Your intro to Cathe??

In 1999 I lost 35 pound mainly from doing Taebo and walking. In 2001 I was watching Fit TV and saw a Cathe workout. I remember thinking I want to do that. Everyone looked so fit and strong. I remember looking at Cedie especially because my body type is similar to hers. My first DVD was Boot Camp and I was hooked. I don't do her step workouts because I just get too frustrated with the steps but I have her high step and weight workouts. To me, Cathe is one of the very few that puts out high quality advanced workouts. It's hard to find anyone else that matches that.
My first workout with Cathe was on New Years Day, two and a half years ago or so. I had a slight hangover and had eaten the night before quite a bit. I felt so guilty and "bloated". I turned on FitTV at 7 am and saw Boot Camp was coming on. I ran and put on workout clothes and did all of Fit TV's version of Boot Camp with an upset stomach! I swore I would never do it again, it was so hard...but now I am hooked with 17 of her videos I own! And because of her, I am studying to be a personal trainer too! Test is in one week!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clarissa ;)

I felt much the same way you did regrading TaeBo, but I did it for so long, it became a non-issue.

I have yet to try the blast on Kick Max, I need to work up to that.

Annette Bethel

I think I fell into Cathe. I started with the Firm about 3 years ago (a long story). I think I started with Cardio and Cathe and got discouraged but I love the weighted workouts.Then a friend suggested 2 things.Do the older Cathe's first and don't try them at PMS/TOM. That worked like a charm. Been hooked every since. I even wrote about Cathe in article for The State Newspaper that was done on home workouts. Annette
This is a good one... when I first got into FIT TV I did Sharon Mann and tried the Caribbean workout ( I haven since to watch them again..they kind of annoy me now haha).
I was a regular gym-goer but needed to add some cardio and I liked how on FIT TV I could do it at home.
I saw Cathe on there and watched for a while.. got kind of irritated because I couldn't do any of her videos (I don't like step areobics and don't have weights at the house)-- "how the hell am I supossed to do this?!", I thought.
Well, almost a year later, I gave up my gym membership and now have a little home gym complete with a full dumbell rack, barbells, bench, bands and a stability ball.
I had been wanting to have a home gym for a while cuz the local gym was always filled with people that had been going for the last 8 years--and still looked exactly the same! Fat and taking their later morning naps on the leg press! .. Oh, and the music was AWFUL.. (Im sorry, but I can't work out to Pink Floyd OR The Hollies lol).
"No wonder these people are all still fat! They come here to socialize and nap!"
So, the rest is history... I started doing Cathe's 11-12 slot on FIT TV.. then I started getting all her workout videos.. one by one. Love the Kickbox ones.
Now that is all I do. I don't wacth FIT much anymore and I find that she motivated me better than when I was at the gym anyways. At least she tells me what to do, how many and counts for me and everything lol.
I customize her workouts now that Ive done them all several times to fit my needs.
I preordered the new ones looking forward to them greatly-- thanks Cathe!!
A friend on WW (Gayle, you know who you are :7 ) was raving about Cathe. I was looking for something to do indoors other than my elliptical. I bought a step w/ Basic Step @ WalMart - didn't like Basic Step much, so I ordered the Body Blast Timesaver DVD and got hooked.

Circuit WO are my favorites since I tend to skimp on the weights, cardio junkie that I am :7 .
After I gave birth to my daughter (almost 5 years ago) I wanted to get back into shape and lose the extra baby fat that I had stored around my waist. I only gained about 12 pounds and I was lucky enough to only gain the weight in my stomach. I ate fairly clean throughout my pregnancy but lost muscle endurance (the little that I had) and wanted to get back into shape seeing how we started a new physical training program in the AF and I had 6 months to get in shape.
I wanted to get up in the mornings and workout but it was kind of difficult because my husband had to get up early (when he wasn't actually gone to school or deployed) and I had to take Alysa to daycare. I was surfing the net one night and decided to look for some workouts that I could do at home. Well I came across CATHE and her CTX. I hadn't even been introduced to her website yet (that was a while later). So anyway, I bought CTX and got it and decided to workout with her. I didn't have a step and only 1 set of 4 pound dumbbells. I actually did her step routines modified on the floor and I had used the 4 pound weights for the weight workouts. I used my daughters little wooden chair for my leg workouts when I could.
I am actually pretty dissapointed with myself because for 5 years i have been building up my CATHE library (and i have every single one of her DVDs/a nice step/and a ball/all the equip basically) but haven't even stuck with a rotation for a full month. I have every intention to but just never do. When I get home (I am currently deployed) I am going to start her beginners rotation, then her immediate and work from there. I workout on a regular basis (I run and do weight training) but i would really like to stick with a CATHE rotation and see what results i can get.
Look at me, I am going off on a tangent. Anyway...this is my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)


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