STS first time!

Good morning ladies!
I am going to post before my day gets away from me. I have really been neglecting the weights lately so did the 3 gym style workouts this week. I don't know if its the way these workouts are designed or what, but I feel like I have lost alot of strength since STS. I'm cutting myself a little slack, because Cathe starts Chest with those 72 pushups so my muscles are fried for chest press, but I know I was able to lift highter amounts of weight. The beauty of STS was that we were guided with each workout to lift heavier and our bodies responded so well. I am tempted to start STS again but we have a 2 week vacation in Aug. so the timing is not right. And I want to add a big recommendation for GS Legs, I haven't done that one in a long time and forgot how great the floor work was, some really good moves with the ball and band.

I am not sure what workout I will do today, I just have to make myself do weights every other day to stick with it. I have also been swimming alot with the kids.

Marie, how exciting on both the apartment and baby front. Sounds like the new apt. will be so much better than the old situation and you and Tony will have much needed privacy. And you can start preparing the room for the baby!

Missy, that migraine sounds scary, especially since you were driving. Sounds like you had an extra busy week at work, I wonder if stress triggered it? Anyway, I hope you do not experience that again!

Si, thanks for the nutriton information. I'm not usually hungry first thing in the morning but always feel like I should eat something before a workout or I run out of steam.

Meredith and Jean, you single moms are strong women, it is hard enough parenting with 2 parents. I give you a lot of credit.

Colleen, hope the birthday party went well and Lydia had a great time. Good for you for getting your workout in on such a hectic day!

Ok, while typing I decided I will do CSS, so off I go. Oldest daughter was attending volleyball camp up at Dartmouth College in NH this past week so I am heading out later this morning to pick her up (2 hr drive from here). The house has not been right since she was away.

Have a great Sunday!
Mary- I have heard from so many people that GS Legs is one of the best leg workouts. I'll have to add yet another DVD to my wish list :)

Carolyn- It's sooo hot in MN today too. I'm all about the fan blowing on me when working out. I used to not like it but since becoming pregnant it helps to cool me down.

Jean- Good job on Drill Max. There's another I have to get :) Tony and I are so excited to move :) Privacy! Nothing like it. We have had the house to ourselves these past two nights and we are loving it. Baby soon too....big changes. We are excited!!! I will for sure keep you all posted when I go into labor. I have the forum app on my phone so I'll send a message on the way to the hospital. I'm so nervous about where my water is going to break. I work a half hour away from the hospital I'm going to deliver at so my Dr said if it breaks at work I should drive to that hospital. Makes me nervous. I just hope I'm at home with tony at the time cuz the last thing I want to do is drive to the hospital all by myself.....................................................Attention all ladies.......anyone willing to share a story about where their water broke and if they drive themselves to the hospital...........................would be much appreciated :)

Working til 3:30. I didn't get my coffee yet but I'm going to head down to the cafe and get a decaf iced latte here in a bit. That should have enough caffeine to keep me up a little later tonight. Tony texted me and wants to go out for dinner and a movie tonight. He doesn't get home til 6:30 so I'll have no excuse to not finish the last upper body workout for Meso 1 today when I get off.

Not too much excitement at work today. I'm actually done with everything including my charting. Today is visiting day for the patients (I'm on the chemical dependency unit today again and they can have visitors every Sunday from 1-4). Needless to say it keeps them busy and away from the nurses station ;) A code blue was called on the Geri psych unit this morning so of course I wanted to go and help. I love emergency situations! The patient was eating breakfast and suddenly quit breathing and turned blue. Thankfully everything turned out ok for him.

Alright time to go get my latte :)

Hello ladies!

Just finished my workout for today and now I have to hurry up and shower so I can get some housecleaning done, then supper started and then....wait anxiously for Breaking Bad to start at 8:00!! Got the rest of my day all planned! I think we are even going to be able to pick some green beans from the garden for supper tonight! I think this is the earliest we've ever had them come in!

