RE: <--you're singing out of tune but the beat's in tim...
<-- waves Good Evening to anyone who's still up
<-- didn't get a chance to play online at home today so <-- saved it for OT time tonight
<-- hasn't heard a single thing about promotion, but knows the whole process takes time *sigh*
<-- did Step Works (well part of it since I'm still recovering) for first time today
<-- really, really enjoyed it
<-- is very happy <-- purchased Cardio Hits with STS pre-order
<-- happy dancing for Lorie's ticket victory
<-- enjoys the smileys in ^^'s posts
<-- loves Liann's house
<-- has always loved split levels
<-- joins Phyllis in her wish for an extra hour a day for computer playtime
<-- is sorry Shelley and her TTOM b*tch have to go to seminar in the city tomorrow
<-- hopes Amelia enjoyed her cardio and LB workout
<-- loves the day after carpet cleaning day! :7
<-- hopes Ronne can find some time to workout soon
<-- wonders why everyone's so foggy today?
<-- sends healing vibes to Beavs' neck and upper back
<-- waves to Maeghan and Amy
<-- thinks it's totally cool that Maeghan was in the AF and is a firefighter
<-- :7 at Emily's tuck jump into the thread
<-- hopes Suzanne find more time to come play with the OAL
<-- hopes Lainie's TTOM doesn't bug her too much
<-- gives AmyG a big HUG
<-- thought of that Meg Ryan movie You've Got Mail when <-- read about Amy's sadness
<-- thought specifically about the part where Birdie tells Meg's character that closing her bookstore is the brave thing to do
<-- thinks Amy moving on from teaching there is a brave thing to do
<-- hopes that doesn't sound silly...or just plain doesn't fit the situation
<-- sends Stephanie a gallon of e-caffiene :+
<-- :7 at Beth calling Horatio a hornblower
<-- fell asleep 1/4 into his hornblowing Monday night x(
<-- forgot to check if that episode is showing OnDemand today x(
<-- is having fun running amuk in OAL thread tonight
<-- thinks this novella is long enough though
<-- sends sweet dreams vibes to all