Your intro to Cathe??


What was it that first led you to Cathe and her workouts??

What is it that keeps you with her??

Me first (obviously...:p )

I had tried other video fitness instructors in the past...and had great success with Billy Blanks and TaeBo, but I tried so hard to become certified that it took alot out of me, and basically I felt it was time for a change..although Tae Bo is still a fantastic workout.

Through TaeBo, I found a love of kickboxing, and went onto collage video's site and saw Cathe's Kick Punch and Crunch, and I honestly don't know why, I was drawn to it, and ordered it. Two things stuck out. One, the workout was hard..which I needed..but doable, which I love!! Two..I was amazed to see the quality of the production of the video, and the use of DVD technology, which is something not all DVD's use. Are Cathe's tapes a little more money...yes, but I have no problem paying a little more for quality. Additional Cathe purchases have only strengthened my feelings..the premixes ensure you never get the same workout twice, if you choose..that's awesome..:)

As for Cathe herself...consummate professional...I admire someone who comes right out and tells you that you're going to have to work for it, rather than sugercoat it and tell you how easy it is going to be. As someone who has been a member of several health clubs, getting a health club quality workout is important to me..this is where Cathe really shines..her technique, cueing, just the right amount of motivation without going overboard, and her team is top-notch as well.

I never dreamed I'd get the added bonus of a top professional not too far from my home, doesn't get any better than that!!!

What will keep me a Cathe fan is the fact that she remains on the cutting edge of fitness, which requires a ton of work on her part, to be sure, she takes her profession seriously, which is a pleasure to witness.

I'm not exactly just what it is I want to accomplish as far as outward appearences go, that's simply not a big deal to me. What does matter is how I feel about myself when I complete a workout, and I sure wish I could bottle the feeling I had yesterday when I left her club..I could make a fortune!!

I am so glad I found Cathe and these boards!!

Oooh I like this one.

After my second child was born, I had MEGA weight to lose (I gained 55 pounds per child). So, I was flipping through the channels one day and saw her workout on FitTV. I decided to try it the next time it was on, and I was hooked. I couldn't even lift my body off the floor to do jumping jacks, but I stuck with it and loved it.

I loved the way Cathe never mentioned "losing weight" or "getting skinny"... She talked about "getting fit" and "getting strong"... I realized that should be my goal. She changed my whole point of view. Working out with the goal of being healthy, not skinny, really helped me to stay on track and not get distracted. And I now can do those jumping jacks very easily. I'm MUCH healthier, fitter and smaller. But the smaller part is just a bonus.

I love the way Cathe's workouts ALWAYS challenge me. She doesn't take it easy on her audience. She knows what we are capable of -- sometimes more than I think we do.

And I love that I found these forums! Since finding the forums, I have been inspired to "eat clean" and live even healthier! Thanks Catheland!!
I found Cathe because I was bored, bored, bored with other step aerobics instructors. I was picking up used dvds and videos on eBay and got The Best of Crunch with Fat Blaster on it. I loved the workout, but it was short and I got bored doing only that one.

I started looking to see if the instructor had any other step workouts. I couldn't find any more of his, but I ran across a review that said if you like this, you'll love Cathe.

I got the Classics dvd first and before I knew it I was hooked. I loved the fact that I couldn't just do the workouts the first time I tried them. I had to work and think. Makes time fly by and it's FUN. Cathe is a doll and I laugh while I'm doing the workouts. When I first did LIC a week or two ago, I had this silly grin on my face almost the entire time. And I was sweating up a storm. That's a good workout. :)

Just started into using the circuit workouts with weights. Used to just take the cardio step portions and I like that, too.

Fun topic. :)

What drew me to Cathe was when I was flipping through channels and saw her on Fit TV. I had done exercise videos with Jane Fonda back in the 80s and took several years of dancing but had stopped working out shortly after I had my kids. When I saw her doing Rhythmic Step, I said to myself "finally, an advanced instructor with great choreography". It took me quite a few attempts before I had it down pat but I felt so proud of myself when I was done. I had never done strength training before I turned 40 but after plenty of reading I realized just how important it was to get started and Cathe helped me get started. Her strength workouts always challenge me. I've branched out from Cathe for cardio a little bit because I like extremely complex choreography. Her Slow & Heavy and Gym Styles are my favorite strength workouts. I don't like endurance workouts. Cathe definitely got me into the best shape of my life and the rest of you have also helped me as far as how to eat clean. I started about two years ago and have kept off the twenty pounds I lost. I went from a size 10 to a size 0/2.

Yes, her DVDs are a little more expensive than the rest but I think she offers more than the rest. She can't be beat for premixes. Her cueing is great and she has a great personality. She has set the standard for everyone else.

Cathe, crew and this forum are great. You can always get great support, friendship and advice.

Great thread Jerry.

