I am desperate for more amazing cardio (preferably HIIT)! Due to back/sacrum issues, I can't do things that force me to curve my lower back forward (e.g. burpees, leaning forward to touch ground). Due to knee issues, I can't do step. The only cardio workouts I can do are Tabatacize, Cardio...
I own every single Cathe video that isn't exclusively step. I am desperate, however, for more cardio workouts. I want non-step workouts with no bending over where you have to flex the lower back--so squats, lunges, etc. are fine since you can keep your back flat but I've now properly thrown my...
I love the Perfect 30 videos, though unless they have a bonus, I do find them too short. So yes, more of them ... but always with a bonus to bump up to 40-45+ mins, please!
I'd love another upper body weights workout and love the idea of a barre workout (for days when Turbo Barre is a bit...
Like the other commenter, I would recommend Stuart McGill (a fellow Canadian!). I've had multiple personal trainers and physiotherapists tell me (and other people I know) to never, ever do crunches. Planks, on the other hand, they're wild about. Crunches put tons of pressure on the spring...
I was a little disappointed that I bought the new bands/loops and then the blue loop was never used in the loop video. That, paired with the fact that I didn't find either video especially challenging (Glutes and Core will be okay for low energy days, I guess, but the Total Body one won't be of...
I'm happy to report that the Fiona (my favorite low-impact sports bra, hands down) is still made. Brooks bought Moving Comfort; just go to the Brooks Running website and you'll find Fiona.
Also, I have a large chest for my size and I've tried EVERY kind of super-supportive sports bra. People...