Where Did You Come From?


Fitness-wise, that is. Gayle's thread about heavy people not changing their ways made me think about how we all started somewhere, so now I am curious as to who was overweight, who has always been into fitness, who had a life event that pushed them to fitness, that sort of thing.

Me, I toyed with exercise in high school but gave it up for many years. When I was turning 30 I realized that my arse was resting on the back of my knees and thought, "geez, should I do something about that?" Three months later someone offered me a seat on the subway because he thought I was pregnant! Then I thought, "DEFINITELY do something about it!"

I got a trainer, started lifting, found Tae-bo and then Cathe. That was about 8 years ago.

What's your story?


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
a similar thread at VF so will just copy over my answer here

"my first actual fitness was when i played sports in high school. of course coaches would give us routines to take the school's weight room and of course and 1-2 hour practices surely kept us lean and trim and fighting.i didn't have a clue about lifting other then just doing what the coaches said b/c hey it took all the guess work out of working out and left time for partying after games LOL. after i graduated the only form of exercise my unhealthy self did was walk(b/c i didn't have a car ha!). got worse when i moved to VA and had my daughter.

when she was a year old and i had to get up early one morning i flipped through and found denise austin. thats when i became a vidiot! it started with working up until i could finish both of her shows(thats when she was back to back at 7am on lifetime) then it moved to finding videos at thrift stores and hobby shops who happened to buy used vhs/dvd. throw in a new computer with internet and here we are LOL.

i posted this in another thread but this is what i am up too now in workouts(not including all the workouts i save from magazines)


now all those weight room exercises i am doing cathe/amy/firm videos as well as learning about new exercises i am sure they are pushing on their athletes now(pilates for strong core anyone!?)."

hows that for a detailed answer LOL

ETA:even though i remained active when still didn't drive and live in a secluded area with yard work etc etc. at the end of the day i would just over indulge in fried foods and bad snack(sometimes a whole box of cheez its during a movie) so i was 5'1 size 16 roughly 165-170lbs. i was constantly tired and previous injuries constantly bothered me. i was hooked with densie's show fit and lite when i first tried it b/c of the yoga. it made me feel so good that i just kept at it. there were plenty of my 8 1/2 years on the fitness video wagon that i fell but i managed to not stay down for long and kept working. i still struggle with some food choices but over the years its been much much better(i measure those cheez-its now if i have a taste for them or have a slice of real cheese wrapped in slice of meat instead) i am down to a size 12 and i am quite happy. sure there are parts me i wish to change but i am healthy and much stronger and i feel my goal is to just keep working harder and not worry much about the scale or the jean size.





I actually started with Gilad on TV over 10 years ago... LOL!! As cheesy as he was/is, I found his workouts fun and they were pretty effective. (Although I was about 13 so I had baby fat that I'm sure would've come off on its own)

Eventually I joined a gym and found that I LOVED step aerobics so when I had to give up the gym (no time between college and work schedule) I bought a step and several step tapes, which is how I found Cathe! :D
When I was 15, I discovered my mom and sister trying out a Jane Fonda tape one day. They were laughing and totally screwing up, but it looked like fun.

They never touched the tape again, but I decided to try it. I really liked Jane, and I enjoyed the extra energy I had throughout the day. I found the challenge fun too. I've worked out consistently ever since (I think it adds up to 23 years...holy crap! :eek: ).

I started eating better back then too (gave up soft drinks and junk food), but not nearly as well as I'm trying to do now.
I got my first gym membership for my 21st b'day & I was hooked. I was one of those "fat-skinny" girls--I weighed about 95 lbs but there was not a muscle on my entire body (except maybe above the neck LOL).

So for the first 2 years I played around w/the machines. When I turned 23 I started training w/a college linebacker & got really serious about weight lifting.

Now I'm 40, I've been training seriously & consistently for the last 19.5 years, & I hope I will be for the next 19.5 years! :)
Anyone remember the show Hooked on Aerobics...you know 3 platforms high, medium, low...leg warmers and headbands on PBS. Yes I must admit to doing that show while in high school.

I stayed fit until child number one came along. I gained 50 pounds YIKES! Joined a gym and lost it all. Then had child number two and yep, gained it all back, plus some ;(

I moved out of the area and no longer have a local gym so I started doing videos. I've had my ups and downs but finally really got back into it about 7 months ago.