My first Cathe workout was Kick, Punch & Crunch. I came across it after getting hooked on tae bo. I happened to tune into Fit TV, and KPC happened to be playing. I watched it and thought, wow, what an awesome workout that appears to be. I taped it when it was on again and did the whole thing. I thought, I just have to get this tape, so I went on and ordered the tape. Wow, was that a challenge to complete. I found that the Fit TV version was shorter, lol. After that, I was on a hunt for any and all Cathe kickbox workouts. Of course I couldn't stop there. I must admit, the first time I caught one of Cathe's weight lifting workouts on tv, I thought that is insane. Here I am watching these women squat with barbells loaded with weights, and I had never worked out like that before. I ordered Cathe's Push/Pull and Supersets, and before long, I was on a hunt for all of Cathe's workouts, lol. Even step workouts which I had always shied away from, and even now, choreography is my weak point. There is something about Cathe that makes me feel I can do anything.

Once I joined this forum, I saw what a beautiful person Cathe is both inside and out, and I can say that I think I will be doing Cathe's workouts for a very long time, if not forever.
PowerMax in 1997. When I got out of grad school & entered the real world I discovered how hard it was to have a serious exercise routine while working 40+ hours a week. I discovered Cathe through a Collage Video catalogue & ordered by phone, fell in love w/the workout, butt floss & all. :7

If it wasn't for Cathe I wouldn't be in the same shape today that I was in 1997.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm probably in better shape today than I was in 1997. ;-)
I was always doing the all star w/outs on Fittv and one day decided to give BootCamp a try. Whew. I thought, this lady is nuts. And it was the edited version! Anyway now BC seems like one of the easier ones for me but it got me started!
I was a Firm Believer from the very first Firm VHS. Then I called Collage and asked them to suggest something more challenging and they suggested Cathe. It was Pure Strength and Max Intensity Cardio. Almost killed me! Still love PS tho MIC not so much. It still kills me.
My sister is what/who lead me to Cathe! My sister noticed my slouch in my stance and my arse (um hum) was creeping around to the front. My sis is avid Cathe fan! She lent me CTX and said don't use weights to start. I didn't and about died just moving my body up and down. That was leaner(meaner legs)! Wow!! I remember trying kickbox back then and almost hyperventalating...actually I I calmed down and went back to it. I remember feeling great after I was done. I never finished either one but figured one more rep a day and I would have it.

What keeps me with Cathe? I feel beautiful! I feel strong! Cathe is no nonsense...she shows how it is done where it targets and makes you love her through it all. I am smarter as well since I know all my muscles names and what works them because Cathe is a great teacher. I love her personality and how great her staff screams WOAH! I know I am not alone. Other videos will have you think doing what they are doing will get you to look like them...and to no've wasted your money!! This is what makes Cathe great to me she honestly shows you the TRUTH!!

Wish I could meet her and all of you as well someday....

Great post Jerry,
It is so nice to see another male posting.Cathe classes are great aren't they.Unfortunately I am little far to get to them but I will be back in N.J. soon.I discovered cathe around 1998 or 1999.I was tired of my Men of Steel Video & I did an internet search & found video fitness a website dedicated to at home fitness exercisers.They talked about this Cathe lady who they said was the best & rated Bodymax as the most intense video ever.I ordered it & I have been hooked ever since.I have pretty well done them all - yes I even mastered all of the step tapes.I learned from Cathe I have now even been able to tackle complex choreography by Patrick Godeau & Christi Taylor but no one gives the intensity that Cathe does excep maybe xtremekickboxing by amy bento.My heartrate soared on that one.& px 90 - the weight work is superb.
Take care Jerry
I was doing step workouts by Cathy Smith and Gin Miller when I saw a review of Step Heat in a fitness magazine. I ordered it from Collage and the rest is history. There was a time gap, when SNM stopped selling through collage and I didn't have internet access, so I'm still trying to catch up on some of the workouts I missed then. Cathe is certainly the best that's out there.
I'd been working out consistently for about 16 years when I got my first home computer in 1996. I found immediately...and everyone was raving about Cathe. I'd seen Cathe in the Collage catalogs but since I'd never heard of anyone who had tried her, I never bought a tape. But so many people at VF were raving, that I caved.

I bought Power Max as my first Cathe, that was about 11 years ago and it's still the cardio workout I reach for when I don't feel much like doing anything.

Since then I think I have every Cathe workout including her very old ones (some which may embarass her!) except taking it from the top, which I can't find anywhere. I got many on Ebay and one old CIA one (1006) at CIA sale years ago.

Barbara P
I have been working out off an on since my first year of college when I had a weight lifting class (15 years ago). Last January, I had been doing the Turbo Jam workouts regularly and thought I would NEVER switch to anything else. However, I did want a weight workout. I was flipping channels one day and ended up on FitTv....guess who was on????? }(

I ordered MM and have been hooked ever since. I rarely do the TJ now and cannot imagine doing anything else but Cathe workouts. I tell anyone and everyone I can about them!