Today I did Trisets Lower body split and then part of a kettlebell workout. It was Paul katami's Kettlebell Kombos which is one I got in a trade quite awhile ago and hadn't gotten around to trying it. It was okay. I did some of the exercises but I really like a kettlebell workout with tons of swings and variations on swings so I sort of veered from the workout and did a lot of that. I stopped at the 30 minute mark since I was pretty well worked thorougly having combined it with Trisets!!:eek:

I have such a funny may be a little tmi, maybe not but it's so funny I just have to share it. Well, yesterdays workout with HC bootcamp had tons and tons of planks and push ups as you guys know. Well, last night the chest DOMS must have been settling in because I dreamed I was lactating but trying to use my breast pump and I couldn't get to it. In the dream, my chest was hurting from being engorged (you'll know what I mean Marie after baby is born and your milk comes in! LOL:eek:). That feeling of tightness and being uncomfortable...I never realized how similar it was to DOMS from chest work! lol:eek:

Marie- both times when my water broke it was early morning while I was in bed. The first time with Dylan was at about 5:00 am and it woke me up. Since I was in labor with him for 12 hours, I figured when it happened with Lydia (that time at about 6:00 am) that I had plenty of time to get up and shower before heading to the hospital. With her, though, the contractions started getting really close together while I was in the shower and I thought "uh oh! I think I need to get there NOW!" LOL Lydia ended up being born at 7:30 am! We barely made it to the hospital! When I got there I was fully dilated and there was no time for epidural or pain meds!:confused: It was over lightening quick though, thank goodness!

Jean- awesome job on Drill Max! I need to do that one soon again! I think it's been over a month for me too since I last did it.

Oh and the birthday part was fun!:D Lydia of course was bombarded with presents. We had princess balloons all over the place this morning on the floor since they had lost some helium and were littering the carpet. I really need to clean up more. It's amazing how trashed the place gets when we have people over! I need to vacuum every carpet in the house!

Carolyn- have you tried HC volume 2 again yet? I gotta say, since doing those workouts I've noticed (and Mark has mentioned it too!) that my waist is more cinched in and my obliques are really firm. The crazy thing I didn't expect was the amount of arm definition I'd get from these! I think body weight exercise can be tougher than weightlifting sometimes!:eek:

Good Afternoon. I have been so busy today. Got up made breakfast for my sweet hubby!! Did 60 Minutes on the elliptical. Cleaned the entire house. Baked brownies for Tim. Did more laundry. And now I am getting ready to go to dinner at the in-laws.

Tonight I am doing Afterburn!!!!

Can't wait till tomorrow so I can pre-order!!!

Not much time.....BBL!!! :)
Colleen---After reading about HC results....I better get on them. They are just sitting here. But, I am going to have to start working them in my schedule!!! :)

You are too funny!!! (storeys)

Never TMI here. We all can get pretty detailed but that is the only way to tell a storey!!! :p

Gotta run, hubby is calling me...lets go!!!! Lets go!!!!

Oh yeah I need to order. I'll wait til tomorrow though. Quick post while Tony is getting ready. Date night tonight :) Done with Meso 1 :) Even did the extended stretch. Colleen- Thanks for the stories :) Hope mine is quick like your second ;) Funny dream too and agree with Missy...never tmi :)
Just preordered XTrain without the spin bike!:D Whoo hoo!

I am soooo sore in the lower body from my workouts yesterday! I swear I think Trisets lower body is the MOST effective lower body workout in the short time given (39 minutes). I have lots of lower body workouts I love (you guys know how I worship LBB!:eek:) but Trisets definitely gives the most bang (and butt DOMS!) for the buck time wise! I love it! I really love my kettlebells for back work, too. When I do my HC workouts I sometimes feel a little unbalanced so it's nice to do some kettlebell swings to balance out the muscles. I'm really excited that Cathe is paying special attention to rear delts. Like she said in her description, they often seem to get a little neglected and can lead to shoulder and posture problems. I'm really excited to see what she's got in store there! Today is my rest day. I definitely need it!

I'm going to be filling in at our South side store today computer:(. I probably won't get to check in until tonight but post away ladies! I need to have something to read on my blackberry today! Your posts go directly to my email which pops up with a "ding!" on my blackberry and I get all excited to see who posted!:p The south store is super slow usually...I wish I didn't have to go down there today. I'm really just doing a favor since the new doc they just hired can't take all the insurances yet so they want me to see those patients.

Later gals!
Hi everyone, just an "all about me" post, and I'll be back tonight to read and respond to everyone else's posts. I did Disk 4, and felt stronger today. The push-ups were still the hardest thing about this workout, but the barbell with the band was a really good move too! I really need to get weighted gloves because there were quite a few moves where 20 was too much and 15 was not enough. I also noted how slick the editing was. I could tell some of the moves were in last week's workout because of the things Cathe said, but it was not choppy at all, so seamless. Cool! The other poopy thing is that I'm not sure Workout Manager is saving my changes. I need to go and play with it some more. Okay, gotta run. Happy Monday everyone!
Morning, gals! Was away for weekend, got back waaay after midnight, and have not read most of the posts.

