If someone asks Cathe a personal question and she doesn't want to answer can't she just say "I don't feel comfortable dicussing this topic"? This goes for anyone else.
If someone needs to ask Cathe questions about her personal life (its hard for me to imagine why), at the very least do it on the Ask Cathe boards so she can address them. I think it is completely inappropriate and unacceptable to discuss such topics in the Open Discussion forum, where Cathe can't address them. If you ever see anything like that here, just don't respond to it at all. People will get the message that such topics are unwelcome here if no one responds. If you respond, even to tell the person that such posts are inappropriate, you just bring attention to it and some people are encouraged by that. I've been here a long time, and I've seen that the cold shoulder works best.
Other than that, I love a good debate, or hearing different opinions, even on "touchy" subjects, as long as everyone is respectful.
I agree about missing the old smilies!
It used to be fun to come here. I've made some lifetime friends on this forum. I keep in touch with them elsewhere, but I miss the ease of checking in with them on and off all day here. I'm not sure when it stopped being so much fun. Maybe when folks started asking all kinds of personal medical questions? This is a fitness forum, not WebMD. Maybe when folks started thinking their opinions were the only ones that mattered? There are alot of threads that are nothing but opinion. No one seems to get to "know" anyone anymore. There's been a whole lot take and not much give. I think it all started when the old smilies were lost.
And does anyone use the preview button? If you reread your post and it sounds mean, offensive, or downright stupid, DON"T POST IT!!!
Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! hands down, this is my FAVORITE comment in this entire thread!! Good one, Tami!!!
*This message was previewed and approved and then edited more than once by Tami*![]()
It used to be fun to come here. I've made some lifetime friends on this forum. I keep in touch with them elsewhere, but I miss the ease of checking in with them on and off all day here. I'm not sure when it stopped being so much fun. Maybe when folks started asking all kinds of personal medical questions? This is a fitness forum, not WebMD. Maybe when folks started thinking their opinions were the only ones that mattered? There are alot of threads that are nothing but opinion. No one seems to get to "know" anyone anymore. There's been a whole lot take and not much give. I think it all started when the old smilies were lost.
And does anyone use the preview button? If you reread your post and it sounds mean, offensive, or downright stupid, DON"T POST IT!!!
Bwahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! hands down, this is my FAVORITE comment in this entire thread!! Good one, Tami!!!![]()
Oh, you're quite welcome! Your comment really made me laugh -- I just loved it!Miss Lee, you made MY day. Thank you. It feels good to have a pat on the back, I needed that today.
BTW I 'ran' this morning day 2 of week 1 of c25k. How's your running going?
This is the open discussion of a fitness forum. Wouldn't medical issues tie in with fitness? How do the threads starting out with a
<---- pertain to fitness?
I was talking about the personal, "I have a rash on my right middle finger..." kind of question.
Yeah!! LMAO!!!!!I do remember the lively discussions from this past presidential election. I can't imagine what it was like during and after the 2000 election! I appreciate everyone's honest opinions to my question. How about we all start a Cardio Coach or kettlebell thread just to really stir things up?!
"""I think this forum has changed quite a bit. Personally I think it started happening when STS was first announced & Cathe's appeal & audience broadened exponentially. It used to be a really cozy little forum w/a limited number of members & it really felt like a little extended family"""
And by the way...this particular sentence seems to be the most insulting of all of them. To say that it used to be "cozy" with limited members...that is just a little close minded. Forums grow and attract more people...it is the way it is. World Wide Web....it is open to an exponentially large group of people. That is the goal right? Of any business...to grow and reach as many people possible, to sell their product to as many possible? Particularly in these tough times.
I don't know...as a new member (well NOT new...but new to posting)...this is a bit disheartening to read from one of the seasoned posters.
Just an opinion to offer, but it seems to me that some of the members here are extremely stuck in the way things "used to be" or the way that "things always were". Like life, things change. People change, growth occurs. With more forum readers/members and posters, more opinions are thrown out and sometimes the pot may be stirred more than they "used to be".
As someone who has been a reader on these forums for years, it always interests me when the more "seasoned" forum members take it upon themselves to snuff out anything that they do not DEEM worthy or interesting or relevant.
It reminds me of high school all over again. You have your "cool" crowd and everyone is trying to fit in with them. This cool crowd can sometimes make the rest of the bunch feel inferior or irrelevant. That is what I seem to see lately.
Also, we are all adults here. Who is one to tell another to make sure you edit your posts? Or, make sure you use the most proper grammer and punctuation? Are those that may not have excelled in English class that much more inferior? I just think that sometimes the tone in which these posts are written can be extremely...for lack of a better term...condescending.
Cathe is an amazing instructor, has produced an equally amazing product and yes...by offering a forum where anyone can post it will likely turn into a debate at times. But that doesn't mean that we cannot have healthy debates without the seasoned crowd constantly throwing it up in the "newer" members faces how great it used to be. If you ask me or many others here, that may be precisely why newbies are afraid to even post in the first place.
Hence the "lurkers" thread just recently. As someone new to the forum, you are excited and want to contribute. But when you are always being bombarded with blasts from the past and how it used to be...maybe people feel that they may not live up to the popular click in high school. I just wish that some of the members (people over 10K posts perhaps?) would be a litte more lenient or accepting of the newer wave of forum members.
Times...they are-a-changin'...