Jenn – Welcome! Happy you joined us. We’ll have to commiserate about 13 year olds.
Gayle –The stadium stairs are impressive, I can’t believe you followed up that workout with Gym Style legs this morning. Congrats on the improvement with swimming. I recently heard a great by Benjamin Franklin, “Patience is bitter, but the fruit can be sweet.” Ain’t that the truth with everything? In any case, you're right, with patience you’ll get there.

Music helps. I bought a waterproof ipod shuffle from Swimman. Glorious!
Kimberley – I have Insanity too, and loved doing it, it made me feel so strong and so fit when I could keep going while the youngsters were dropping like flies. I never followed the rotation though – maybe someday. BTW, I love Cathe's Total Body workout. Fast and efficient. Have you done High Reps? How cool that you and DH workout together. Your Chows are adorable.
MJ – Being in charge has its rewards, I am sure. Sorry you had a messed up morning and no workouts as a result. I bet hitting practice has its merits too after such a frustrating day that would be great way to de-stress. Can you smack some balls around on your porch? Or in the garage?
Mary (Keefe) – Happy Birthday to your son. Didn’t it go fast? I was warned that it would all pass by in a blur and it did.
Cathy – oh poor Derek. I hope he is all better. Does Tylenol provide any relief? Maybe you should compile a cross-training/plyo workout for Nick…running in place followed by push ups, followed by knee ups or box jumps, burpees to plyo jacks…mix it up and have him time himself. It might appeal to him more than trying to follow uber coordinated Cathe. Just a thought.
Donna – There are quite a few puggle owners on Cathenation, cute little personality bundles that they are. I live very near Charles Schulz hometown and see Snoopy painted sculptures all around town…Woodstock, Charlie, and Lucy too. I listen to rap and hip/hop on occasion when I run, I think the driving beat works very well, as do the lyrics. Sometimes I forget I am in public and have engaged my arms and fists in non-runner ways – which is embarrassingly. …funny.

Suzie – I am glad you like the name
Workout Warriors. We used to have another name during one of our STS rotations. Somewhere along the way I started referring to us as Warrior Women…and sometimes Wounded Warriors. We were rising to the challenge and accomplishing our goals…and we were pumped up bad asses. Lol. Any way, it stuck.
Melissa – 5:30 am to work out! Wow that takes discipline. I admire you greatly for it.
Regina – I am too tired to Google it – what is Bodylastic? Do tell more. Well – I think I know why they put swimming at the beginning of a Tri….to prevent drowning. Lol. Before this gd injury it was one of my goals to participate in a Dua or Tri. I love to swim. But now I’m just going to focus on being fit.
Tara – What did you do for 30 minutes today?
Heather – Do not buy the Chocolate Truffles from Costco ….danger danger. Lol.
M'star - I'm down in San Francisco tomorrow to finally see the DeYoung exhibit of Post Impressionist Masterpieces from the Musee D'Orsay. I'll catch up on Friday.

As for me today was STS disc 3, legs, No equipment Abs from Ab Circuits, and then 40 minutes of Deb Dobbins Vinyasa yoga and 10 minutes of a hot pad on my ilio-boo-boo. Then I had to race out the door to meet my dog trainer. We had our first lesson in ground and air tracking. Rowan (my dog) was spectacular.
Tomorrow I am hoping to do a little rehab first thing in the morning, then I'm out the door for another busy day.
Have a great Thursday everyone.