Xers-------Tip Top Tuesday


Hi all,

Just starting us off. I had a nice run yesterday and then some yoga. The cooler weather felt really good. I ran short steep hills at the end of my run and it felt great, for a change.

Today is upper and legs.

I hope everyone has a nice day.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday (yesterday) Workout
GS Legs Standing + Winsor Buns & Thighs= TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE MUSCLE FAILURE from waist down! I can’t believe how hard that Winsor thing was after GS…LORDY I am sore sore sore!

Tuesday Workout
4DS All Upper x2 + A CTX Cardio – Don’t think for a sec that “I’m all that” ladies - remember I cant do any of the push ups yet- just a few dips and I’m not doing actual shoulder work this week so I can lift heavier dumbbells…

Got all confused & started anothe thread earlier... I saw one of the "week of" checkins & thought it was a yesterday post...must pay closer attention to details today! :7

Back with personals:*
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 CONGRATULATIONS JEANETTE X!!!!!!! You’re a BIG WIG now!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!! Happy Dancing in your honor today! :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

Jeanette :* X
I absolutely agree- “The best workout for you is the one you’ll do” RIGHT ON! & AMEN! You already know that many of us go thru the w/o blahs and on those weeks I am thrilled to even suit up! I don’t think theres any extra inch loss that comes from saying you’re doing XX! If there is tell me now & I’ll be sayin’ it all day long! LOLOLOL … No worries on the scale- slump? Well I can relate… mentally I just haven’t been on my game since shoulder injury…. Not sure how to whip myself back in gear.

Thanks for poppin’ in yesterday… Catch us up on your exciting world soon!

Wendy :* X
WOO HOO on the laptop!!! Now that sounds more like our Wendy! Just taking the bull by the horns!

Nicole :* X
ZIPPITY!!!! A workout day????? Hope it was awesome but not overdone! Be safe & be happy!

I can feel your enthusiasm & energy by a big cardio day yesterday! Way to go!!!!! You just use that step till it bows in the middle from all the jumping! XXOO

Seems you are settling back into a “routine” now that company is long gone. I do hope that you receive your new goodies today!!! No one deserves to have new Cathe cardio more than you & Cheryl- the 2 cardio Queens!!!! – LOL on my cardio these days… Well since I cant kickbox due to arm (which is stalled in progress btw) I am sulking! I am doing legs 3x a week alternating Strength with Cardio Legs… so that’s all I’m doing most of thetime. I am planning on adding in some CTX/Timesaver/4DS cardio but I just didn’t really care for new LIS & HIS – music wasn’t my thing… no big deal- it was still worth all the pennies! – Fingers & Toes crossed til you get DVDS!!!!

TeddyGirl :*
So sorry you are working when you don’t want to but remember the $$$ and the worthy cause! Its just 1 day- although a VERY LONG day! You can do it!!! Hope MIS was good to you this morning! XXOOXOXOXO

BUSY doesn’t seem to begin to describe your weekend! We need a new word for you & DD! Glad all is well!!!

Hope BM2 was the extra power you wanted yesterday….

Hope you’re OK – Nice run yesterday- I’m thinking it may be time to pull out a cardio coach myself.

Off to face the day…. XXOOXOXOXO
:7 :7
Hi all! Just stopping by to say hello on my way back to bed. I didn't sleep well last night...so I got the diva off to school in her Halloween costume, got BFF in her car and heading the right direction, got my self a little breakfast sammie and spilled some hot sauce on my new chair...so now I think it is time for a little more sleep. I have some errands to do later this morning, so I will check back this afternoon. I am really floundering with a rotation right now...Can't seem to stick with anything. I am hoping Cathe has a rotation for November that I like...I am thinking I am going to do willPower and Grace today, but I also got in my SloMo dvd yesterday, so I could do a segment of that. Who knows how the winds will blow this afternoon. At least the weather is cooler here. We actually had frost last night which is very exciting.

Okay...my eyes are closing as I type...see you all this afternoon. Have a great morning!


Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn

Good morning:)

This morning, I had a blast, I really worked it:) feeling it realllllll Goodddddd! x( x(
Today was UB heavyx( so I stated with:
MIS chest
S&H chest
MIS back
S&H back
Ab hit MIS & Planks

I have to run down too my sister house too do whatever to her computer, don't ask. I told her I’d try and load her internet, don’t ask. But, before I go am going to get in a short, sweet cardio, thinking Gin Miller or LM blast. I decide as the day goes on. Bb with personals
Morning Xers,

Rotation: LGI8 Week 6/Day 6
Workout: 4DS Biceps & Triceps / BC Cardio (I will be doing this as the premix)

Was really nice not to have to run for the DD's last night. Youngest has a cold also, so she didn't feel like going to dance class. Oldest headed out to school this morning coughing, but she didn't want to have a mound of school work to do so she was off for her day. We are also going to be going to her cross country banquet tonight. So I will be eating Fazoli food for dinner tonight. :9

Last night I did Yoga Zone Power Yoga and a 3 mile run. Just didn't want to do anything else. :)

Jeanette, Congrats on the test results!!!! Love getting more $$ on that paycheck. Yep, DD was pleased with her run, their team wasn't expected to be in the top. I think it was good for my DD to get the experience of being at state. Maybe she can get there again next year. Most of the girls that where in Division 1 where running in the 16:00 area. There was one girl that was trying to break the state record of 14:11. She ended up tying the state record. None of the e-mail's I had where all that great. Oh wait I did get an e-mail from cooking light, and it did have some interesting recipes. :9

Sandra, We don't get KFC very often, but I asked DD what she wanted to have for the party. KFC is what she chose, and I'm very thankful that she did choose that route. :) Yes the DD that runs is the confirmed one. Our church doesn't have the confirmation name, but I know what you are talking about. :) Did the mailbox have those wonderful DVD's in them?

Cheryl, How did you like the all cardio of LIS/HIS. I have to guess that had to be a great combo. I'm wanting to try the KB/BC combo.

Wendy, Yippee on the laptop!!! Guess you just can't get away from us crazy Xers for long. :) Just a little bit of news is all we will need from time to time. :) We are looking at getting a laptop also. Going to give our old klunker to the girls so they can use it for school and games.

Nicole, So how did the workout go? Is your back feeling OK after the workout?

TG, Sorry to hear that you will have to work the polls. That really can't be all that fun. x( Hope the computer work for your sister goes ok. Love your workout today!

Debra, Ok now I'm sure that I will have a hard time with the step workouts, 3rd combo sounds like a tough one. I still haven't gotten Rythmic Step down very well. Guess that is because I don't do step workouts that often. Enjoy your sleep!

Tracy, I really enjoyed my run and yoga yesterday too. I just love the fall weather.

Traci, Of course I thought you where super woman when I saw you where attempting 4DS Upper body X2. :D Glad you added the disclaimer. :7

Have a great day!

Good morning gang. How are you doing this morning? Today I did S&H bi's and tri's with abs. No workout for me yesterday. I guess I really have to start off slow. Maybe I will incorporate more yoga in my workouts. I love yoga.

I probably won't have time for personals today(big surprise I know) since I am out all day with the kids and tomorrow is Halloween so forget about it. Hopefully sometime this week I can actually do some personals and catch up with all of you.

But I did want to say congrats to Jeanette. Way to go.

Have a great day everyone.

Good morning,
Today was 4DS LIS/HIS Double Cardio Premix - 57 minutes. Good workout. I think I figured out what is making my stomach feel blah - too much coffee. Took me a long time to get to sleep last night. Okay, I'm going to cut back in the evenings and see if it helps (I'm sure it will). Golf class tonite after work.

Tracy, nice workout for you yesterday. Isn't it great to feel strong?

Traci, I'm still impressed by your workout, even if you did modify. Thanks for the congrats on the test. We'll see how long it takes the State to upgrade me. Nothing is ever easy or fast with the State. I was down 2# this morning from yesterday, but still I want to get down another 3-4 and stable there to see some leanness again. Getting motivated, hmmmm. I was checking out the website for next year's Auburn Triathlon. I may be doing the bike part again on a relay team, this time for the 1/2 ironman distance (56 miles, 6000' of climbing). Now that will be a challenge and I'll have to be in shape for it. That will be next May so we'll see if the other gals want to do it.

Debra, I too am looking for Cathe's November rotation. Hope you get lots done today. Hope the hot sauce came out of the chair. I have a massage and facial on Friday and am really looking forward to it. Haven't had a massage in nearly a year it seems.

