Workout manager workout on post?????


Hey Cathe friends! How do I get my workouts scheduled for the day to show up on my daily posts. Example, today I will be doing Imax 2 and I would like this to show up on my daily post. Also, can I set workouts for the month so they will automatically show up. Thank you so much for helping me organize my goals!!!!
No SNM here but I think I can help you out.

If you go into the WM and look in the top right hand corner you will see a button that says "f connect". Click on it. It will allow you to log in to facebook thereby linking the WM to it. Once logged in, if you check off a work out in your calendar as completed then it should show up in your facebook profile as such too. I use this option all the time now! HTH! :)
Thanks fit mommy!

Tried you suggestion, logged into workout manager calendar and typed what workout I would be doing. Will this show up on facebook as the disc shown in SNM's post? When I connect with facebook do I need to let SNM know when prompted if I want them to know?
I have a question ~ does your workout show up as a Status Update, or does it hang out somewhere else on your FB page.

I wouldn't mind having FB and the WM connected, but I don't want to send out a Status Update to friends and family every single time I mark a workout complete. If the WM information just sat somewhere on the page or in my profile, visible but not something that is sent out to everyone each day, that would be okay.
Sorry, can't answer your question Laughing Water

I am sure someone can answer your question Laughing Water! I figured out how to add the DVD's to my facebook on the calendar. I finally read the tutorial, duh???? Thanks for all your wonderful help! I need to lose 20 lbs or at least that is my goal by Oct 23 for my son's wedding, yikes! Yes, I am that old!!!
Post Your Workouts to Facebook!

Published on 26 November 2009 by CatheDotCom in Announcements, Blog, Workout Manager

Beta 2.8

Now any workout you mark as completed in the Workout Manager can be posted to Facebook as a status update. Now all your friends can see how dedicated you are to Cathe and fitness. Instructions listed below:

To post your completed workouts as ’status updates’ on your Facebook Profile, please follow these steps and guidelines:
1. Log into the Workout Manager and you will see the ‘Facebook Connect’ button located in the upper right corner of your screen.
2. Click the ‘Facebook Connect’ button and log into your Facebook account in the new window provided, then click ‘Connect’.
3. Then proceed to the ‘Calendar page’ and mark your current workout as complete by checking the box located in the sidebar next to that workouts title. (If you do not have a workout scheduled, you can add it at this time)
4. After marking the workout complete, another Facebook Authorization window will appear. Click ‘Allow Publishing’ to allow the Workout Manager to post your completed workouts to your Facebook Profile. (This is the last time you will see this specific window, but if you remove the Workout Manager from your Facebook profile then you will need to re-authorize again.)
5. Now that you are fully connected with Facebook, you will need to mark your workout completed again so that it will post on your profile.
6. An important note: Facebook only allows a limited amount of time to be connected with their service. Because of this, you will periodically need to click the ‘Facebook Connect’ button in the upper right when visiting the Workout Manager to re-establish a connection. You ARE NOT connected if the button says ‘Connect’. Simply click the ‘Connect’ button & log into your Facebook account in the new window provided.
Since checking facebook...... today

I still do not see my scheduled Cathe workout popping up on my post. What gives????? Anyone????
Is there any way to control which friends see the Workout Manager postings from my workouts? E.g. I don't want to publish my workouts to all of my friends, but just a select group of them.

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