XTrain 90 Day Undulating Rotation

Hi Katied!
Im here! Lol i am at work, havnt got in my wo as of yet, but this evening i think it is burn sets chest back and shoulders.
Wtg on hit and adding challenges.. Have you decided on how to add more cardio in? Im thinking on bis n tris night i may add on step moves.
Or i i do tabatas im afraid i can only do two at the most, but i feel i want more cardio that day, sooo was thinking of adding on that day a step wo after the tabata for extra calorie burn.
Strange I feel sooooo fat today. Im hoping it is ttom. But i can almost sware i just did that two weeks ago. :(
Anyway what do you guys think about the ideas above? Or will that be to much? I feel like with this rotation i have had more energy anyway, and i love that! Not sure if it is because its less troubling less stress since i dont have to think of what im doing OR was i always to hard on myself doing my own rotations..???

Is anyone else ferling more energy? So now im more energitic but i feel fatter! ???

Wtg katied on ur workouts you are keeping me motivated! Thanks :).
Ya, where is everyone?
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Renee-- i have seen your arm and see your face and you are not fat!! i feel like that so many days, too. it's weird. i know that i am never quite satisfied with what i look like in the present, but then will look back at pictures and think, wow, i was looking pretty good back then;). seems i am never satisfied with what i see in the mirror, quite, and especially when it's that time of the month!:p i think most women- or lots of women-- are the same way.
i added the leg blasts to bis and tris yesterday and was soaked for my weights. it was a good, short workout to get that cardio in, but i must admit that i am feeling less energetic in my workouts the past few days. don't know if that is overtraining? melatonin and crappy sleep? or a combination of both or fighting off a cold, but i am dragging and pushing my butt through this rotation no matter what. i would try the step and see how you feel the next day-- maybe this thing is light on cardio some weeks to keep us going! i totally feel like i need to have cardio, though, or i am not burning enough calories-- but that may be totally off.

good to see you on here! hope we see some others, too!
Lol Katied ITA on all accounts! From pics of us awhile back to the rotation! That is what i have been telling myself to about sticking to the rotation, i have to trust that its enough.. And ya u may be over training if u are doing extra as well. I guess trial an error.
Oh thanks by the way, i have always been this way. My husbad said when we was in r 20s renee you better like how u look.. U gonna look back and say gawsh i wish i looked like that! Lol he is so right its terrible how ttom makes u feel so drabby.
I'm on the home stretch of studying for my cert exam, so I'm going to be keeping it short and sweet for the next couple of days. I did bis and tris today. That is such a quick workout. I felt very guilty for not doing more, but I started late today. I am going to try to squeeze in the 100 rep challenges for both muscles while I'm reading this evening, but that may or may not happen.

Take care and I hope you are all doing well.:)

Hello ladies! I did burn sets bi & tris this am, I was going to do the 100 rep challenge but it was not on that DVD so I did core 1 instead.
I wonder if it's not a good idea to do 100 rep challenge with burn sets?
Hey everyone! Did All Out HIIT today, but did it high impact for a little more burn...tomorrow is a much needed rest day. I have my internship all day tomorrow and my internship class late tomorrow night, so I'm pretty sure I'll be too zonked to do anything. Anyway, it's nice to see everyone working hard and getting in those workouts even when it's tough to do so! Awesome job!
renee-- see? i am betting most women are the same way;). plus, was wondering if maybe we are all retaining some water right now, like cathe says? or should we be past that point?

eva-- good luck with the exam!

amcad-- we had the same workouts today:) enjoy your rest day!

buneknek-- i wondered the same thing, yet did burn sets yesterday with the 100 rep challenges, and don't even notice any DOMS today. might need to up my weights, but sure felt like i was going to failure...
Hi all im sorry im late posting again, i was on here this morning as well. But i did burn sets back, shoulders, and chest. I really lliked it i went up in weight for bench press and flys. I cant go higher on double arm rows cause of lower back. But i went up on one arnm rows. I used 15 and had 5 pound ankle weights around my wrist. I need 20 now ! Yaa me! Lol.
I will get to personals tomorrow.. I am so happy everyone is hanging in there! We can do this.. This week i get to add tabata and on sun i finaly can try supercuts.. Im excited agaain because i held off on doing it to keep me from getting bored so fast.
Renee-- that's great about going up in weight! Congratulations!

So...after I posted earlier I kinda went on a a major eating binge and am feeling a little bad about it. I think I'm really stressed out and I'm hoping it'll subside by tomorrow. Anyone else ever have this issue?
Gawd yes! All the time! If i do it once in a while not a big deal but i did it too many times and put on lots of weight when my mom was sick. I dont do it as often now but its stil to.often to see any weight loss on scale.. So frustraating.
Im hoping eacch day i get better and get ahold of myself!