Anointed, good workout for you today. Hope you are successful with your sis's computer. Bet you get it done too. I have a Gin Miller step interval workout that I like. Need to do that one sometime.

Lea, thanks for the congrats. How is your elbow doing? If I remember right, think you had a problem with it too? Get some yoga in for me. I'm a slacker in that regard.

Laurie, when you wrote Yoga Zone Power Yoga, it reminded me that someone gave me a Yoga Zone Power Yoga for Beginners video. That was my very first one and what started me working out. That was probably about 4-5 years ago I think. Can't remember. Sounds like your DD will only get better and better. Watch out next year!!! Yep, we all love more money on the paycheck, of course, it will probably be in steps until you get the full amount. I'll find out more today. There were a handful of ladies from our prison that took the test and they are all in the same boat as I am, with upgradable classifications, so I'll get the scoop. I liked the biceps and triceps work yesterday. I actually did the 6 reps with 20#ers, which I didn't think I'd be able to do. Is this your first time doing the BC07?

Yesterday at work, I found out I could check Video Fitness on the internet (not blocked), but Cathe is blocked. Oh well, gives me something to check.

Must go now, hi to Cheryl, Carol, Wendy, Swifty, Amy, Sandra and anyone else I missed.

Jeanette: Congratulation:):) how wonderful Have any ideal when you'll be starting?

Tracie: Nice workout yesterday x( you got legs real good, can you walk? Really, can you walk :D lol nice work.

I was looking at my rotation for this week. Shoulder and Arms tomorrow, really hard finding a endurance workout, I came up with Pour Hour minus legs/chest/back.

I’m thinking shoulders/bi's/tri's times 2, what do you think. I’m planning going no heavier than 5 lbs for shoulders & triceps and biceps 15 lbs bb that’s it.
Good Morning Ladies,

Last night I did the KB from the 4DS. I don't know if I'll have time to workout tonight as we are leaving right after Bible Club to see Phil's mom for the week.

Jeanette-X: Congrats! Wow! That's a huge jump in income!!!! Are you dreaming of all the golf games you can play now? ;-) I'm so happy for you!!!! Ack! Too much coffee? Is there even such a thing? ;-) Yes, cut back or stop drinking a certain time of day if it's interfering with your sleep! As for internet options... I am just learning about all this, so I might not be the best person to ask. You can get your house outfitted with wireless connection through your Internet Service Provider. My neighbor had it installed in her home. The laptops nowadays come with a wifi card already installed. Or, you can buy a regular telephone line (different lengths) for dial-up (sloooow). Or, you can use a thicker broadband line, also sold in different lengths, to plug into your router. Right now, we have a router box. But, our new Dell has wifi capability. I'll have Phil go wireless while I'm away or when I get back. When I get back, I'll have the computer guys fix my old Dell and install a wifi card, so the girls will have their own computer. As for when I'm in Thailand, I can go to Starbucks for free access or pay ~$1 to $2 per hour to use the wireless network at some Internet cafe. Yep! They have Starbucks in the city where we will be staying for most of our trip. Then there are hot spots located throughout the world; mainly near a business with a wireless network. I can also connect with a cell phone and pre-paid card. I would use a cell phone if we were in the rural village for long stretches of time. However, we're just going to visit the village a few days here and there. We don't want to be a burden. And, I have to buy a gms(?) type phone, one with a SIMS card, because my phone is through Verizon. Apparently, Verizon is not global. But, I can buy a second hand phone for cheap, a SIMS card for $1 and a prepaid phone card for calls real CHEAP! Depending on the model of the phone I buy will determine the ease of connecting to the internet with it. Anyhow, this is about all I know. It isn't much, huh!:p

Oh! Lookie! Time is slipping away. Gotta go. So much to do before we leave. I'll try to get back for personals late tonight. If not see you ladies tomorrow!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Good morning!

I got the 4DS yesterday, yes I did, yes I did! I previewed/practiced HIS last night, and gave it a whirl this morning. I've got the choreo about 90% down; just have to iron out a couple of spots. For some reason, my back is always to the tv when I do the scuttles, and that hitch-kick on top of the step confuses me on the left side. I like the music, I like that the intensity is there, but without the same old air-jacks, plyo-jacks, power-7s, and tuck jumps. I wouldn't call this an interval workout at all, but it is a nice little sweat-fest. I was sweating just practicing some of the moves on the step-top last night. The weight work is great!! I can see myself using this series profusely.