One of the ones I did see was yours, Missy, about your headache! I think I have a name for it! Ocular migraines! Check it out. My friend just started experiencing them this spring. I don't think it's anything to be worried about, but do follow it, note it, and get it checked out if it gets unbearable.

Carolyn, do tell us about the beach.

Marie, good job finishing Meso 1! Si and Mer, welcome to week 2! Great going!

I usually pre-order somewhere in the middle of the time range, not right away, even though I am ever so excited each and every single time!:eek:

I'm dying from the heat and humidity! No rain, or drops of rain in sight! Aaaaghhhhh!

Have to go! My workout will have to be later in the day too. Catch y'all later!
Hi Everyone. Today is no w/o because I am running errands. I am excited we all got our pre-orders in. I don't know why we feel it is necessary to do it immediately. I think the whole world was trying to order at the same time. My husband called us "Cathe's Minions".

Marie My daughter was born on her due date. I was young and had no idea what labor felt like. I was having cramps all day . I cleaned the apartment and rearranged the furniture. When my husband got home from work we went to sign papers to get a loan. The whole time in the loan ofc the cramps were really bad. When we got home I layed down hoping they would go away. Finally my husband said you better call the Dr. He said come to the hospital. I got to the hospital at 6:30 pm and she was born at 8:02 pm. The Dr broke my water. Back then , having natural childbirth was rare. So they put me out and the next thing I remember was the nurses pressing on my stomach saying "wake up You had a girl". Also they didn't have the technology to know the sex before hand. So that's my story.

Colleen I am going to have to put triset lower body on my list of stuff to do. I have that so I need to try it again. I am thinking I will do my lower body dvds with meso 3 instead of plyo or squat rack.

Meredith I loved the barbell with the band. I really felt my biceps getting worked good. As for the w/o manager updating your weights , here is how Carolyn taught me to do it and it works everytime:

workout manager
click the day of w/o you want to adjust
on the right side click show details
below click edit w/o
fill in actual weight and actual reps

You have to fill in all the blanks for the exercise. If there were 3 sets,you have to enter the weight 3 times. You will see what I am talking about. Let me know if this works.

Carolyn What a horrible experience at the beach. I agree with you on all aspects. I understand why you won't go back with them. The ocean is a very dangerous place. Some parents are just too relaxed when it comes to their children. And the foul language around kids is awful. And to be drinking at the beach is so not necessary.

Carolyn you are not a prude! I am always amazed when I see parents who are more interested in having a good time for themselves when they should be taking responsibility for their kids! Especially at the beach, I would never take my eyes off my kids. You just don't know what will happen, and no one else is watching them. Kids can drown, and from what I have read it doesn't look like what we see on TV, it can happen very quickly with no one shouting for help. You definitely did the right thing! And I feel for your daughter, with no one her age to play with. My kids are on the shy side as well so I've been through that, at least you were there for her. Again, it sounds like these parents just wanted to have a good time. Now you know not to go again when your friend invites you.

Jean, I'm so proud of you for ordering GS Legs! It is a toughie, but you can make it easier by going lighter on the weights. It also might be good to separate the standing and floor work, both excellent workouts on their own.

Colleen, I agree about TBT Lower Body - those dixie cup lunges give me DOMS every time!

Marie, I had the same worries about my water breaking. With my first, I was working in Boston and my dr. was in Boston, and I took public transportation into the city. It was also a snowy december. It was a long trip and I did not know what I would do if my water broke while I was working. Luckily it did not happen, we were at a friend's for dinner one Sat. night and it happened there.

Betty, I was disappointed we did not get thunderstorms last night, we badly need the rain.

Meredith, congrats on getting through all those pushups. Definitely get the weighted gloves. I also got some 2lb wrist weights that came in handy for odd amounts, especially because I could wrap them around my barbell.

Will do some upper body weights later when I get home. have a good day!
Marie both times I went into labor it was the wee hrs of the a.m. I was woken with cramps that felt like diarrhea cramps. Sorr if tmo! My water had to be broken by the dr both times. It was an hr and a half after that they were born. Both times. I did it with no drugs both times. It really wasnt that bad. Just hurt when they actually came out. Labor was just bad cramps for me.
Will talk more tomorrow. This typing in dark is makimg me queasey

Thanks Carolyn! Good to know! Wow quick labor for you too! Cross your fingers for me haha! Oh and never tmi my friend!

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