Your Expertise Please - When you have a minute :)

burnmarie, you have inspired me to continue with this rotation and sugar detox! 12 pound weight loss is fabulous! Congratulations!!!
Hi, good morning. I think we all have the same problem,muscle cover with a layer of fat, I do too, exercise we doing every day are ok the only problem is diet, I eat clean like, no sodas,no candy, no chocolate, no chips, no fast food because I cook every day, drink more of 2 liter of water, no juices, ok for me is clean eating but if I don't combine the right amount of protein, vegetables, fruits,carbohydrates, I never going to get the body I looking for. I find a page of some one how doing a meal plan for bodybuilding and is not expensive, this is the page if you want to check and tell me wath you think please: Diesel Body Shop: Fuel Your Body. Plus I download a ebook from fighter diet is like 1500 calories if some want to try let me know and I can share

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE more info on the fighter diet. Been eyeing that for a while now!
modified version, is this okay?

Ok, I am normally a lurker and I am restarting my fitness goal (again: mad:). I love this rotation idea, however I need to a beginner rotation, so I made this rotation. Please let me know if I should do some tweaking, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Week 1
1. cardio super sets from low impact series-premix express rounds 1-4
2. tri set- chest, shoulders, triceps
3. cardio express rounds 1-4
4. tri set back biceps
5. cardio supersets premix express round 1-4
6. tri set lower body express premix
7. cardio superset premix express rounds 1-4
8. tri set lower body premix express

Week 2
1. cardio super sets premix rounds 5-8
2. tri set-chest/shoulder triceps
3. cardio super set premix express rounds 5-8
4. tri set back biceps
5. cardio super set premix express rounds 5-8
6. tri set lower body express premix
7. cardio super set premix express rounds 5-8
8. tri set lower body express premix

Week 3
1. cardio supersets the entire workout
2. tri set upper body
3. cardio super sets the entire workout
4. tri set lower body
5. cardio super sets the entire workout
6. tri set upper body
7. cardio super set the entire workout
8. tri set lower body

After week 3 than I will start the more intense metabolic workouts, incorporating upper and lower body with some of the more challenging dvd, such as gym style or slow and heavy dvd's. What do you guys think?
And of course after the 8th workout, there is a rest day
metabolic workouts

I'm not entirely clear on what metabolic workouts are. I'm under the impression they mix weights and cardio, but if that was so, they'd be like circuits. Is there a Cathe article on metabolic workouts? If so, could someone post a link? Perhaps there are premixes on other videos that would work, as well as the four Cathe specified. Thanks.
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