I discovered Cathe around 1992-1993.
Shape magazine used to have a yearly review of workout videos (when there weren't the huge numbers available like now), and they gave Cathe's "Step 'n Motion III" a "A" rating all around, so I ordered it. That led me to this forum, which led me to VF, which led me to buying a lot more workouts (Cathe and otherwise).

So far, I've picked up every Cathe workout since then, except for the "Terminator" compilation.
I found Cathe only about 6 months ago. I was ready to shed about 10 extra pounds, and I had always wanted to try step aerobics. Cathe's set with the small step, 3 DVDs, and a few other things, was on sale that week at Target for $50, so I bought it.

The first time (and probably second and third and so on) I did Basic Step, I was drenched in sweat and though, "how can this crazy lady talk all the way thru this workout?!" Little did I know....

I was instantly hooked. 6 months, 12 DVDs, and about 12 pounds later, I am a Catheite (sp?) for LIFE! As someone else said, every workout is a challenge, her personality is great, and her focus is on FIT not THIN.
I found her on-line in or around 2000, I Googled 'advanced workout videos' and that took me to VideoFitness which led me to Cathe. My first workouts were PowerMax, BodyMax and CircuitMax and I was hooked right away. My credit card got almost as good a workout as I did for the first couple of years. I have everything from StepMax on. I sometimes hear people refer to different workouts as 'dated' but I've never found that with any of them, they stand the test of time as a workout. The clothes? Sometimes...not so much:)

Take Care
In April of this year I was looking for some new kickboxing DVDs because while I enjoyed Tae Bo and liked Billy Blanks' personality, I didn't like the trouble he had counting and how when he said right he meant his right, etc. So one thing I ordered was Cathe's Kick Max. As soon as I did it I realized this was a whole new ball game. Wow. During most of the kickbox/bootcamp part I just made weak attempts at jumping like Cathe, then did some regular jumping jacks, then just stared open mouthed.

Then I decided I wanted to give step aerobics a try and the step I bought came with Basic Step + Cardio & Weights. I caught on to Basic Step well enough but the first time I thought I'd do C&W I was definitely not ready. I remember not being able to lift even half what Cathe was lifting and I was totally lost on the step part. That's funny in retrospect because I know now I can lift the same as Cathe on that workout (not true of all her workouts, but at least I get a lot closer than I used to) and I find the step pretty easy now.

Since then I've bought everything Cathe has currently available on DVD, though I haven't even tried all of them yet! I have a few other instructors but day after day it's Cathe that I reach for. I'm so glad I found this forum just a couple weeks after I got those first DVDs.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal font size=+1]***Lainie***

"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
I almost feel guilty because I only discovered Cathe on Fit Tv about a year or so ago. I've been working out pretty steady and hard for about 14 years and for a 43 year old mom of two, oldest is 21, I look pretty damn hot. Sorry, I work my butt off to look decent. Anyway, did the gym thing for years, still have the membership, but noticed I was in a definite lull meaning I would go nearly everyday, do my 3 sets of 10-12 for each muscle group, alternating different muscles and had hit a wall and frankly got bored.

Like so many people here I saw Cathe on fit tv and remembering almost immediately saying, WOW, she looks great and I want to look like that. Mostly though I think its her style and approach to weights and being fit. She is so refreshing and it got me interested enough to go online and read all about her. Now, here I am about 20 dvds later and adding on, I look forward to working out again and being sore. I still use the membership but only once or twice a week to get those extra hits on muscles that I feel sometimes I don't quite get it hard enough, usually back and legs. Other than that, it's all Cathe!

I have people ask me when I'm out and about how I stay in shape, I always say Gotta check her out, I did.

I saw Cathe's workouts in Collage several years ago & was attracted to her use of heavy weights...can't remember why, but for some reason I wanted a workout with heavier weights. So, my first Cathe workout was ~gasp~ MIS. I'm talking straight from Kathy Smith to MIS! After my first time through (and I thought I was going to die!), I actually could not lower myself to the john...I had to just go PLUNK! all at once & hope I wouldn't break the seat (or my seat!)

Nevertheless, I loved the challenge & I loved Cathe & Cedie immediately, & I have NEVER looked back. And yes, part of the attraction was Cathe's emphasis on getting strong & fit, & persuading me that I could do this too. She changed my life completely.

Okay, I better sign off before I start to cry.

While I was neck deep in a never ending Firm cycle (I had done each Firm workout I had like 35 times - no joke), and getting rather bored, I spied Cathe on Fit TV. It looked so complicated to me compared to the Firm so I didn't dare try it for awhile. When we moved to our next post, we were fortunate enough to have a Tivo, so I recorded IMAX 2 and tried it one day. I was HOOKED! I don't remember doing any Firm workouts after that actually. After I recorded all I could on FitTV, I looked her up on the internet and found an absolute JACKPOT of workouts and a whole community dedicated to her! I think I spent like $500 the first 6 months after discovering this website. And I don't regret a penny. :)


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