Tracy - I like uphill sprints. I'm glad you enjoyed your run.

Traci - My jaw dropped when I saw you say 4DS UpperX2, but I see now what you mean. Is there an UpperX2 premix on the dvds? What CTX cardio did you do, I wonder? I completely respect that everyone has their own likes and preferences, but it does seriously mystify me when people say they don't care for some of Cathe's step workouts, especially the newer ones. I just adore step, a la Cathe-style. I think they just keep getting better and better. And yes, in the past I have tried other instructors. But, to each her own, right? What can be done about that shoulder? Can I send you a new joint? I know a guy....

Debra - Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, she's sleeping.....sweet dreams

Teddygirl - Wow, I wouldn't want to be your back and chest muscles right now! You have successfully terminated them, I think.

Lea - Happy Halloween!!! You're a better mother than I. I was planning on carving the pumpkins last night, but when I found the new dvds in my mailbox, I chose to preview them instead. So, the pumpkins sit here as whole as before, and I'm wondering whether I have a black permanent marker in the house, so I can just draw the faces on. I gladly doff my bad-mother cap to you good mothers (you, Debra, Nicole, but not Wendy ;) ).

Laurie - A 3 mile run sounds good enough! Enjoy your fazoli (what's that? Some kind of noodles, tomato sauce, meat, and cheese, I'll bet). What? No confirmation name? I thought that was standard/mandatory/necessary. Or are you some kind of new-fangled Catholic? My confirmation name was Mary. But please don't ask me to list all the seven deadly sins, 'cause I either can't remember them, or whole-heartedly embrace them.

Jeanette - Okay, so it's official...we will not be starting a P90X rotation any time really soon. Phew! Can't say I really wanted to do it. I just want the results :) I'm going to do the November rotation, then maybe by Dec 1 I'll feel ready for P90X again. That's a big maybe. That's *wonderful* news about your classification!!! And all this time you've been underpaid.....you all should ask for retroactive pay, as it's obvious the oral nature of the exam was the problem, and not your knowledge. Isn't VideoFitness defunct? Or did they just change their site? What's their new address?

Cheryl - You should give the BC core premix a whirl if you want something effective and time-efficient. You do get a brief pause between exercises, to catch your breath a bit. I think that's what I like best about it :) I'm hearing you on the fun-factor with the new dvds. I have yet to preview all the workouts, but I like what I've seen so far.

Wendy - Oh YAY!!! I'm glad you bought an umbilical cord to the outer world! I was really going to miss hearing from you for 2 whole months. I'm so flattered you thought of me when you wished for a book-discussion. I haven't read those two books, but I surely would if I had someone with which to delve into the nitty-gritty. Oh crap, do I now have to publicly admit that I've never seen "It's a Wonderful Life"? At least, not from start to finish. They play it every year on Christmas Eve, and I watch a few snippits when I get the chance. I think I've figured out the whole story line, and the guy's name is George. In my defense, have any of you all seen Beachcombers? Mr Dressup? Polka-dot Door? The Friendly Giant? The Red-Green Show? This Hour Has 22 Minutes? The Newsroom? The Rick Mercer Report? Corner Gas? Little Mosque on the Prairie? Margret's Museum?

Nicole - How did HSC go yesterday? It's one of my favourites, particularly because of the music. I love the song that starts in the 5th circuit (ma-ma-meo???).

All right, I get to go preview the rest of the workouts now. Hopefully I won't be interrupted this time by DD#2's pull-up being too loose. Last night she was walking around saying "Ewwwww" and when I looked, she had a piece of poop in her hand. Everyone say it now: "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!" I need a bumper sticker that says: "I stop for poop."

hEY GALS! Wheeling on through.

Checking in to say HI!

I'm on my way to a Gyne appointment. Blah!x( I'm going to try to see what is up with my ttom.

I'll check back with ya all later!

Hello Again!:)

Real quick while the girls eat their lunch. I've started a blog.