Katieed i was still sore after cardio leg blast! Man i wish theyd sale sts plyo disk as dvd not a download that id love.
hi amcad-- yes!! did you see my post from i think it was saturday? i do the same thing. my problem is that i crave chocolate or sweets most days, and most days i eat very clean. but then on the days i let myself "indulge", i end up eating too much of whatever it is (you would be surprised at all the vegan "junk" food you can find these days-- especially where i live, anyway) and feeling crappy about it. then i decide to work out even more. it is crazy, i know. wish we could drop the guilt and just let it go and start fresh the next day, you know?

renee-- you must have worked it good:). i am feeling sore kind of all over today. should make hard strikes interesting! sorry that your mom was sick. hoping she is better now. that is a source of stress for me, and some days feeling pretty down, as my mom has alzheimer's and has really taken a pretty bad turn the past few months. anyway, it is also an inspiration to work out even more as i want to stay healthy for as long as i get to be here.

take care ladies, and talk soon.
Katied i guess you can say she got better in a way, she isnt in pain and ill see her in heaven one day. She past away on thanksgiving two yrs ago. It feels likke yesterday still she was my best friend. I visted her everyday since i was 18 so for all those years she was my life. Her last yr she had to love with us and she past,away here i held her hand, i laid with her, for 7 days she was activly dying. So hard to not cry now even thinking of it. After she past my sabing grace was to jog, jog and cry relieving the nightmare of her last days or remembering fun tomes. She had such a funny personality and sweet shed find humor in anything! Ok enough of that sorry yall.
Im so sorry to her about ur mom Katied i know that is a horrible disease! I had a good friend have to go thru that.. I am sorry and ill pray for your strength to handle it.

Ok today is cardioo leg blast again. I just did it Sunday but it is up again ..so i dont mind, its my favorite but i hope it doesnt jar my lower back. I have been sitting in a s&##y chair at work that hurts my loer back bad. But if i move around im good.
Thanks for the well wishes on my exam tomorrow, katied. I took today as a study day and am home doing some last minute cramming. I did squeeze in a workout today, though.

Today I did All Out Low Impact. I made up my own extreme premix, instead of repeating the first part I repeated most of the second one, except those windmill/side kicks which I hate for some reason. I realized halfway through that segment that it was harder to get through this workout today, and then I realized I had three risers instead of two! So, I finished up with them and may make that my go to set up in the future. I also consistently use heavier weights through this workout to increase the intensity a little bit. Instead of Core #1 I did the core workout from CrossFire.

I have to admit I'm already getting bored with this rotation, so I'm finding it harder to get through the workouts or to get excited about them. I am probably going to take an "Active Recovery" week next week and do some other workouts instead of going right to week 5. I think I need a break from Cathe period. It's dawning on me that a lot of the moves in this series are very familiar, and I'm getting bored with these kind of workouts in general. I'm actually having an existential crisis about it. I may need an extended break for just a totally different kind of exercise rotation. I'm thinking more horizontal conditioning, some Tracy Anderson and maybe that ultimate yogi series that everyone loves. Something totally different for a change of pace. We'll see. Maybe I'm just stressing out because of my study plan or something.:(

Take care everyone,
Hi Eva week 5 adds tabata and supercuts so im hoping that helps. I knew id end up getting bored so i never tried thhose yet. I do wish she had a step workout to break it up somewhat.
Im just mad right now i have tried over a yr to lose weight i got on scale i gained another pound. I have messured im the same except boobs are half inch smaller. My arm is bigger!
Last yr i weight 144 i started mfp i gained in 6 months up to 149 ! Everyone now says i dont eat enough i say bull. . When i gained it had me at 1200 cal a day but i ate ALL my exercise call back. I gained 6 pounds all together. I weighed this mmorning im freakibg 150 pounds! Wth is wrong here?
Supose to do cardio legs but so depressed im like y?
renee-- i am so sorry about your mom-- and losing on her on thanksgiving after days of pain. how incredibly difficult that must have been. i can only imagine it still feels like yesterday when you were so close. i was super close to my mom, too-- she was my rock through my divorce-- and so watching her slip away has been so hard. just within the past months she has really gotten quiet-- almost no talking-- she doesn't even sing when the kids play their music, which is something she always did. i know if she knew of her state she would not even want to be here. so, it is super hard and i take the little moments when she smiles and seems to recognize me, and hold on to them. what makes it worse, though, is thinking about the way things used to be and what a strong, amazing woman she was. thanks for the prayers. i am sending you love and light, too. and as for the weight gain-- you are doing great and i say screw the scale. honestly-- at least for a while. i have not weighed myself since starting and am using the mirror and my clothes to guide me. i think you should be proud of yourself for hitting week 5 and keep up the good work. if you are eating clean most of the time, maybe it's just an adjustment your body is going through. you can do this!!

eva-- change is always good, especially if you are getting bored. maybe switching things up for a week is just what you need. and of course, maybe things will feel different after the exam is over with:)

today was hard strikes for me. i added the conditioning and core#1 plus 100 rep bicep challenge. i had way more energy today, not sure why, but i will take it!

