Who Cares Another Year

HI everyone, did a hiit & strength I found on YouTube, too long! Ronne, that movie looks intense! Sounds like there are upsides and down to both health care systems. So much involved. Lisa, how are you? Roxie, surviving work? Not much here, so glad we aren't getting that monster snow! Have to clean! Good day to all! Mary
Just got back from dr. They listened to my tale of woe about this darn tendonitis. They agree that at this point NO ACTIVITY (except UB work), not even bicycling, for 4 weeks, continue icing, and the mega doses of Ibuprofin I've been taking for 4 weeks even if it isn't hurting. Then at 4 weeks, walk the dog (no hill, make sure it's level--so I'll have to drive to the level trail), anyway walk maybe 1 mile, then in 3 weeks, increase mileage a bit, maybe then add band PT but use a lighter band than PT had me using. From there I'll work with my massage therapist to add stuff in but I DO NOT wan a relapse so I'm going to try to be careful!!!!!!! I know I won't be doing Cathe cardio for MONTHS, but that's ok, my main concern is getting out walking the dog. I'd like to lift for LB at some point before cathe cardio. They prescribed a stronger ibuprofin (I know I'm spelling that wrong, sorry) so as to make my pill compliance easier (maybe this way I won't forget to take it). I feel better after talking with her (the doc). As I told her my tale of woe, she told me she knew I would overdo it and have a setback based on what I was saying. I said how I was upset with PT, and even ortho a bit because they said I could walk (albiet not as far) and what PT had me doing. She said maybe the tendonitis was worse than they thought and what they could see on the MRI. I can see that since medicine isn't perfect. So now that I've forgiven maybe I'll start healing....hahahahhaha

I am feeling better today (left foot still hurts). was chatting online with a friend and even through text she could tell I felt better. Isn't that funny?
Mary, glad you aren't getting a lot of snow I am tired though of hearing all the whining on the news about the poor east coast getting a foot of snow. I just thinik they make such a big deal out of it on the news and when we get a lot we get barely a mention.

Ronne, I do like that it's not tied to your job. With insurance here, it's not like you can go demand a medication. In fact the dr told me that she'd like to stick with prescribing ibuprofin since it works. She has lots of other anti inflammatories but it would be a fight with insurance. I don't need an insurance fight! I just feel that sometimes dr's hands are tied by insurance, you have to go through x,y, and z even if 9 times out of 10 you need z! And yes, sometimes just X works. But there is somethign to be said for doing Y and ending up using X because sometimes Y.is needed for peace of mind and that peace of mind may be important in the healing process. Are you getting all my references about X, Y, and Z? LOL.

Gotta run, nothing planned for the weekend, I mean, uh, what could I do even if I wanted to! LOL

Oh and Ronne, I do want to see that movie, but I'll wait for it to come out on DVD, I'm cheap that way!
Hi everyone
Late post from me thanks to connection problems ...

Lisa - the ibruprofen thing is interesting because here you can buy it off the shelf (maybe not at a strength you're taking) for as little as £1 for 12 tablets. Both paracetamol and ibuprofen are sold in supermarkets, etc. very cheaply (much more cheaply than seemed to be the case when we went to California). You can buy generic paracetamol for 19p for 16 tablets if you want and it's just the same.

Mary - did you have to go any more basketball games this weekend?

I took Saturday off then did yoga yesterday. Today did a Xtrain Legs premix (all but the Standing), worked hard and I think I'll feel it tomorrow.
Continuing with my film theme I'm off to see The Hateful Eight tonight. I have to cram all my cinema going in to the first couple of months of the year as that's when all the decent stuff comes out!
Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Muscle Up 1 this morning used 15&12's.

Ronne-ibuprofen is available here but only 200 milligrams anything more is prescription
Happy Monday! Today did Cathe live legs, yesterday was Cathe live upper body, Saturday did barre. Ronne, my parents saw that film, they enjoyed it, said it was violent tho. Paracetamol? Is that Tylenol/ acetaminophen? Lisa, how are you feeling? Maybe if you look on YouTube you could find some chair cardio? Roxie, how are you? How's that new baby? Haven't been up to much, back to work tomorrow! Fun is over!
Good afternoon!

Mary - hope the return to work isn't too bad.

Roxie - Those are pretty good weights. Sounds like you're recovering well.

Did Burn Sets CBS today. Squeaked out a couple of extra reps here and there.
Weather gone mild and rainy again. I prefer the cold!
Good Afternoon,

I did KCM TLC Boxing this morning,

Ronne-I feeling pretty good I still tire easily and my stomach is still tender but doing good. The weather here is finally going to warm up sun is shining.
Hi all. I just wanted to stop in and give an update. It has been a long time since I have posted or even lurked. I am well. I had surgery in December. I have more to go but I am back to work, started last Tuesday. I am also back to exercise. I am doing very light stuff, no Cathe except for floor work. I really have to watch my UB movements. My left side is still tight. Anyway, waves to all and I will try to check-in more know that I am exercising and back to work.

Hi everyone

Murphy - good to hear from you. Glad to hear that you're doing well and recovering. All the best, hope you keep getting better.

