What's your order number????

18262 placed on 1/13/08....wow, that is a whole lotta orders in between 1/12 and 1/13 if pepnchar is 18008 on 1/12...I had to dig for my confirmation.....I couldn't remember when I ordered it :)
I found another email that said the last day for the pre-sale was 3/31 ;-)

I placed my order on 1/17/08! That is a ton of orders!!!
My number is 17954, order placed on 1-12-08....
# 17959 . WooHoo!

I didn't remember ordering on the first day of the pre-sale, so I was expecting a much higher number. This was a pleasent surprise.
19831 here. Is that good or bad?
(that question reminds me of the movie Armagedon :) )
Anyway, a few days +/- is not a big deal!
I couldn't remember exactly when I ordered, either, so dug out my invoice and it was 1/13. I can't believe a year has passed already.

I wonder if the invoice numbers are in consecutive order, though, of only STS. Did they set aside a block of numbers just for that or are regular orders mixed in there with that same invoice series. It doesn't matter, it would just make a difference when people are trying to figure out how many orders might be ahead of theirs.

I wish now I had paid for the expedited shipping! Doesn't really matter in the longrun as it will be here when it gets here. At the time that little extra money seemed like just too much on top of the cost of STS.
This is from last year...

RE: SNM - what was the very first invoice number of STS pre...


SMN's answer... 17718 was the first number

My number is 18043

I am getting excited!!!

I found my order.....
Saturday, January 12, 2008.
Step N Motion Videos invoice # 17725 has been processed !

So, mine was the 7th order! But, I will be getting my 7-10 days later because I'm all the way over in Portland, Oregon. That's okay, though, because I have not even started my 1RM's:eek: --- I'll definitely need the extra time to do that!:eek:
My invoice number is 19508 ordered on March 3/08, overnight shipping. I also can't believe that it's been that long. I know it will be worth the wait! Yippee!! :D
17786 Ya HOO!:D My order was placed 1/11/08 10:04 PM. I'm the 78TH person to order. WOW!

I forgot to tell you it's ground shipping.

Last edited:
This is from last year...

RE: SNM - what was the very first invoice number of STS pre...


SMN's answer... 17718 was the first number

I ordered the 1st day, 1/12/08, and my order number is 17833. If the above is correct, 115 people are ahead of me.......

I live in Indiana and am hoping to get them in time to start them on Monday, 2-2-09. I didn't order any special shipping since I usually get packages quickly from Cathe.

17829 ordered 01/12 live in TX - excited beyond belief - so excited I think I am going to do the 5/6 month.......I want to ENJOY!

Hi Denise!
17767 here...although it doesn't matter much for me anymore, either, since I just started a CLX rotation. Still, I'm happy for its release and will be reading all the reviews and chatter with interest.
# 20433, ordered June 24. Why am I so impatient to get this when I'm doing Chalean Extreme for at least 1.5 more months??? :p I can't wait - I know this is going to be awesome!
Order Numbers

How do you know that all sequential order numbers are for STS only. Seems reasonable but just curious.

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