I will be turning 43 in a few weeks (Yikes)!!! Over all I have excellent skin texture no visible wrinkles and often told I look like I'm in my mid 20's!!
As far as skin care routine I keep it very simple- daily cleanser (image skin care) daily moistirizer (age defying moistirizer with spf 15 by olay) and exfoliate twice a week with (Saint Ivys papaya) As I'm getting older is thr certain ingredients I should be looking at when selecting skin care products? I'm noticing that my skin is looking a little dull. Is it better to go to get your skin care from a dermatoligist or over the counter skin care? What is your skin care routine-I would love to hear and what are your favorite products? Thanks!!!
I will be turning 43 in a few weeks (Yikes)!!! Over all I have excellent skin texture no visible wrinkles and often told I look like I'm in my mid 20's!!