What Did You Eat For Breakfast Today?

I had one serving of cinnamon oatmeal with light vanilla soy milk and also 3 scrambled egg whites.
Now going to the kitchen for some cottage cheese (ok I'm weird, I love the stuff)
Judy...at first glance you look just like one of my sister's! :D

I apologize if you hear that alot. I know it happens to me all the time...the girl-next-door type of thing. People are always telling me I look like their sister or cousin or aunt (!!!) or someone they went to school with...someone they once dated, love that one cause you never know, okay is this guy hitting on me? I've heard it all.

But I've never come across anyone who looked like any of MY siblings so I had to comment! :D :D :D
a bowl of special k with the yogurt in it/whole milk(love skim milk but not on cereal)
2hrs later a whey shake
now at 11:40 chicken wrap (whole wheat tort.shell)and sugar free jello
I had egg whites with one slice of low fat cheese and some cottage cheese with blueberries.
and of course the JAVA with skim milk and splenda
Cinnamon oatmeal and a container of Yoplait fat-free yogurt (strawberry/white chocolate flavor). And coffee w/creamer & sweetnlow! My one vice... can't get by without my coffee!
Steel cut oats with chopped apple, pumpkin, cinnamon/ginger, ground flax seed, and stevia. Tofu "toast" (I slice tofu very thin, and cook it in my convection oven until slightly crisp and then sprinkle with cinnamon/stevia combination :9 ) Water and peppermint tea. I'm usually pretty consistent w/ bf as well, it's oatmeal, but I just vary the fruit and spices.
I was sort of bad this morning. Instead of making breakfast, I spent my time making a salad for lunch, then I stopped for a Starbucks breakfast sandwich. Mmm :9 Not bad for fast food. I ate it at work and had some herbal tea with it.
i had 1/2 cup of fiber 1 cereal with a sprinkle of oatmeal crips w/ raisin to add excitement and skim milk, and of course coffee, decaf....
I'm pretty boring: I have a smoothie every day, but the ingredients change a bit.

Today, it was: in a base of pomegranate juice and aloe vera, 1 scoop hemp protein powder, 1/2 scoop Vegan Complete meal replacement/protein powder, 1 Tbsp (about) Mega Flax Joint flax meal and vegan glucosamine, a bit more than 1 Tbsp maca root powder, the innards of two capsules of green tea extract, the innards of two capsules of "blue mangosteen" blue-green algae and mangosteen powder, the innards of two capsules of "Vegan Joint Complete," about 1 tsp. "perfect food"( a "green drink" mix), some frozen strawberries. I think that's all I could fit in today! It ended up being kind of purple!
I was a little bad - I had a cinnamon-raisin bagel with cream cheese, a large coffee w/milk and a carton of grapefruit juice. I'm making up for it for lunch, however. I'm having a veggie sandwich on a whole wheat pita (alfalfa sprouts, watercress, green peppers, tomatoes, avocado and a slice of provolone w/dijon mustard!! oh, yum)! I've two blood oranges and a lowfat yogurt for the afternoon snack (if I get to it - I eat lunch very late).
RE: What Did You Eat For Breakfast Today?/Kathryn

Amy's Mexican Tamale Pie and Coach's Oatmeal with fresh Walnuts followed by a cup of Yerbe Mate Tea (gives me that extra boost for the day and I'll bet if I drink enough of it, it would put hair on my chest.... on second thought, maybe I won't drink that many cups today).

I have extra pies in the freezer if you want to join me Kathryn;-) I do love those quick and easy Amy's meals (lazy, lazy Robin).

RE: What Did You Eat For Breakfast Today?/Kathryn

Two slices of peanut butter toast with too much natural peanut butter because I love the stuff.A glass of orange juice. It's my "coffee."
RE: What Did You Eat For Breakfast Today?/Kathryn

I have only posted in this forum a few times but this topic got my attention. Bfast is my favorite meal, so I decided to post what I had:

one egg and one egg white cooked over with low fat cheese and 4 thin turkey breast slices.
one toast of Ezekiel bread with fat free cream cheese and 1/4 of honey
a cup of capuccino made with 1% milk and splenda.
1/2 cup Fiber One
1 cup Kix (ever since I've been pregnant all I want is Kix for breakfast!)
small banana
8 oz. 1% milk
6 oz. OJ


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