hi everyone! snowy, sleety sunday over here, which means i am staying put!
so today was legs, all sections, to which i added all out Hiit-- the floor and disc sections plus core 1. i tell you, as much as a i dread when legs are on my rotation, i really feel like that workout fries my legs and butt

. i definitely feel accomplished once i am through with it! i haven't been able to check anything off on the workout manager, though-- anyone else having trouble with that today?
the puppet play was great and so fun that the kids got to play! the best news yesterday was that henri was on the couch *twice* when we got home from diffferent errands. he has been staying in his bed, doing next to nothing, since thursday. now today, he actually got up, went in the kitchen and ate the food in his bowl (we have been hand feeding him "cheat"/people food to get him to eat). i am hoping this means he will stick around for awhile. he is still unsteady on his feet, but as long as he is eating,drinking and moving around in his own way, i am so grateful! talked to the vet yesterday and she said it sounded like his systems may be shutting down

-- yet he is looking better to me today, so we'll see what tomorrow brings.
vicky-- sorry you are stranded at work, but so glad to hear that you are safe!
renee-- hope you had fun with the family! did you get your workout in?
melissa-- good job on the workouts! yeah, i thought that, too about the soreness, but odd that it is in my hamstrings and butt? now, though, after today, i will probably be on fire tomorrow

. my kids are all string players-- the oldest plays violin and viola, my daughter plays violin, and my youngest plays cello. last night they played beethoven trios and then some of their own compositions
eva-- great job on all your workouts! i am with you on the calorie burns, too. i always am hoping to hit at least 500 and feel like i shouldn't eat as much on days i don't. it is probably completely irrational, but i can't help it

. i will say, though, that when i was doing only ashtanga-- dropped the cardio and weights completely-- i lost weight and felt really happy about the way i looked. but, again, that was back in my early thirties, and i think my metabolism has changed quite a bit since then. anyway, hope you got all your stuff done yesterday

off to watch the snow. i like being snowed in when i don't have to go anywhere-- would be even happier if they would cancel oldest's school tomorrow...not likely to happen, though!