Where can I find a great deal on P90X?

I cant resist the "chime-in" I too am having a love affair! On week 2 and my booty hurts in places I thought were just fat! (ya mean theres MUSCLE under there???)

I ADORE the weight work format.... I ADORE KENPO and even CoreSyn & CardioX leave me with DOMS (weird). I am so in love because a barbell is not even mentioned in lower work....HOORAY! I may just sit and cry this thing is so great....

I am still suubbing bits of Cathes new but mainly sticking to it and my musces are popping and screaming.... LOVE IT! GREAT VALUE!!!! Has changed me from OH NO its weights day to YIPPEE its weights day!
you guys are making me excited !I cant wait to get these!! I am very slow to develop muscle definition and I so long for it!!! I have gotten some muscle definition since using cathe/firm method's but I guess I am someone who doesnt develop muscle definition very well and I want cut arms! Now my abs dont look too bad, but I would love to have a six pack!!! heck,even a four pack!!!
Laura- lol
My 5-7 day delivery actually took about 10 but I think thats because of all the Cathe-ites that are currently ordering! I cannot wait to hear how differently your muscles may respond to this type of workout... Mine were obviously craving the format he uses. ENJOY and be sure and let us know what you think!!
Hey Shelly!

Great to see you are bringing it! I'm on week 13 now! Woo hoo!

We've got a bunch of new folks on the forum now! Tom, Dave, Skeels, Deana, Posy and I are still going strong!


I'm taking a 7 week hiatius from X after I finish this week (and 3 or 4 rest days)
Then I will do GS - Imax, KM, LM
Intensity Series
Master Series and adding in LG,KPC)

Then back to X on 1/1/07

I'm so jazzed up about the 10k winner each month and the 250k grand prize!

I also took the plunge .. ordered the system last week .. hoping to get them this week! I am excited .. thanks to all I have read on this forum and P90X forum I decided to give it a try ..

I am not the "cleanest" eater .. pretty much workout to eat .. LOL .. so not sure how I will follow the diet plan .. although my diet is not real bad .. don't count calories .. but do try to eat right .. but don't deprive myself either .. LOL ...

I put on muscle easy .. but have never really done a hard core weight workout .. should be interesting!

Was wondering how long to the workouts run?? I am going to have to rearrange my classes and Cathe workouts to accomodate .. LOL ..
>Was wondering how long to the workouts run?? I am going to
>have to rearrange my classes and Cathe workouts to accomodate
>.. LOL ..

The workouts run anywear from 45 mintues for Cardio X to 90 minutes for Yoga X. The resistance workouts run about an hour. Then you tack on 20 minutes of Ab X (which I have yet to make it all the way through).

There is just something about these workouts that makes you want to work harder.
Thanks "johnswife" ... going to have to do some major re-arranging ..but sounds like a good challenge!!!

can't wait to get it ... have a feeling my body will be aching in the upcoming months .. LOL!!!:)

Congrats on your purchase and welcome to the wonderful world of X.

Woo-hoo - 3 of you starting soon! I'm finishing up this week but when I come back for round 2 you will be 1/2 way through.

Also check out the wowy challenge.

They are going to randomly give out 300 once a day and i think 1,000 once a week.

I love it - it's another great motivator (at least it works for me)!
I have to chime in on this one too. My DH and I are on day 2 of the classic rotation, and I am soooooo feeling it. I thought I was in great shape, HA!!! I am really excited to see how our results will be after 90 days. We are also trying to follow the nutrition plan and are cutting down on our alcohol intake to once a week if even that.

So good luck Janie!! You will love it. It is definately a new experience.

"The workouts run anywear from 45 mintues for Cardio X to 90 minutes for Yoga X. The resistance workouts run about an hour. Then you tack on 20 minutes of Ab X (which I have yet to make it all the way through"

Can someone list the order and the time spent each day for the Classic rotation or the Lean one? I can squeek an hour out but then do you have to add a 20 ab routine on top of that? Thanks
I got my 90x today!! Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until after Tgiving to start. I popped in the Arms dvd and I can't wait ... these look realllly good.

