What's the point of this exercise? What body part is it working/strengthening?
I might be mistaken, but I've seen windmill as something inspired or taken from Iyengar yoga. As already stated it works the obliques, back & stabilizes the shoulders, ribs and hips. In yoga it is used to relieve gastritis among other things and is inadvisable (according to Iyengar) for anyone with disc issues. I would suggest trying Trikonasana/Triangle pose up against the wall if you are new to this move to get the alignment right to later 'graduate' to windmill with no weight and then to windmill with weights. You can also experiment with holding one weight in the lower hand only, or upper, or both. Because I have a issues with my right shoulder, I just hold a weight in the lower hand - never in the elevated/top hand. The angle just doesn't work for me.
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For me it's not out of joint.. it's a hip hinge, like you would do in a deadlift, only to the side kind of.
Same for me here. It does not feel out of joint at all. lower abs pull, initiate the move and
both torso and hip follow. It is all in the guts
I know it gets tight because I have to do the pigeon stretch for quite a while after workouts. Maybe that is it. I usually just end up doing the side bends with heavy weights instead of the windmill. If something doesn't feel quite right I modify to avoid injury! Listening to my body has really helped in that area!Beth-B-Fit, how tight is your piriformis? It may feel somewhat out of joint during lateral moves due to this. Just a possibility. There is, I think, something of a 'jutting' motion.