Hey, I still have a Jane Fonda video LOL. I found it while cleaning out some old videos. I also found Sweating to the Oldies....can't believe I ever did that one :p
>Hey, I still have a Jane Fonda video LOL. I found it while
>cleaning out some old videos. I also found Sweating to the
>Oldies....can't believe I ever did that one :p

i ditched the vids after while myself but i kept the book.IIRC it came with a record so you can see the exercises in the book whiling following cues on record.

can't say i ever tried richard simmons he is to much peppy for me!! LOL. denise was plenty peppy enough.





>I got my first gym membership for my 21st b'day & I was
>hooked. I was one of those "fat-skinny" girls--I weighed
>about 95 lbs but there was not a muscle on my entire body
>(except maybe above the neck LOL).
>So for the first 2 years I played around w/the machines. When
>I turned 23 I started training w/a college linebacker & got
>really serious about weight lifting.
>Now I'm 40, I've been training seriously & consistently for
>the last 19.5 years, & I hope I will be for the next 19.5
>years! :)

Laura, 20 years, that is impressive! Good for you. What's the longest you've taken off in that time period? If you can remember!


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
I was never an athlete in junior high or high school. I played one season of volleyball, a few seasons of softball until I got tired of being stuck in right field, and bowling. I had three older sisters who struggled with their weight as well as a mom who yo-yo dieted. I don't know who bought it, but my first venture into home fitness was a Joannie Greggins LP. Yes, that's right an aerobic LP. It had very cool music like Hall and Oates. :) I remember working out with the poster on the floor trying to keep up with the moves.

We then moved onto some VHS tapes that my sister bought, I think most of them were from Self magazine. I kept starting and stopping and doing a little here and there when I felt a bit pudgy. I've never really been overweight, but I have a lovely tummy pouch that has always bothered me.

After HS, a friend introduced me to the Firm. That was back when you could by the VHS tape for the low, low price of $59.99! When I got my first catalog, I wore it out looking at all six Volumes and all the goodies that you could buy with them. It even had some nifty little workout clothes. I was totally hooked and worked out with the Firm for many years. That's when I first heard about Cathe. I was on a Firm Beleivers email list and people would mention her. I even checked out he website right after MIS/MIC was released but thought they looked way too hard for me.

After my three littlest ones were born, I wanted to get back into working out, so I went to what I knew. The new Firms were not as challenging as I remembered so I orderd the entire WHFN series. Still wasn't working for me or motivating me. I remembered that super tough instructor I had heard about all those years ago and got myself a new step and the Basic Step/Body Fusion DVD and did the beginner's rotation and was completely hooked! I have tried to do some of my older Firm videos, but I don't feel they are the challenge I am looking for at all. I love the way Cathe pushes me harder than I think I can go!

What a fun thread!
I have a very choppy, sporadic relationship with exercise. I joined a gym with a friend back in the late 70's. I exercised to Richard Simmons in the early 80's, like, twice. I think I borrowed a Jane Fonda from a friend a did it a couple of times. Next, I bought a Denise Austin Hips, Butts, & Thighs workout that kicked my arse, and I liked it, but, only did it off and on for a few months. THEN I bought a Buns of Steel workout that came with a small plastic step. And, well, (do you see a pattern here?), did it for few months, quit, and finally stored the step in the basement for years!

Then, there was the on-going "join a gym, quite the gym" period that went on for four or five years. I started walking a lot when I was on Weight Watchers, and then, I joined a gym AGAIN! Finally, DH & I were getting out of the walking habit, so, I suggested that I quit the gym and use the money saved towards an elliptical (which I had discovered, and loved at the gym), that we could both use. That worked for us. Then, I was walking through Target one day, and saw a Firm video. I bought it, pulled out that BOS step, grabbed some 3-lb weights that I had bought at some point during one of my many workout personalities, and went with it. I loved it, did it consistantly, and actually saw results like I'd never seen before. I started ordering more Firm videos, and getting info about them on the Web. Somehow, I ended up on Video Fitness, and all these people were talking about Cathe Friedrich. So, I (stupidly) bought a video of All Step off ebay, thinking that is was "just" a 30-minute step workout--yeah, what a nice easy way to get introduced to her! Yikes!!! Anyhoo, I found this place, and you wonderful people, with your vast knowledge and enabling abilities, and, the rest, as they say, is history!
Oh, my! I could fill a few pages. Brief story... slightly overweight kid called fat by my Dad at age 8.... really got overweight by high school, and got married at age 19 at 185 lbs. Lost some weight for a couple years, then got pg and gained about 50-60 lbs each of my pregnancies. Then finally after my 3rd dd, I got serious about losing weight. I've since lost 70 lbs and kept it off for almost 4 yrs now. ;-) Although I had lost weight, I'd never had much muscle especially in my upper body. Now since starting w/ Cathe and P90X, I finally feel and look *fit*.

