What Did You Eat For Breakfast Today?

>Am I the only one who eats junk for breakfast?
>I had a bowl of Cocoa Puffs with skim milk. :9

Nope, yesterday I woke up with a hankering for French toast. I made it with whole wheat bread but still I don't think it can be filed under "clean."

I try to do 90 precent healthy and not worry about the rest.


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Very interesting to see the variety here!

I'm boring. Every morning I have a bowl of old-fashioned oatmeal made with one cup of skim milk and a pot of black coffee. Half caf, half decaf. And I do mean EVERY morning. Even weekends. I just love oatmeal.

This morning I had pure grape juice with berry greens mixed in.

Then I had steel cut oats with hemp powder, hemp seeds, ground flax seeds and lecithin granules.

Monday to Friday I tend to eat the same thing. Except I may have Quinoa grains instead of the oats. And brown rice milk and brown rice protein powder instead of hemp.

Have a good day.
Oatmeal, no sugar, half apple cut up in the oatmeal with a half banana ( I needed to get rid of them before they go bad) sprinkle of raisins. Oh and six egg whites. Breakfast is my biggest meal of the day.
Doing P90X right now so I am trying to keep with it. Normally I do not eat breakfast. I workout and have to run out the door. Today I ate an eggwhite scramble with chicken and parmesan cheese. I skipped the fresh squeezed juice because I was not prepared timewise to do it. A couple of years ago I was eating all bran with skim milk and nonfat coolwhip. I love that stuff. I avoid buying it.
Diane Sue
Two hardboiled eggs (just whites)
One slice wheat toast
Mixed fruit
cranberry tea

I did have a cookie at a meeting at 9am. It was delicious!!

I am currently in love with Kashi Go Lean Honey and Cinnamon hot cereal with a handful of pistachios, almonds and dried cherries.

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Had a huge glass of water and a grapefruit right away, then a breakfast burrito (whole wheat tortilla, black beans, 2 egg whites and salsa) post workout...

I start with a 1/2 cup of black coffee and my daily dose of synthroid to get me through my workout at 5:45 a.m. At 9 a.m. it's on to 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg plus 2 slices (down from 4) of whole grain bread and another cup of joe.

The rest of the day is 5 to 6 smaller meals with plenty of apples and oranges in between. I'm loosing 2 lbs. a week if I eat often enough.
Yesterday I had Kashi cereal w/ f/f milk and sometimes I have oatmeal. I don't get very creative with breakfast as you can see...the best I do is vary the cereal. lol
I had 1/2 cup of multi grain oatmeal that also included bran flakes, dried cranberries,and sunflower seeds. I put in a scoop of protein powder.
I've been having old fashioned oatmeal with protein powder, raisins, and stevia cooked in unsweetened soy milk. If I don't eat that, I'll eat one of those protein bar things I've been making.

Today I had oatmeal. Which means I had to clean the microwave, as I have not perfected my technique!!! I have wisened up, and put the bowl on a plate now, so when the wrap bursts and milk pours out I can just wash the plate. :p

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