You made me laugh!


Ok, so during the Pyramid Upper body that I did for the first time last night, by the way. We were on the bicepts, and just as I was thinking I don't know how much longer I can take this you said "I think I'm having an out of body experience." Oh my gosh I've never really laughed out laud at what you say sometimes, because I'm concentrating too hard, I smile, but not laugh. Anyway I almost dropped the weights I was laughing so hard! I obviously had to stop the tape and rewind so I could get all the reps in. Needless to say I am sore today, but I will forgive you this time.;) I really needed the laugh at that point, thank you!

I remember doing the same thing when I did the tape for the first time. I mostly just stopped working, stood there for a second, and then giggled all the rest of the way through the reps (that they did, not me!). She makes me laugh a lot, though, and it is a very
good thing that my floor is concrete!! Otherwise, I wouldn't have a floor left from all the dropped weights :)

Hi Kathy! Yes, I was so spent that I couldn't even get the words out right and had to settle for an "outer" body experience that will make you laugh even harder:7
Every time I do Muscle Endurance, I laugh out loud when Cathe says, "Oh, they're singing happy songs back there!" I was caught so off guard the first time I heard that because it was so funny and I wasn't expecting to hear that. You're too cute, Cathe!
Cathe, that is funny. I am glad to see that you get tired too though! It's a great workout, time really flew by. I believe it's my new favorite weight video, as well as Pyramid Lower Body.
It is kind of funny you brought this up, because I was doing Step Jam two nights ago and Cathe made me laugh out loud. During the first step section there was some country music playing and she said something about some hillbilly music. The way she said it was soo cute. I just cracked up. I had a smile on my face the rest the workout.. :7

In the last step segment of Cardio & Weights is the song "Buttercup". Halfway into the routine, Cathe says, "You'll be singing this all day." And that always makes me smile because I know Cathe teaches at her gym and I wonder how many songs get stuck in her head throughout the work week. Add to that all the years she has been teaching. Do the math... That could be tough. I love "Buttercup" though. I know it's a song about a heartbreaker chick, but the melody is a happy one.

Don't you just love it when Cathe says, "This feels good" or "This feels great!" and I say "It does?"

What tape I found very hilarious, is in Muscle Endurance when Cathe says something to CeDe about her being happy while she is doing the Leg Press. Cathe says "Who in their right mind is happy when they are doing Leg Presses?" And I always think, only a true friend of Cathe's.

But a little later in the tape, she says how "This feels great!" when she is at a very hard part of leg workouts.

Actually, I know what Cathe means by that, but newcomers would think she is a little off to think pain feels good.

HA HA!!!!!!

Or when she says it is "starting" to burn? What does she mean starting..heck the burning started several reps ago :)

My all-time favorite "Cathe saying" is still "It's getting toasty in there!" I always picture my muscles on a skewer over an open flame, because that's sort of what they feel like by the time she says it's "starting" to get toasty - LOL!!

Oh man I am sore today from doing PUB yesterday. It was my second time doing it. The first time I did it, I was in such shock that I didn't realize how hard it was. This time, I was definitely in outer body experience mode during the biceps part. I thought I was going to die.}( I love the pyramids!

The best was in S&H Legs after a set she goes "Well that felt great!"
Then followed it up with..."Well maybe that's a lie..."
That still gets me every time.
All these lines! I remember them all :) ! And when in PLB she says to Cedie ..."Who in the world is that happy while doing leg presses?" and I'm there leg pressing and suffering and I say "Apparently Cedie!!!" I also laughed my *bottom* off when I heard that "out of body experience" line the first time I did PUB.
I love love love the look on Brenda's face in ME when doing the biceps. She has a great face and always makes me smile. She looks like its hurting really bad yet gives us this great "ouch" smile. I love it. I also love S&H legs when Cathe goes...Well, maybe thats a lie" love that!
Yes, yes! I always look at Brenda when I start hurting. She has that resigned look on her face when Cathe still keeps going. Brenda would kinda shake her head but just DOES IT with that smile on her face (and sometimes a half-grimace). She doesn't know this, but that is very inspiring to me.:7

Pinky i agree. I love Brenda and when the going gets tough (as it always does!) i always look for Brenda. I love her face and find her lovely to look at. That look on her face (half smile - half grimace!) always makes me smile...shaking her head thinking "what you want me to do how many more!"...i love it!

I think we should start a respect to Brenda thread!
Add me to the Brenda admiration club!! She is just too adorable with that head shaking thing!! And, I totally can identify with her pain!! LOL!!


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