Who is/was your strangest crush?


The weirdest I had, that I can remember, was Mighty Mouse when I was around five. I thought he was sooo cute! And, of course, brave. All the things you want in a rodent super-hero lover.

Who was yours?
I had a super crush on the cutest guy in my high school. He was officially the cutest guy in school so EVERY single girl in the high school had a crush on him. A well known pass time of the girls was to sit around and talk about what it was be like if each of us dated him. It was/is a very strange bond even 15 years later. I go home quite often and if I meet women from my high school every single one brings him up and our dreams around him. So the crush is strange because it like a well known group crush.

The strangest thing is that he only went out with one girl in the high school..the official cutest girl. I always thought it was odd because honestly all the girls were basically his for the asking but he never took us up on it. :)

Lol, this is great! Well, along the cartoon character line, I was absolutely in love with and planned to marry the prince from Sleeping Beauty. Any prince who will fight a dragon for the woman he loves, sigh....
Another Speed Racer fan here! I still like the races!

And even more weird - Chewbacca from Star Wars!! My love of animals?
I don't know if this was my strangest but two of my earliest were:

Major Don West(Mark Goddard) from Lost in Space(saw this in re-runs all the time)and Officer Jon Baker(Larry Wilcox) from C*H*I*Ps. My sister and I LOVED him.:)
>And even more weird - Chewbacca from Star Wars!!

OMG! I LOVED Han Solo. My DH makes fun of me for this now. I always have to explain to him it really was Han Solo that I liked not Harrison Ford.:)
My first strange crush was Jeremy the rat, from The Secret of Nimh. I can't explain it ... so I won't even try.

But like Allison said, there will always be a special place in my heart for that vested, carpet-ridin' dollface Aladdin.
When I was five, it was Mr. Roger's for me. I thought he was the coolest!

As I grew up a bit it was Shaun Cassidy.

Now - Jeremy Irons...
Bart Connor, the gymnast? I called him my Barty Boy. Kissed the TV screen and everything. Dear me...
I've always been big on crushes. Typical stuff for my age, David Cassidy, Donny Osmond, Leif Garrett the aforementioned (Hi Christine:)) Shaun Cassidy...but the strangest crush on someone from TV/music was Alan Alda when he played Hawkeye on M*A*S*H. I just thought he was the cat's pyjamas.

Take Care
I had the usual crushes growing up...Davy Jones from the Monkees, Chad Everett from Medical Center and Randy Mantooth from Emergency. My weird crushes were in high school. I had crushes on Charleston Heston and Steve Forrest (from SWAT). I guess I had a thing for older men.
<Randy Mantooth from Emergency>
Oooh baby! I used to also adore (and still do) those two cutie cops from Adam12. Many moons I dreamed of being sandwiched between those two, out on patrol eating a few donuts. }( }(
Oh totally! The older....the better! ;) (Well, of course I know my limits...if you're wearin' adult diapers, I think I'll pass....) :p

Mitch Gaylord...yes, I said Mitch Gaylord. Olympic gymnast, in case you didn't know.

I actually met him at a mall opening...yes, I said mall opening.

My Mom took me and I had just come from getting my braces tightened. I had on a blue hawaiian shirt and was sporting a raging sunburn!

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