Recent content by gvaughn

  1. G

    Leg Workouts for strength or endurance?

    Hey, thanks, Jillybean for the thorough reply!
  2. G

    Leg Workouts for strength or endurance?

    I'm trying to rank Cathe's leg workouts on the spectrum from most strength focused to most endurance focused. Tell me what you think of this order: STRENGTH Slow & Heavy Pure Strength Pyramid Lower Body Leaner Legs Legs & Glutes ENDURANCE
  3. G

    This monthes oxygen mag

    RE: This month's oxygen mag I used to subscribe to Oxygen but then realized the articles and advertisements were working on my psyche too much (you must diet, you must take ephedra, two workouts a day, breast implants are good and necessary, etc.). The articles and models are nearly all...
  4. G

    Eating for Life

    I agree that this is a great book. The recipes are very easy (I have to add extra garlic and seasonings, though!). I'm now one week into Eating for Life and have had some problems with being hungry a lot. I don't mind so much during the day, but it was keeping me up at night. I think I've...
  5. G

    Body Blast Tank Top Rotation

    I finally sat down and came up with one myself! Enjoy! :7 Here's the original: Day 1: Pure Strength Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps Day 2: CTX Leaner Legs Day 3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus cardio Day 4: Cardio Day 5: MIS Day 6: Cardio Day 7: rest Body Blast...
  6. G

    New Years resolutions?????

    If I publicly declare them here, will I have to do them? Let's hope so! 3 Fourteeners 2 5Ks 1 Triathlon and 12 weeks on Eating/Body for Life to lose 10 pounds (or equivalent in body fat %)
  7. G

    running advice

    The last thing my body should be doing is running, but I keep dragging it out there anyway. If only there were swim/bike biathlons ... Three things have really helped me progress and minimize injuries: 1. Walk breaks: I started out doing intervals of run 1 min./walk 1 min., then the...
  8. G

    Body Blast Tank Top Rotation

    Anyone have a version of the tank top rotation that incorporates a little bit of everything over a couple of weeks, including the Body Blast & Intensity series as well as S&H, CTX, PS & MIS?
  9. G

    Pryamid Weight Question

    Sometimes to help me inch up in weight, I'll just take some extra rest time before going back down the pyramid. After a couple of times doing this, I'm able to use the heavier weight without the extra rest.
  10. G

    Disappointed with results

    1300 calories -- wow! That is low! No wonder your energy, and your weight loss, may be lagging. There's a great story in "Training Plans for Multisport Athletes" about a runner who was taking in about 1300 calories a day and was frustrated that she wasn't losing weight. The nutritionist...
  11. G

    Oh, those DARN girl scout cookies!

    Some Alternatives Just a little plug for the Girl Scouts here (my employer). Girl Scouts is a great organization that is doing a lot for girls, and a good part of the funding is from cookies (for the girls, their troops, their Councils, and the costs associated with running a national...
  12. G

    body for life checkin

    IMHO, it's not the exact BFL workouts that do it for everybody, but the diet. What's he say, nutrition is 80% or something like that? If you're in the spirit of the routine, I think it'll work. Um, just a thought ... a few drinks? I think that was 11? I'm such a cheap date. One martini...
  13. G

    ?Starch blockers

    There's an article about the starch blockers in M&F Hers. The July issue, I think. It endorsed the idea for complex carbs (won't work on candy bars ;-) ). I think the article is fairly reliable, but keep in mind that the starch blocker manufacturers are major advertisers.
  14. G

    Results to share after only 1 week of new rotation.

    Thanks for the link. I had forgotten about the couch potato to 5K workout. I've just been getting back into running and just do my workouts organically: when HR gets too high, I walk until I feel ready to go again. So I'm ready for about week three or four. Maybe we...
  15. G

    OT: Trying to get my boss in trouble

    As a supervisor of 45 people, I can tell you that even with that many, nothing is ever anonymous. Of course, if your boss is that out of touch with his employees, he may not be able to figure out with only eight! Personally, unless it is a name optional evaluation or survey, I usually just...