl! You look terrific (as usual)! I have been a part of the Cathe boards for a while but never put your face with your name. Giggle... I think a divorce and age really has messed with my memory. Sigh....
    Tanya "Lane" back Tanya Jones. I was a TaeBo fanatic as well as one of the one a Cathe Fans forum. Anyhoo...I remember you posting that Oxygen accepted your story etc.. If I remember correctly you were "Debbie in Ohio"?
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