Is it just when I view it or does my email show up for the world to see on the blue bar located at the top of the page. If so, how in the world do I take that off?!!!!! If I can't get my email off, I might have to delete the blog.

Sandra: Ewwwwwww! We went through a season in our lives where we had to put the twins diapers on backwards and use duct tape! About time you got your Cathes!!!! Have fun previewing. If you keep this up, I might have to hunt your parents down and give them a few dvds to take back to you!!!!! As to your defense: No, I haven't watched those never heard of movies! Are you sure, you're not making up things?:p Nor, have I willed myself to watch a Harry Potter movie or read any of the books. I don't feel deprived in the least.:+

Amy-X: Oh! I hope the gyno will be able to offer you some TTOM relief! When I skipped a cycle, I went to a gyno specializing in infertility. Didn't want to visit a gyno whose main clientile didn't have any TTOM problems. KWIM.

Debra: I hope your BFF, who is driving home right now, got some sleep last night!!!!

Tracy: Glad there wasn't a catastrophe with you yesterday. I was a little worried.

Traci: Try not to push yourself too much with the upper x's 2!!! I'll come to your house!:p :7

TG: Nice workout blender you did today! Uh-Oh computer problems? I swear if I hadn't of married Phil, I would have hunted down a computer nerd to marry!!!!}( I hear you about not wanting to work, but the money is nice. I often catch myself wishing that I worked, but my dh and kids wouldn't like that very much.

Hi to Nicole, Carol, Cheryl, Lea, and Amy. Hope all is well with you ladies this fine Tuesday!

Talk later!
Sandra: Happy Dance!:D :D just in time, for a nice change of paces, huh! I can’t wait too order but mean time, back at the ranch got plenty too do. I just preview Drill Max and was like huh! Didn’t know the workout was so intense, mind you I've only done bits and pieces, I'm going to love this workout, Um...guess what w/o I'll be doing tomorrow:p :p

Wendy: You are something else:) I like you:):) you have such a great sense of humor :) I know Phil is a happy man love your blog, BUT…were oh were are your pictures? my back and chest :7 cooked:7 feeling it as I can barely type. I may have to change rotation a bit not feeling endurance workout, duh um don’t know sorta messes with my plans, Seriously tho, I’d prefer to just do UB and get it over with don’t really care for splits (this one day and that the other) just like too do the dog gone thang and I'm done, interfere with my leg and cardio work. When are you leaving too go home? :9
Another fun workout today: Step Blast + Stretch Max

Yesterday's workout went well and my back didn't hurt. It did get tight by the end of SB so I did SM to ensure that my back wouldn't seize up. I managed to gain 7 lbs. in a week and a half and that is RIDICULOUS!!! I did not eat excessively so I'm hoping it's a combo of no exercise, my thyroid and being TTOM. I hope the weight will melt off this week with clean eating and exercise.

Sorry I didn't get back yesterday. Even the news said how exhausted the county was after the fires. We were all taking naps come Sunday and I was whooped yesterday!

Tracy, Glad the weather is cooler so you can get out and enjoy a run. Thanks for starting us out. I would do it but you all would be out and about before I'm even near the computer. How is work going? Are the parents settling down or are they still being ridiculous?

Traci-X, OUCH! Are you walking today?:) I'll be right there with you in a few weeks. I am going to take it easy for a bit because I don't want to be here again! I was miserable not working out. I'm hoping in the end it was a good break for my whole body.

Jeanette, That's fantastic about the job upgrade! That must feel good to be #1. I am sure your DH is so proud of his wife. Now you'll both have a good retirement:) It felt good to get back in the swing of things. It felt like I hadn't worked out in a month. Coffee does that to me sometimes too. I start to get heartburn and I have to back off and I only drink it maybe 4X a week:p

Debra, How nice to be enjoying fall weather. It is supposed to be 90 again by the weekend}( Are you just emotionally drained? Have you talked to XDH about dating? Maybe that anticipation is doing you in. How was the weekend with BFF? Did she get to meet your nice guy? Is your car all fixed? How's your bum and back? Ok, ok, no more questions:)

Teddygirl, Way to bust your butt today, or should I say arms:) How did it go at your sisters?