Roxie - I dropped the padded gloves last time I did that one and it was a lot easier!

No workout today. Been out and then needed to get work done when I got back. I walked for an hour so that counts for something!
Murphy's back! Glad to hear from you! Think of you often! Well, I survived my long day! Feet were miserable last night! Today did a hiit workout and some barre. Ronne, an hour of walking certainly does count! Roxie, wow! Impressive weights! Lisa, how are you feeling? Just puttering around today, back to the grind tomorrow! Mary
Hello all, I never made it here yesterday, so busy....yea, right, so busy sitting with my feet up! I took the whole weekend off, had ankle/lower leg massage Monday, felt sooooooo good this time. I'm hoping she got out the last of the sore spots up near the knee from that darn PT when my tendons wasn't ready (her words). yesterday I did 4DS UB premix. Ankles getting better but it's an extremely slow process. I can now at least rub them with no pain though they are still swollen (especially right, yea, you know that one that didn't have bad tendonitis until I did the PT!).

Murphy, so glad you're back. I have been thinking about you! Hopefully you telepathically received my healing thoughts! You take care of you! I'm learning to be kinder to my body (it's served me well), so don't feel any pressure and push yourself too much! I really need to make a sign and hang it up saying that!

Mary, through this ankle process I'm learning things about my UB and limitations. Before I always had that darn left shoulder blade muscle knot and neck muscle overload. Well, with only doing UB work (same amount as before, 2-3 days a week), I'm learning that all the arm movements in the cardio in ADDITION to the UB work was what was putting me into overload. So whenever I'm back to Cathe cardio (probably after summer), I'm back to t-rex arms. Yea, I know arms bring up the cardio but it also puts too much stress on me when also lifting UB and I prefer to lift! So glad you were able to make it through your long day, I'm thinking of going to a podiatrist once I can walk and have my gait analyzed. I looked at the wear on my shoes and it's all on the outside (darn high arches), massage therapist said that is why the peroneal tendons were possibly overloaded. I'm thinking the spinning (standing especially) clipped in (because you are on your balls of feet) contributed (I'd always feel the pain when I started spinning. My spin bike seat is so uncomfortable I don't like to stay seated. Maybe if I ever get back to that I'll have to do shorter spinning workouts. I haven't figured that part out yet (one step at a time!). Right now I'm trying to figure out how I'll get outside with Suki when the weather gets nice. That's my first priority! I know I won't be able to walk like we used to. So I'm thinking DH and I will buy some quality bikes for use on our gravel trails with a basket for Suki to ride in. I'm searching for a bike shop that can help me because I also need a bike that sits upright because of my neck fusion. These bikes will be our 30th wedding anniv to each other(in Feb)! Ha have to have a good excuse!

Ronne, walking totally counts! You really have a good balance you keep between workouts and life! The reason I got rx for ibuprofen is because I wanted insurance to pay for part of it! Plus I would never take this much without a dr approval! 1900 mg a day is a lot! (to me)
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Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Kickboxing punch and kick combos.

Murphy-good to hear from you.

Mary-thank you

Ronne-I like using the gloves

Lisa - yes, that does sound like a lot! Glad to hear you're resting (and hopefully recovering!)

Mary - you also seem to have a pretty good balance of workouts, work, life etc.

Nothing special today. Did Burn Sets Bis & Tris, I just used the book and did it while watching tennis on TV!
Hi all. I am afternoon walking only today, no additional workout. I was so tired this morning. Feeling good, just tired.

Mary - if I can find the dvd I may do the barre workout. I forgot about that one.

XT bi/tri and Icey core 2. It's nice here and I'm sad I can't walk. Supposedly a big storm is coming this weekend. Murphy, walking is so good for the soul, enjoy! Ronne, um, I'd prefer the DVD over tennis but I know you're a tennis nut. Hello to Mary and Roxie!
Since I wrote a book last time thought I should keep it short!
Hi girls! Today did Cathe live, mat work and core, it was harder than the DVD! Murphy, walking is perfect! So windy and chilly here, I'm not doing it! Lisa, we are supposed to be in the 50's this weekend, so weird. Ronne, thought of you when I saw the Austalian Open! Roxie, do you use weighted gloves? Have to run and get the kids, have a good evening! Mary
Hi girls! Today did Cathe live, mat work and core, it was harder than the DVD! Murphy, walking is perfect! So windy and chilly here, I'm not doing it! Lisa, we are supposed to be in the 50's this weekend, so weird. Ronne, thought of you when I saw the Austalian Open! Roxie, do you use weighted gloves? Have to run and get the kids, have a good evening! Mary

Mary-yes I do. We are suppose to be in the 60's tomorrow and Monday 10" of snow.

Murphy - walking sounds good.

Lisa - hope the storm's not too bad!

Mary - that looks like a good one.

Roxie - strange weather!

Did AOLIH - was going to add on Core 1 but just felt too tired, so gave myself a break!
Going to the theatre tomorrow with DD in London to see some dance. Looking forward to it.
I'll probably get a workout in on Sunday.
Good Evening,

So glad this week is over. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes this morning and at lunch I sat in my car to eat lunch it was so nice out to bad its not going to last.

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