Recent content by ALIO0026

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    Please recommend me some workouts.

    Sorry I didn't specify. I have Cathe workouts, I am looking for other instuctors that offer advanced DVD's.
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    what to do

    I totally understand your situation. I am a Registered childcare provider myself. Unfortunately theirs not much to do. This kind of thing happends time to time when you are in buisness for yourself. I had one parent not pay me for the last week their child was in care. He told me 2 or 3 times he...
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    Please recommend me some workouts.

    I am not ordering the new Cathe DVD's. I need something else. Cathe is my fav and I do have some others like Amy, Christi and some old Firm. I like step and circuit workouts. Please let me know of any other good ones I haven't discovered. Thanks.
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    Who HASN'T ordered STS?

    Have not either. I just was never interested in it. I simply don't like all weight work. I cant wait for more DVD's like Body Max2 and Low Impact Circuit.
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    Speaking of tv shows

    I loved Big Shots it was my fav. The men where so hot. Even the dorky one. Well, his body anyway. Did you catch when he was ganna fight the bully. He was built. Now I'm watching Eli Stone, which if so funny and clever.
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    Life After People....

    Darn I missed it, we were looking forward to it. I'm sure it will be on again.
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    Looking for stainless steal cookware set

    I really like Wolfgang Pucks. I got mine at Sam's but they have them on the home shopping channels all the time.
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    Help! DD made brownies! Should I....

    Eat it, then eat one for me. J/J One wont hurt though.
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    Jennifer Love Hewitt issue

    I do think she is just fine the way she is. Junk in the trunk and all. I do feel sorry for these celebrities who cant even fart without someone knowing about it. You know what I mean.
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    IMAX2 or IMAX3?

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    Did you see the blog update?

    Cathe looks like she's going to kick some a** in that picture. I love it.
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    He did try Imax 2 because he said it didnt look too hard. OMG I just couldnt look at him or I would loose it and mess up myself. My daughters still laugh about it to this day. He's never tried it since.
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    Running is all about the music!

    Clarrisa- I'm the same way I love 80's and todays top 40 music. When I here them on the Cathe dvd's I just boosts me up a notch and I get a extra burst of energy.
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    $ of a gallon of gas

    $2.65 in Houston Tx. last I checked
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    Jodi is a genius...

    So cute, I didnt see them the first time around.