Hi Renee,
I can sympathize with your frustration, as I cannot seem to get my weight to budge either, and I do all the "right" things. I exercise strenuously for 6 days a week and I watch my food carefully, but none of this seems to equal weight loss for me. I also went to a nutritionist to see what the problem was, and she looked at my food log and was stumped.

I guess I'm evolving into this point of view: that there are other reasons to exercise and eat well aside from weight loss. There is general health and well-being, there is disease control (staving off things like diabetes, heart disease), there is stress relief, there is toning and overall tightening. Even though I am not able to get those last 10 pounds to budge, I am confident I am making big progress in all of the other areas I mentioned. I'm definitely more toned..I've gotten rid of my saddlebags, which I did not even think was possible, and I've gotten rid of a lot, although not all, of my cellulite. My legs don't really get a lot smaller, but they do get less jiggly, so I've got to be happy about that. My arms are more toned, as are my abs. I am not losing weight, but I am getting more toned and feel more comfortable in my skin. I am definitely more fit, I can do things now that I could not do a year ago (like push up jacks!!), so I'm seeing big progress in strength and cardio gains, and I probably feel better overall, although I'm one of those folks who usually has good energy regardless. So, even though I'm not losing weight per se, I'd be lying if I said I'm not seeing any progress or getting better in a host of other ways, almost all of which are beneficial to my long-term health and well being. Sure, I'd like to be smaller than I am today, a lot of women would. But, I might just have to realize I'm as small as I can be. My current weight is where I am stable and I can maintain this. I got a few pounds down from this, but it did not last long, so I've come to think that weight was just not for me.

Now, I cannot speak to your specific case, or what is happening with your body. Maybe getting some blood work done or seeing a nutritionist would shed some light on why you're not getting the results you want.

My note above is only to share that there are other things you are getting from exercising and taking good care of yourself, and I know my personal journey is to consider those benefits as important too.

So, when you ask why bother to do cardio legs, maybe the answer is that it is good for you and it makes you stronger, and more fit, and buys you a little more time of good health and a higher quality of life than if you didn't do it. :D And maybe those are good enough reasons to double tie your sneakers, and train like a warrior!

Take care,
Hi Katied,
Congrats on your workout today. I think Hard Strikes is scheduled for me tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it. I think that workout is fun. Have you done the heavy bag tabatas yet? I have tacked them on the last two times and I like them alot. I've been amazed at how many extra calories I was burning considering I don't have a heavy bag. I'm glad you're feeling more energetic. It's nice when that happens, isn't it?:) I think I'm going to add on the conditioning section next time, too. When I looked ahead at the rest of the rotation, I was surprised that we never use the entire workout through the whole cycle.
Wow.. Thank you both.. Eachh post my headd came up more and wacch sentence,made me smile. I guess i was venting. But im so happy for Cathe forums! I have noone that is iinto fitness like i am hear, i wished i knew about thiss foruum five yrs ago before i stoped exercising in the first place.. Thanks to u both. Honestly!
Ill bbl after i go xtrain wiith cardio leg blast!! Going, to double knot my laces and go feel better!
yay! go renee!! you are welcome! :D

eva-- your response was fantastic! loved every word. i don't have a heavy bag (yet!) so haven't tried them:(. i do really like HS, though, and i was curious why the whole thing is never on the rotation, too. the toning is short and intense and i like it.
i did it!! I was fussing the whole time and i was being negitive then id talk about the positive, i mean i had sibel in my head today! Not sure if you all know who Sibel is lol.
Anyway i am glad i got it done, i just have to be honest and look at what im eating and i have to say i think it is because i eat before bed.. I have to stop and people say it dont matter when you eat, but i think it does for some people.

Now Katied i am looking at your pic from the computer, i usualy am on the phone and i cant see the Advitar, but i see your pic now and i must say you are so pretty !! Is that your handsome hubby? Agian im sorry agbout your mom if you ever need to vent feel free to type away.. I do lol

Eva Thanks again for the kind words and i think you guess rock!! I love my threads i am on it is amazing.

Great job all of you on keeping on with your workouts, it does get hard to keep going.. doesnt it? eeeek:p

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