Recent content by Kira

  1. K

    Video Clip of Plyo HiiT #2

    I noticed in the still shot of the video that everyone is using a 6 inch step, but when you watch the video they use 8 inches. Are there 2 versions of this workout?
  2. K

    No upper body in new workouts?

    Bumping my own post because I'd really like an answer.
  3. K

    No upper body in new workouts?

    I noticed there are two separate DVDs focusing on legs in the upcoming workout series Cathe is working on, but none of them seem to be described as an upper body workout. Will FlexTrain have an upper body section? It's described as a cross between Super Cuts and Power Hour, so I'm a bit...
  4. K

    Intensity: Cardio or Circuit?

    Cathe, I have a question about the new Intensity workout. Is it going to be a cardio workout, or a circuit-style workout with weights, like Circuit Blast, Drill Max, etc.? In the description, you mentioned combining things like HIIT, Imax and Boot Camp. Did you mean the "original"...
  5. K

    Band with Order?

    > Iris_g1 wrote: > Rose or anyone, can you point out a website (or PM it to me), that >carries a band that will work well with Travel Fit. I need to get one ASAP. I >can't wait for SNM to get them in stock, plus I don't want to pay the high >shipping fee. Thanks I get my bands from...
  6. K

    Cathe: HIIT vs IMAX Question

    I am wondering about the intensity of the HIIT workouts in the Shock Cardio Series. I have seen the IMAX workouts referred to by some as interval training workouts, but have also seen some people say that they are not TRUE HIIT-type interval training workouts. So, my question is, how will...
  7. K

    I did a pull up!!!!!

    LOL. You sound like I did the other day when I finally did the one-legged pikes from Ab Circuits stability ball workout. I was literally jumping up and down, smiling from ear to ear, after doing them. Funny thing is, I haven't even attempted them since I first got the STS series. I tried...