And, found out that the two free dvds (in another shipment) are from the Masters Series, Upper/Middle/Lower and Cardio Intervals. They are tagged "new" on the BB website so maybe they are.
For those who had done P90X, could you let me know how much impact these workout to the feet? I have bunion removal surgery. I am still in recovery. But I can do gentle run in treadmill, or in eclipe(? spelling) machine. I can do kickboxing. Do you think I can do P90X? I am intermediate Cathe workout level.

Also, do you normally do it in the AM or PM? Do we have to strictly follow the diet plan in order to get the result? My diet is OK, 70% of it consists of carb. I don't eat too much meat and cheese. I drink one cup of milk in am. Unfortunately I can not change my diet too much right now. That is why I would like to know whether I have to follow his diet plan in order to see the result.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
OMG ..

I just got my P90X .. OK .. I am really scared .. LOL :eek: :eek:

what have I gotten myself into ..

It will take me a while to go thru all the material .. will not be starting this week for sure ..

.. hey no one told me I had to give up potatoes !!! x( x(

much less my cool adult beverages .. :eek: :eek: :eek: got to have some vices ..

{{ my diet part will be lacking .. can tell already .. LOL }}}

man what have you ladies (and guys) gotten me into ..
>OMG ..
>I just got my P90X .. OK .. I am really scared .. LOL :eek: :eek:
>what have I gotten myself into ..

One tip: after I previewed my P90X workouts, I was so intimidated by Chest/Back (the first one in the rotation), that I let P90X sit on my shelf for months before I got up the nerve to try it. And then I started in with Shoulders/Arms, which is a much more approachable workout (one of my favorites in the program, maybe THE favorite). You might want to try this.
Poochy - I haven't changed my diet at all. In fact, it's been abysmal the past little while, and I've still got good results.

I posted before and (almost) after pics.

Are you planning to do a rotation? It's not as bad as it looks. Really:)
Beach body now has P90 for 3 payments of 19.99 plus 12.95 s/h. If you put in the code from the previous poster above the price is then $60.83 total (including s/h). Not a bad deal.

There is some impact in the cardio but it can be modified. If you can jog on the treadmill, modifications to the cardio would probably work.

I do my workouts in the PM. I haven't followed the beachbody plan because I've been doing LA Weightloss for 6 months. The beachbody plan is very similar to LA Weightloss; higher protein, low starch, high complex carbs (ie vegis & fruit).

Results will come if your diet is decent & you follow the rotations.
Thanks, JohnsWife.

When do you start your PM workout? And how many hours after you start your workout after dinner? When you finish, do you have hard time to fall asleep?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
I'm at the point where I want to buy this program and try it out too, especially with all the excited chatter about it. But, like you, I would like to get the best price.

I ordered Power 90 and returned it several years ago - even though it was fairly effective, it was so boring - only 2 workouts available at the time. Would I be less likely to get bored with P90X vs. Power 90?

What is the difference between Power 90 and P90X? I notice most people posting about the P90X and not so much the Power 90 program and the Power 90 is also a little cheaper. Any thoughts out there on this?

>Beachbody is currently selling P90X for $99 + $20
>shipping--the shipping cost is worth it because the set
>contains so much & the package is heavy (5 lbs).
>Now, don't walk over to www.ebates.com, sign up. I believe
>you get $5 just for signing up.
>Next do a search for "beachbody," just like that. ebates
>gives a 15% rebate on the cost before shipping. Click the
>link. If you have pop up stoppers you will need to hold your
>control key because it brings you to another window.
>Then use this coupon code SERTROM2 for another 20%

Thanks so much for the above information. I ordered today and received the 20% off by using your coupon code. It's like money in the bank - thank you!!

One quick question for you though. So, now does ebates send me a check for 15% of the $79.20 - which is $11.88 plus and additional $5 just for signing up with them? If this is the case, those of us who followed your incredible advise get the system, including shipping for $82.27. If I have done my math correctly, it sounds like an whopper of a deal. Is this correct?
Just wondering........

;-) ;-)

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