Lea, Have fun with the kids! Totally understandable that you can't do personals. It's a busy life being a mom to young boys. Glad you got a workout in today:)

Laurie, Enjoy the yummy food tonight:9 I bet it was nice to relax yesterday. i am not looking forward to that time in my life. My oldest started flag football this year and he has two games this week alone:p Thanks for asking about my back, it's going to be a long recovery I think.

Wendy, I'm glad your trip is looking up:) I know you will have fun and enjoy your experience. I'll make sure to pray for your safety and sanity while your gone:) Mkae sure to keep up your blog because you know I'll check:)

Swifty, I'm guessing she'll tell you your BF is low enough to be affecting your TTOM. A lot of athletes have that problem. Let us know what she says.

Sandra, Yeah!!! So glad you got your DVD's:) I can't wait to do them but it will be a bit before I can:( How did previewing go today? Anymore poop incidents? Oh boy what a sharing DD you have:p I have had my DS do the same thing. I guess they like the consistency.........Ewwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Off to get DS lunch. TTYL,


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Hey there chatty xers!

I'm back home unexpectedly. The dr. office tried calling me at home (while I'm at work) to tell me visit is cancelled. The doc had to deliver 2 babies with one being a complication.

I arrived at my appt time and heard the news. I was not too happy. Had to reschedule.

Oh, well I'm off the hook for now.

Off to bake cupcakes and make dinner.

DD and I hve a haircut after school. I hope to get back to catch up later today.

Nicole: So glad to hear things are getting better. Don’t worry about gaining 7lbs onces things settle a bit for you, hop right back on wagon and ride, like myself I’m up 10lbs, bad}( choices}( I can tell that I’m starting to deflate am not a bloated. It’s going to take hard work x( I'll have it off by Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day
Thanks for the pep talk Latrese, I hope your right. We'll be doing it together:)


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Hi all,

I did 07 upper only. It is a good workout. No yoga today, I'm giving my legs a total rest day.

Nicole - Glad you are feeling a little better. Still be very careful. It doesn't take much for me to be reminded of my past injury.

Jeanette - Congratulations on the test results. Same thing here happens in gov't though. People pass the tests then it takes a long time to get the $$. You can get wireless at home. That was probably the best thing we ever did. That and getting the high speed.

Traci - How did the double upper go? I was fried with the single upper. The new dbs really are helping me to lift heavy.

Laurie - I do enjoy yoga and a run. That is probably my favorite workout. I love a good run and I'm dreading the day when I'll just be too old. In the near fture though, I'm dreading it when the ground gets too wet and nasty to run. Trail running just doesn't lend itself to bad weather.

TG- You have a killer workout today. Are you feeling it?

Wendy - We got a new laptop not too long ago. My BIL suggested it. It's a brand I'd never heard of, but it has Windows Vista and works fine for us.

Carol - I live in No. VA. You probably were close by.

Swifty - Sorry about the wasted time for the appt. That is frustrating. Especially when you probably REALLY didn't want to be there anyways.

Sandra- I see you are loving the new workouts! I'll have to try the step again. I'm sure it will grow on me. Like I said, I will always buy whatever she offers. I haven't found anything else I like as much. I hope that the new AMy's are at least bearable. I'm interested to get the Hi Lo. It got good reviews.

I guess I'll go finish up dinner. The family is having barbequed meatballs and I'm having the usual salad.

Hi, everyone! 40 minutes run today - that was all. Running partner had a sore back and I didn't have time enough to add anything else on before work. Bummer!

Jeanette, Laurie, sounds like both of you have now tried the LIS/HIS combo too. Love it! Forgot to consider there were no plyos, tuck jumps... yes, it's a nice little sweatfest that's just about right.

Traci, double upper -- -WOW. Hope you're shoulder is holding up okay, my friend!!

Sandra, hilarious story about DD and the loose pull-up. I'm still laughing. YUCK!!!!

Amy-the-Swift, yes, very frustrating about the missed dr's appointment. Not fun. Will be glad for you when it's all over with.

TG, you are on fire, girl, on that plan to lose 10 lb. by Thanksgiving. I hope you don't burn yourself out!!

Nicole, I think it's unlikely you really gained 7. I'm sure you'll be bouncing right back at least part of that way.

Tracy, love that UB work. You're strong to stick with salad for dinner with BBQ meatballs around :+

Debra, how are you doing? BFF still there???
Carol, hello!

Have a great night, everyone!

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