Very condensed version of the story..... but no I've not always been *thin* and still feel like I have to work at it! ;-)
I started taking dance and gymnastics lessons when I was 7 and everything took off from there. I'll always be grateful to my parents for noticing a "talent" and enrolling me in classes. I'm 39 now and I'm so thankful that the exercise component of fitness is a no-brainer for me. Now if I could get the nutrition part down :9 , I'd be set!!
I was never athletic, I was always around 145 lbs. I never looked at my body in a negative way, I had no self awareness at all until my ex-husband started pointing things out and bought some diet pills for me, which I refused to take (which made him angry). But I didn't start working out until after I had my son and left my ex. I was at 160 and I remember standing in front of the mirror naked and disgusted (sorry TMI). I started with Tae Bo but it wasn't until I discovered Cathe that I was hooked. I LOVE the shape that weight training has given my muscles and Cathe makes it so much fun.
I was never really into working out, but always wanted a more toned body. Then I saw The Firm's 10 workout guarantee, so I figured - eh...2 weeks...I can do that. I did, I saw results, and I was hooked. I did The Firm for about 3 months and discovered Cathe. Never did another Firm workout. I'm an off-and-on person. I get gung-ho for a few months, then something throws me off track. As soon as I start getting squishy, I get back on. It's been about 11 years for me.
I was never much of an athlete either.. I liked to play sports, but I was never good enough to play on an actual team. I was a big kid (when I was a toddler I looked like the Michelin Tire Man lol).. then I kindof stopped growing around 6 :)

I was always into fitness however, in one way or another.. in grade school I tried getting up extra early to "Mousercise" hee, did it sometimes, other times I just had to go back to sleep :)

In middle school I had a real rough time, I was very chubby and extrememly unattractive.. err.. you know the phase..
I hated everything about the way I looked and my shape and extra weight. I used to do a lot of pushups and whatnot (to control my anger) and then in 6th grade I joined cross-country (HATED IT) --BUT, they made me run like 5 miles after school every day (I walked most of it) and I shed the weight like what..

In (early) high school I was very tiny. I would get up early every morning to watch ESPN (back before they had FitTV they had workout shows on there form like 5AM til noon). I liked watching "Perfect Parts", "Co-Ed Training", "BodyShaping" and "Kianna's Flex Appeal".
Although all I had was like two sets of dumbells, I learned a lot form those shows and I tried best I could (I would also spend just as much time sitting and WATCHING them as I did DOING them lol)..

I remember I wanted desperatly to look like Kianna, but what threw me off was the fact that I actually had to START somewhere's and work at it for like 8 months to get the muscles I wanted. 8 MONTHS?? Are you CRAZY ?!?!? So 8 months later I look the same and I could have just bit the bullet and DID it and have what I wanted.. Oh well.

After HS my compulsive eating disorder (that actualy first started to surface at the onset of puberty) starting 'acting up' and I slowly started gaining weight. I joined a gym for a year but lost interest. I moved to Florida and gained even more. I busted several of my favourite jeans (had only a couple pair I could still fit into).. and when you can't even afford to pay your electric bill you certainly aren't thinking about buying bigger jeans lol!

I moved back up north and in with my BF and said I was determined to lose the weight. He used to be a perosnal trainer and he's so skinny he almost looks anorexic due to low body fat (lol) so he knew a lot more about it than I did.
I joined his gym. I went 6 days a week and did 50 minutes (split up) of cardio with an hour to hour and half of weights. I couldn't figre out why after three months I hadn't lost any weight. I finally had my reality checked and realized that I was still eating waaaay too much (but at least I had stopped GAINING).
BF would pick on me and make fat jokes, and it only made me angry and pissed.. So I pushed harder and harder through it until I started losing 1.5 lbs per week. My diet was *very* strick and I didn't eat anything fried til the weight was gone.. no cheat days or nothin. I always did weights, but focused on losing the weight first before eventually moving into heavy training.

After I lost the weight I was already hooked and into the "change of life".. now for the mumbling and carrying on..

I realize (after having been a person that overate processed foods til I was sick my whole life) how much of a "change of life" it really IS to put your health first.. I hear people (like Dr.Phil and health professionals etc) use the phrase and it really is true. You can think about losing weight "for your health" or "for your kids" or whatever, but most everyone Ive ver known had to have a "moment", or a "revelation" that made them forever change their view on the matter entirely.

