Working out 5 days v 6 days what is difference?


Active Member
Just curious about this. In what ways does that one extra day benefit you? I usually workout 5 days a week, sometimes 6. I try to workout 6 but am really tired by then. I usually workout 3 days one day rest or 4 days one day rest.

Thanks to some of your suggestions, I recently changed my routine and added resistance. Now I workout 1 hr. 20 min versus normal 50 min. I do cardio for 50 min and either an ab tape at night or a strength tape and then its a little longer. So is it better to workout 50 min at 6 days a week or 1 hr 1/2 say at 5 days a week? I don't want to overtrain either. Is working out 2 hrs, 6 days a week overtraining too? Do you just force yourself to workout that extra day and then you get used to it every week? Thanks

Actually I work out 6 days a week as opposed to 7, not 5. No reason, really, but I guess moreso so that I don't work out too much! I take my rest day, when I do absolutely nothing!!
Since I have a limit of 1 to 1.5 hours a day for exercise, I need 6 days to get in the cardio and weight work I need to keep or improve my fitness level. I enjoy working out so much that I'd do 7 days if I could, but the need to rest at least one day a week is important too.

You'll probably get many different answers on this one - because one size doesn't fit all. If 5 days works for you stay with 5 days. The key to a good workout program is to find one you enjoy and one you can stick with. If you force yourself to a six day schedule and find yourself too tired to complete it, then you'll be either risking injury or will give up all together. You don't want that! JMHO.
I actually don't schedule rest days at all. I just take one when I feel like it. It definitely depends on the person. If you're feeling burnt out, then you should listen to your body:)
I do what Shelley does. If my legs are tired I do upper body or swim. If my upper body is tired, I run, bike or do any number of evil Cathe workouts. If I'm just plain tired, I take a day off. Sometimes by the end, I still want to take a walk or do some yoga. I guess I'm just wiggly!
Everybody is different, but I personally find that I get more out of working out longer (1.5 hours or so), for fewer days of the week, like 4. I put a lot of intensity into my workouts, and I find at day 5 that I'm not getting the quality of performance that I think I should get. In my opinion quality counts where workouts are concerned.

On the off days I do something like Yoga, which creates a very nice balance, for me anyway...

I think your 3 or 4 days on and one day off is a nice approach.
>In what ways does that one extra day
>benefit you?

Since the number of days I work out seems to be directly related to how many nights of good sleep I've got, an extra day means my 5-year old wasn't up with night terrors. :)
I workout six days a week and do yoga Satuday and/or Sunday. I usually do a circuit workout on Saturday and consider Sunday my rest day. If I'm inclined, I will do cardio though. I did that last Sunday although I did not go to yoga so that may be why I felt I should do RS. I do a yoga class once or twice during the week but still do cardio or strength as scheduled. Every now and again I will wake up and realize I need to add a complete rest day with no yoga, strength or cardio. I call them cleaning days usually because that's what I end up doing. Clean Max I think its called around here. :) My workouts vary in intensity though from very long and hard to shorter and more moderate and I never feel over-trained or too pooped to pop. I go easier if I I feel the need and all out if I am energetic. If and when I start feeling sluggish like I am over doing it, I will listen to my bod but my bod is in the zone these days and I love it. :)
I do crosstrain so a running day is followed by a step day, a step day a kickbox day. I do strength in consjunction with cardio always. I used to have cardio days and strength days but I miss the cardio. Oh, I like to strength train first also and have for quite some time now. Right now I am bored so I am doing Mix and Match Timesaver and CTX with Slow and Heavy shoulders since my shoulders take a little extra TLC to get muscular.
Bobbi "Chicks rule!"
Tell me what you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
That's good to know. I think I will try and work out 6 days a week and see how it goes. If I do get overtired I learned to listen to my body and take rest day like some of you said. I just feel lost somehow on that rest day like "I should be doing something". Crazy I know. Maybe if I did a light workout it wouldn't be so bad. Sounds like a lot of you mix things up and I like that idea. I need to do that more I think. I've been doing a lot of strength work and I am trying to add more cardio into mix now. I was doing cardio only 2-3 days a week so that is probably why I'm tired. Good ideas.

Thank you for posting your feedback! I am changing to your way of thinking as of now!!!!!!
I always have these awesome rotations planned then my body poops out before day 7 (traditional rest day) and I either push myself and then suffer overtraining symptons or I take a day off in middle of week and beat myself up so much.
I am now going to just set up my rotation and take days off when my body needs to rest.
I read your posts all the time and have always gotten great ideas but this could be a lifestyle changer for me!
Thanks for always posting to help so many of us.
Dayna - Sorry, I just had to comment on the night terrors - oh that brings back horrible memories. My DD had them starting around 2 years old and finally outgrew them around age 7. Only then she started sleepwalking! :eek: Fortunately, that was only for a year. Good luck with your 5 year old. I hope he or she outgrows them fast! And if he/she does start sleepwalking, it's alot easier to handle than night terrors!

Back to the topic on hand, I'm afraid I can't add too much. I'm working on figuring out the right balance for my body. I would love to workout 7 days a week. However, I find that by day five, I start getting achy and tired. I've just started to pay attention to how my body feels and to take a day off when I need it. I'm starting to see that it really makes a difference.

I think the best thing is to listen to your body. I figure the more you do it, the better you get at it.
Your welcome! I was trying really hard to workout 6 days this week and my body is telling me no today. So I am listening and just being. I am working on not feeling guilty about it and will just workout tomorrow instead. I figure I already had a good week. did 4 days cardio, 2 days strength, 2 days abs. I just can't seem to make it to 6 days for some reason.

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