MJ – What sort of rotation did you come up with? I was thinking maybe a couple of total body workouts a week is all you need right now and toss in a few cardios – step, couch to 5k, tennis or whatever you have time for, then you can build from there. Congrats on the Seahawks win.

Yes, Renoir’s beauties are from a different time/lifestyle; where curvy and voluptuous was not only luscious but also meant fertile and long lived.
Gayle – Yes, I was serious about the pic of your son and his horn! Your running group does sound perfectly awesome, when I am running again I will definitely run with my group. They do fun things together too. Good luck on your date tonight, sounds like the perfect first date.
Kimberly – I apologize, I just realized I have been spelling your name wrong – too many e’s. Did you go snow shoeing after all. I am really looking forward to Lower Body Blast, I haven’t even unwrapped it yet…are there pre-mixes on there that are low impact and less strenuous?
Cathy – Massage? What massage? That sounds like a lovely way to spend a Saturday.
Geez –
DONNA – a two story fall! Crimminee!!! On the upside that is a much better tale to tell than an auto accident, except for the bit about the blood clot (dangerous). When I am finished with this round of STS, my next round will have Total Body added to the mix. I love your signature quote by Robert Frost, so simple and so true.
(Kadet) Kim – I can’t offer you help with your next step dvd purchase…. Ask Cathy, she has them all. Your insomnia/sleep issue advice was great, so was your voice/tone/writing style. I don’t have sleep issues, but I loved reading what you wrote. Funny observant witty….my kind of gal. I am going to HAVE to use the word stultifying in a sentence somehow/sometime this week. Just great!
Jenn – What a brutal commute! Do you start to freak out about needing to be home at a certain time to be there for you husband/step-daughter?
Mary (keefe) – Do not apologize for absences, there are times when we just need to tend to life/business and it feels like we have fallen off the face of the earth. You were not rude in anyway. You got some really great workouts in. Cathe’s January rotation does look like it will kick some ass – or some pudge or something. Lol.
Morningstar -
"Today I did STS Total Body, lifting very heavy and ran a bunch of errands and did some chores. STS wiped the floor with me even more than usual, given the weights I was lifting at, and I had trouble getting my energy back after."
This was new!

How heavy were you lifting, girl? No – don’t tell me. Maybe your energy is low because you are still kicking the flu. I have a compact rowing machine, the Kettler coach, it is really quiet and can be stored upright. I love using the rowing machine as a cardio option on leg days. Do you think Zola will get jealous? I am half-way through making tamales and taking a break. Carnitas is Mexican pulled pork, used mostly in tacos and burritos. Rowan probably should have worn boxer-briefs, less leg room for him to hunt around for his stitches. I did yoga for my Sunday workout. (Missed you bunches.) I did one Vee recommended ages ago, Tilak Pyle: Yoga from the Heart. I did not like the beginning, my body was too cold for stretches, but I really enjoyed the rest of his yoga series.
Back to making tamales.
My workout for tomorrow is STS Disc 4, some sort of ab work - Paul Katami's Ab Lab, maybe, and a gentle walk with my gonad-less doggy.