I did a pull up!!!!!


Oh happy day!!!! I've never, ever, ever been able to do a pull up. I used heavy bands for the pull ups in mesos 1 & 2. I have a pull up bar, but haven't figure out a place to mount in the basement yet - its been on DH's to do list forever. The only door is at the top of the stairs, so that won't work. I don't have tubing, so I used heavy band instead. Now I'm 2 weeks done with meso 3 and there has been no pull ups, but obviously heavy back work.

I took DS to the park today to fly a kite (waaaaay too windy btw) and we ended up playing there as well. I tried a pull up at the park and did one!!! ONE!!!! ONE GLORIOUS PULLUP!!!! Holy moly, that was hard. But I did it!!! So very happy and proud of my self. I tried a chin up, but couldn't get it. I couldn't figure out how to get the motion out of my arms and into my back for the chin up. I discovered a bit part of the pull up secret is to keep my abs pulled in tight. It really is a whole body excerise.

Now DH HAS to find a spot to hang my bar!

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!! That is a huge and AWESOME accomplishment!!!!


I couldn't do any pull ups a few months ago either, but could do a few chin ups. I only have the bathroom door to work with in my one BR apt, but the Iron Gym fit, with no tools. I tried little stools and chairs to help "assist" with the pull ups, then used the pilates pulley from my Total Trainer and that helped me get to 3!

What really worked though (and I was resisting paying any more money) was the Superband (the 1/2 inch wide by 3 foot long one), which I just draped over the pull up bar and now I can do 10! I wanted to get it for an online workout that features the Superbands, so it's doing double duty for me. It was only $12.95 at Perform Better (they still have free shipping I think and some states have tax). They have thicker ones but they're more expensive and the 1/2 inch is just enough help. I do pull ups at the gym with the huge assist pull up machine and they are so much easier, but my set-up works fine. The key is to practice consistently. Who knew we could get such a feeling of accomplishment from a few pull ups?!

LOL. You sound like I did the other day when I finally did the one-legged pikes from Ab Circuits stability ball workout. I was literally jumping up and down, smiling from ear to ear, after doing them.

Funny thing is, I haven't even attempted them since I first got the STS series. I tried them the first 2 or 3 times I did that workout, and couldn't get my self to raise up more than and inch or two with just the one leg. I thought, "This is never gonna happen", and just did more two-legged pikes whenever I got to that part. But a few days ago, I decided to give them another try, and was completely shocked when I was actually able to do them. Was my form as picture-perfect as Cathe and her crew? No. But I was definitely in a pike position, and couldn't have been happier.

Obviously, using the Ab Circuits workouts consistantly for the past 2 1/2 months has made my core much stronger. So strong, I surprised myself. :D

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