Good morning!
I got the 4DS yesterday, yes I did, yes I did! I previewed/practiced HIS last night, and gave it a whirl this morning. I've got the choreo about 90% down; just have to iron out a couple of spots. For some reason, my back is always to the tv when I do the scuttles, and that hitch-kick on top of the step confuses me on the left side. I like the music, I like that the intensity is there, but without the same old air-jacks, plyo-jacks, power-7s, and tuck jumps. I wouldn't call this an interval workout at all, but it is a nice little sweat-fest. I was sweating just practicing some of the moves on the step-top last night. The weight work is great!! I can see myself using this series profusely.
Tracy - I like uphill sprints. I'm glad you enjoyed your run.
Traci - My jaw dropped when I saw you say 4DS UpperX2, but I see now what you mean. Is there an UpperX2 premix on the dvds? What CTX cardio did you do, I wonder? I completely respect that everyone has their own likes and preferences, but it does seriously mystify me when people say they don't care for some of Cathe's step workouts, especially the newer ones. I just adore step, a la Cathe-style. I think they just keep getting better and better. And yes, in the past I have tried other instructors. But, to each her own, right? What can be done about that shoulder? Can I send you a new joint? I know a guy....
Debra - Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, she's sleeping.....sweet dreams
Teddygirl - Wow, I wouldn't want to be your back and chest muscles right now! You have successfully terminated them, I think.
Lea - Happy Halloween!!! You're a better mother than I. I was planning on carving the pumpkins last night, but when I found the new dvds in my mailbox, I chose to preview them instead. So, the pumpkins sit here as whole as before, and I'm wondering whether I have a black permanent marker in the house, so I can just draw the faces on. I gladly doff my bad-mother cap to you good mothers (you, Debra, Nicole, but not Wendy

Laurie - A 3 mile run sounds good enough! Enjoy your fazoli (what's that? Some kind of noodles, tomato sauce, meat, and cheese, I'll bet). What? No confirmation name? I thought that was standard/mandatory/necessary. Or are you some kind of new-fangled Catholic? My confirmation name was Mary. But please don't ask me to list all the seven deadly sins, 'cause I either can't remember them, or whole-heartedly embrace them.
Jeanette - Okay, so it's official...we will not be starting a P90X rotation any time really soon. Phew! Can't say I really wanted to do it. I just want the results

I'm going to do the November rotation, then maybe by Dec 1 I'll feel ready for P90X again. That's a big maybe. That's *wonderful* news about your classification!!! And all this time you've been all should ask for retroactive pay, as it's obvious the oral nature of the exam was the problem, and not your knowledge. Isn't VideoFitness defunct? Or did they just change their site? What's their new address?
Cheryl - You should give the BC core premix a whirl if you want something effective and time-efficient. You do get a brief pause between exercises, to catch your breath a bit. I think that's what I like best about it

I'm hearing you on the fun-factor with the new dvds. I have yet to preview all the workouts, but I like what I've seen so far.
Wendy - Oh YAY!!! I'm glad you bought an umbilical cord to the outer world! I was really going to miss hearing from you for 2 whole months. I'm so flattered you thought of me when you wished for a book-discussion. I haven't read those two books, but I surely would if I had someone with which to delve into the nitty-gritty. Oh crap, do I now have to publicly admit that I've never seen "It's a Wonderful Life"? At least, not from start to finish. They play it every year on Christmas Eve, and I watch a few snippits when I get the chance. I think I've figured out the whole story line, and the guy's name is George. In my defense, have any of you all seen Beachcombers? Mr Dressup? Polka-dot Door? The Friendly Giant? The Red-Green Show? This Hour Has 22 Minutes? The Newsroom? The Rick Mercer Report? Corner Gas? Little Mosque on the Prairie? Margret's Museum?
Nicole - How did HSC go yesterday? It's one of my favourites, particularly because of the music. I love the song that starts in the 5th circuit (ma-ma-meo???).
All right, I get to go preview the rest of the workouts now. Hopefully I won't be interrupted this time by DD#2's pull-up being too loose. Last night she was walking around saying "Ewwwww" and when I looked, she had a piece of poop in her hand. Everyone say it now: "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!" I need a bumper sticker that says: "I stop for poop."