what does everyone "do?"

RE: what does everyone

I am a software engineer...sitting on my bu*tt all day does not do well for my figure why is why I love doing CATHE workouts !I am divorced, no kids, but mommy to 2 kitties !!
RE: what does everyone

Lots of nurses here!

I am a SAHM to my two girls and will be their "teacher" as we homeschool and my husband's helpmate!

RE: what does everyone

I am an Assistant Attorney General at the state level. I handle criminal appeals. I also am a mom to 2 girls, 2 and 4.
RE: what does everyone

Hello, I'm fairly new to Cathe and to the forums. My name is Sandi and I am mom to a 19, 14, 13 and 2 year olds. Also work as a RN in the emergency department. I keep pretty busy too. Nice to meet everyone.
RE: what does everyone

I'm an extremely burned out, almost finished, the-light-is-at-the-end-of the-tunnel grad student at Notre Dame. I'm getting a PhD in immunology and am looking for a job in R&D for a pharmaceutical or biotech company.

RE: what does everyone

Hey, Lorie (lederr)... I am a Spanish, French, and Arabic translator. I also dabble lightly in Portuguese and Papiamentu. I'm also trying to learn Farsi in my off time... however, with all that's going on in the world, I haven't had as much off time as I'd like!

Yeah, I went to bilingual schools growing up, and went to a straight-up French school (my sister and I were the only Americans in a sea of French military brats!) for nearly 4 years. I think that honestly made my acquisition of Arabic much easier, since I didn't start learning it until I was 18, and technically one's capacity for additional language acquisition past about age 9-11 takes a dramatic dive. I guess I'm one of the luckier ones in that respect... :)
RE: what does everyone

My only claim to fame is my Husband. Who is an Army Colonel.
He has been on TV. And also featured in a couple of Movies.
My Life is his. Following him,and Supporting him.
I have to say he spoils me. I can do nearly anything I want whenever I want. Whenever I begin to talk about myself, I always end up speaking about my Hero. The best thing about me is him.
I do not know what I would want as a career. I have to many interests.
I think it's way tooooooo late to have a profession. I have just had many different jobs.
My favorite was working for Estee Lauder.
All of you should be proud of all your accomplishments.
You are all neat people making a difference in the world and others lives.
Like Cathe.;-)
Wish I could impress all of you , but I know that my husband sure would.
RE: what does everyone

Rocky, why would you think that your own life would not be impressive?!?! First of all, being the wife of a colonel is quite impressive because we all know that while his life is the military, you have to take care of everything else! Also, all the work it took to get him there...moving around, hosting, supporting him...I don't think I could do that.

It is wonderful that his accomplishments are your accomplishments and you are so proud of him.

I do have to say that I don't believe "the best thing about you is him"...the best thing about you is Y-O-U and all you do to lift him up and support him. We all know what's behind a successful man...a good woman!!! :) I am sure he could not accomplish all he has without YOU!

What branch is he in? Is he an LC or full bird? Wow...how awesome!
RE: what does everyone

I'm a mom of two awesome kids, a 12yo daughter and a 10yo son. I homeschool my son during the week and work as a janitor at a small private school on the weekend. Not very glamorous, but I love what I do!:7
RE: what does everyone


I agree with Lorie. It is wonderful that your husband is your hero, and he sounds amazing, but you should be proud of yourself!

Ann Marie
RE: what does everyone


Good luck with school. I went to ICO, in Chicago, which is a great city. I am from NYC, and to me, Chicago was a small clean New York. Right now, we are living in Virginia Beach. I guess you never know where life will take you! :)

Ann Marie
RE: what does everyone

I hope this does not sound to pushy or nosey, but I want to know what Pippa does! :)
I got the lowdown on all of you, except Pippa, so Pippa where are you?:7
I love reading your intelligent posts and am wondering?

I really enjoyed reading about all of you, what a wonderful group. Thanks again for sharing!
RE: what does everyone

I'm a mail handler at with the US Postal Service at the Processing & Distribution Center (huge place) in Columbus, Ohio. I'm really excited because my status at my job changes tomorrow and I won't be REQUIRED to work overtime ALL THE TIME anymore. Mandatory overtime every night (usually 10 hours, oftentimes 12) 6 days per week for 2-1/2 years... Finally, I get two days off and, unless they mandatory everyone, I can go home after 8 hours... I won't know what to do with myself... The money's been great but I'm TIRED!!!
RE: what does everyone

>I run the non-credit program at a community college (the
>"fun" classes like dog training, quilting, senior swimming,
>kids camps). A program my boss hates and wish would go away.
>It just doesn't bring him any notoriety so I get zero support.
>But it's got great vacation time and retirement. :) My last
>job of traveling to Europe all the time for tourism marketing
>was great fun but the long-term benefits were not nearly as
>"grown up". :p
>"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains
>unawakened." - Anatole France

I LOVE those classes!
RE: what does everyone

Hi ladies!! I am a SAHM too. I homeschool my 10yr old daughter and 7 yr old son and I work parttime at a youth fitness center teaching kids about fitness and getting them moving with fitness.(youth fitness teacher) Before I was a mom, I was in accounting. I have more fun doing what I do now!!
RE: what does everyone

Thank you Lori & Ann Marie,
You both made my day with your kind comments.
My Husband is an Army Engineer. A full Bird Colonel.
Boy, Everyone on Cathe's forums are so nice.

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