For my BF it was his father having a triple heart bypass at 60. For me it was realizing that I was being controlled by food. Im about the strongest female I know in every way, and the thought of being controlled and miserable from and INANIMATE OBJECT just threw me for a loop.. and that was my real turning point..
That and I realized that I look way too good at a healthy weight to "let myself go". I didn't want to be "one of those people" that thought being fat or overweight was somehting that happens "when you have kids" or "once you reach 30" or whatever other stupid excuse.

People used to tell me all the time when I was in HS (and very tiny) that I would be real fat someday if I kept eating the way I was (think three slices of cheesecake day, velveta, alfredo and everything bad you can possibly imagine).. I said "well when the day comes that I can't do it anymore Ill stop"-- and I did :) it was simple. I had to a gain a few pounds, but that was it. Im not a slow learner and didn't need to be as big as the other women in my family to realize it was getitng out of hand.
AND I didn't want to look like my mother! Knowing what my genetics carry for me I knew what would happen to me (no, I never once thought that I was thin and could do what ever I wanted and that 'it would never happen to me').

So anyway that's my story.. if anyone made it through it hehe.. but I am forever changed and have been seriously considering getting into fitness training to help others find that "revelation" to change their own lives.
I know its hard when you don't know what you're doing and just having someone else tell you what exercises to do, how many sets, how many days etc can make a HUGE difference than going into the gym having NO clue what you want to do, what will work and how long to do it for :)
Great thread...

Back in junior high and high school, I was super active and involved in sports. I ran distance in track, cross-country, was a cheerleader, and played tennis and basketball. I was always very thin. So thin in fact that one girl said that I was anorexic. That was very hurtful, and I still remember it to this day. In junior high I was so into gaining weight that I bought some sort of chocolate flavored tablets from the back of a beauty magazine and sat in my closet (so my parents wouldn't know) and ate tons of the them. I even wore sweat pants under jeans to appear bigger.

I've always been able to eat what I wanted and stay slim. That really hasn't changed. I just eat better now for healthy reasons. I bought a Tony Little VHS in college and attempted to do some lower body exercises. Then I would eat those boxed meals (Hamburger Helper) for dinner.

Joined a gym in grad school. That was 9 years ago. Didn't have a clue what I was doing, but it felt "right" somehow. Stayed a member of a gym until 3 years ago when I just wanted something different. I worked with a trainer about 5 years ago, and that really helped me understand how to work the body- what sequence, how many reps, how to reach goals, etc. Suffered a knee injury from running so much and took so time off. Then I discovered Cathe on FitTV.

Now due to a knee injury, I'm looking at rejoining a gym to get some cardio in using cardio machines. I think it's time for something different anyway.
This thread made me realize that I have a loooong history with exercise. I started Jackie Sorenson Aerobics in middle school in the early 70's and continued through college, did Jane Fonda from a RECORD!! in early 80's, took aerobic dance classes, did The Firm from the very first one in 1986, got into running and ran 3 marathons and then met Cathe on FitTV 4 years ago.

I was never remotely athletic, though I made valiant attempts, particularly in Jr. High. I also did some church softball, until a foul tip broke my nose and ended my softball "career". Then when I was engaged, a little over 9 years ago, I bought some Buns of Steel videos and some Tae Bo. I did those off and on (more off than on) for a long time but got more into it early in '07. Then I realized I wanted to try something else (and someone who could keep count better than Billy Blanks) and started buying up tons of workout DVDs. I discovered Cathe last April and immediately fell in love (in workout love, anyway) with her. That started me on collecting most of her stuff, and I also found a few other instructors I really like. I have to say I'm still overweight in spite of my workout obsession (because, darn it, I am still a bit food-obsessed as well). I did lose weight last year but gained half of it back this year. Ugh. But that was partially due to injuries slowing me down (and the food comforting me again) so I'm back on the right track now.

I can't believe how long it took me to discover Cathe!

ETA: I forgot two sports I tried in college: water polo and fencing. Now there are some funny memories!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
I was a string bean but I admired Rachel McLish. I lifted weights here and there in the gym in high school, tried a little harder in college, discovered TamiLee Webb in graduate school and admired her too, and then I found the Firm about six years ago and was hooked. Somewhere I heard of Cathe and that was where I not only did I pick up the intensity and get serious but I started to learn far more about fitness. About six months ago I started working with a personal trainer who is well regarded, and pretty cool. I also got a dirt cheap gym membership that has made lifting really fun. I still look like a string bean.
I was active in Jr. High and High School by being in the band and having to practivce A LOT. I took a fitness class in college and started at a gym, doing some weights and an aerobics class here and there. I started doing Tae-bo and step aerobics, then went to The Firm, then went back to the gym, doing step and kick boxing. Then I picked up Turbo Jam and FINALLY found Cathe! I think I'll stay where I am :)

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