modified version, is this okay?
Ok, I am normally a lurker and I am restarting my fitness goal (again: mad
. I love this rotation idea, however I need to a beginner rotation, so I made this rotation. Please let me know if I should do some tweaking, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Week 1
1. cardio super sets from low impact series-premix express rounds 1-4
2. tri set- chest, shoulders, triceps
3. cardio express rounds 1-4
4. tri set back biceps
5. cardio supersets premix express round 1-4
6. tri set lower body express premix
7. cardio superset premix express rounds 1-4
8. tri set lower body premix express
Week 2
1. cardio super sets premix rounds 5-8
2. tri set-chest/shoulder triceps
3. cardio super set premix express rounds 5-8
4. tri set back biceps
5. cardio super set premix express rounds 5-8
6. tri set lower body express premix
7. cardio super set premix express rounds 5-8
8. tri set lower body express premix
Week 3
1. cardio supersets the entire workout
2. tri set upper body
3. cardio super sets the entire workout
4. tri set lower body
5. cardio super sets the entire workout
6. tri set upper body
7. cardio super set the entire workout
8. tri set lower body
After week 3 than I will start the more intense metabolic workouts, incorporating upper and lower body with some of the more challenging dvd, such as gym style or slow and heavy dvd's. What do you guys think?
And of course after the 8th workout, there is a rest day