What's up with Mel Gibson??


Seriously, what on EARTH is going on with this guy??? Is it temporary insanity? A set-up by his ex? Quitting smoking?? He sure sounds like a mad-man to me and I would be scared to death if I were Oxana (sp?)!!!

What are your thoughts?

Oh honey, it's not temporary. This isn't the first time Mel showed his true colors. Remember a few years ago he got pulled over for DWI & spewed all kinds of anti-semetic & misogynistic hatred at the police?

Mel's dad is some kind of really strange, way out there preacher who hates the world. Or I should say, hates people who aren't exactly like him. He raised his son to be the same.

It's so sad. I had a mega crush on Mel up until the first incident. He was such a man's man. Now there's the latest insanity, & we know he's just a hate filled bigot that no amount of hotness can make up for it. :(
With the way celebrities are scrutinized and watched, I find it amazing he was able to conceal these aspects of his personality for so long. or else it's the alcohol talking. this guy needs to be in a serious recovery program.
Mel said in an interview several years ago that he had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which my mother-in-law and niece both suffer from. While Mel's behavior has been horrible, if he is not medicated, his behavior is consistent with bipolar disorder as I have witnessed it - I have seen a lot of rages, furies, completely irrational thinking, etc., with my family members - it's almost like a different person comes out of hiding, you would never believe this screaming hurtful person is the same person as the sweet niece you adore. Also, if he's an alcoholic as is rumored and hasn't been able to stop drinking, his brain could be scrambled from the alcohol.

He should go on Celebrity Rehab for next season, along with Lindsay, McChrystle, that guy who said he was kidnapped and FORCED to drink and smoke crack, etc. - that would be a good line-up and Dr. Drew could work his magic on all of them.
I totally agree about the bi-polar disorder. One of my dear friends husbands has it and she finally had no choice but to divorce him because he wouldn't consistantly take his meds. It's like that old nursery school rhyme, when he was good he was very, very good, when he was bad, he was horrid!! :p:p Seems like Mel is spending way more time on the dark side of the disorder.
Hmmm maybe he is bipolar, & he got it from his dad. Here's some info about his dad that could partially explain Mel's nuttiness:

Gibson is an outspoken critic of the modern post-conciliar Catholic Church and is a proponent of various conspiracy theories. He disseminates his views in a quarterly newsletter called The War is Now! and has self-published three collections of these periodicals: Is the Pope Catholic?, The Enemy is Here!, and The Enemy is Still Here![6][19]
Gibson believes that the Second Vatican Council introduced explicitly heretical and forbidden doctrines into the Catholic Church in order to destroy it from within.[citation needed] He also holds that every pope elected since John XXIII, inclusively, has been an anti-pope or illegitimate claimant to the papacy.[citation needed] This doctrine is called "Sedevacantism", from the Latin words Sede ("seat") and vacante ("vacant"), and affirms that the Pope's seat is effectively vacant because those occupying it do not do so legitimately.[citation needed]
Gibson has been especially critical of the late Pope John Paul II, whom he once described as "Garrulous Karolus the Koran Kisser".[citation needed] His allegation that the Pope kissed the Qur'an is corroborated by a FIDES News Service report of June 1, 1999, which quotes the Chaldean Catholic Patriarch, Raphael I, as having confirmed to the news service that he was personally present when John Paul II kissed the text sacred to Muslims.
And this explains the anti-semitism:

At the January 2004 We The People conference, Gibson advocated that the states secede from the Federal government of the United States and that the United States public debt be abolished.[21]
Gibson garnered widespread outrage when remarks questioning how the Nazis could have disposed of six million bodies during the Holocaust were printed in a March 2003 New York Times Magazine article.
In his interview for the article, he dismissed historical accounts that six million Jews were exterminated: "Go and ask an undertaker or the guy who operates the crematorium what it takes to get rid of a dead body," he said. "It takes one liter of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million?"
Across the table during the interview, his wife, Joye, who had been quiet for most of the visit, suddenly looked up and "cheerfully piped in 'There weren't even that many Jews in all of Europe,'"
"Anyway, there were more after the war than before", Hutton Gibson added.
"The entire catastrophe was manufactured, said Hutton, as part of an arrangement between Hitler and 'financiers' to move Jews out of Germany. Hitler 'had this deal where he was supposed to make it rough on them so they would all get out and migrate to Israel because they needed people there to fight the Arabs,' he said".
Gibson was further quoted as saying the Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews"[2] and that the September 11, 2001 attacks were perpetrated by remote control: "Hutton flatly rejected that Al Qaeda hijackers had anything to do with the attacks. 'Anybody can put out a passenger list,' he said".[1] Gibson publicly questioned the extent of the Holocaust. One week before Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ was released in American film theaters, he told radio talk show host Steve Feuerstein that the Holocaust was fabricated and "mostly fictional".[22] He said that the Jews had simply emigrated to other countries rather than having been killed, a view which some observers described as Holocaust denial.[22][23] He claimed that census statistics prove there were more Jews in Europe after World War II than before.[24] Gibson said that certain Jews advocate a global religion and one world government.[22] Gibson’s family claimed that Steve Feuerstein misrepresented himself when he called Gibson and never revealed that he was being taped with the intent to broadcast his comments on his show, Speak Your Piece.[25]

You should read some of his quotes. This guy is totally out in space.

And this explains the anti-semitism:

At the January 2004 We The People conference, Gibson advocated that the states secede from the Federal government of the United States and that the United States public debt be abolished.[21]
Gibson garnered widespread outrage when remarks questioning how the Nazis could have disposed of six million bodies during the Holocaust were printed in a March 2003 New York Times Magazine article.
In his interview for the article, he dismissed historical accounts that six million Jews were exterminated: "Go and ask an undertaker or the guy who operates the crematorium what it takes to get rid of a dead body," he said. "It takes one liter of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million?"
Across the table during the interview, his wife, Joye, who had been quiet for most of the visit, suddenly looked up and "cheerfully piped in 'There weren't even that many Jews in all of Europe,'"
"Anyway, there were more after the war than before", Hutton Gibson added.
"The entire catastrophe was manufactured, said Hutton, as part of an arrangement between Hitler and 'financiers' to move Jews out of Germany. Hitler 'had this deal where he was supposed to make it rough on them so they would all get out and migrate to Israel because they needed people there to fight the Arabs,' he said".
Gibson was further quoted as saying the Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews"[2] and that the September 11, 2001 attacks were perpetrated by remote control: "Hutton flatly rejected that Al Qaeda hijackers had anything to do with the attacks. 'Anybody can put out a passenger list,' he said".[1] Gibson publicly questioned the extent of the Holocaust. One week before Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ was released in American film theaters, he told radio talk show host Steve Feuerstein that the Holocaust was fabricated and "mostly fictional".[22] He said that the Jews had simply emigrated to other countries rather than having been killed, a view which some observers described as Holocaust denial.[22][23] He claimed that census statistics prove there were more Jews in Europe after World War II than before.[24] Gibson said that certain Jews advocate a global religion and one world government.[22] Gibson’s family claimed that Steve Feuerstein misrepresented himself when he called Gibson and never revealed that he was being taped with the intent to broadcast his comments on his show, Speak Your Piece.[25]

You should read some of his quotes. This guy is totally out in space.


WOW, this just blows my mind. How can anyone in their right mind say there was no Holocaust? Yea, Mel might be bipolar, but with this guy as a father, he really had no chance to be anything more than what he is showing himself to be now.
WOW, this just blows my mind. How can anyone in their right mind say there was no Holocaust? Yea, Mel might be bipolar, but with this guy as a father, he really had no chance to be anything more than what he is showing himself to be now.

Actually, my parents believe much of the same garbage and I certainly know it's utter BS. Any child can overcome their parent's limitations in intellect & empathy. Mel is NOT forced to believe this crap regardless of it who fed it to him.
Thanks for the info, I had previously been confused by Catholic Anti-Semites, seeing as I had thought that Jesus was a Jew.. . .

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