What Cathe-isms have you misunderstood?


Now, we all know that Cathe is the queen of great cueing, but even she occasionally speaks so quickly that you have to rewind a couple of times to hear what she's saying. And even then, as we know, a few misunderstandings can happen...

A couple of weeks ago we had the wonderful thread about "What the heck are snowball heels" (toe-ball-heel). This week, under the thread "Cathe~Fun Thread", we have the equally wonderful "boxed lunches" (box lunges).

I will NEVER again land toe-ball-heel or do box lunges -- for me it's now and forevermore snowball heels and boxed lunches!

This of course has got me (1) chortling and (2) wondering what other Cathe-isms we have misunderstood? Especially in such adorable ways -- I can't wait to hear!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif Kathy S.
Hi Kathy,

This isn't a Cathe-ism, but there's a whole book devoted to similar misunderstood in music lyrics. It's titled "Scuse Me, While I Kiss This Guy", by Gavin Edwards. Some of them are pretty hilarious, unfortunately, it's the wrong lyric that ends up sticking in your head afterward:D ! For instance:

Deep Purple
Correct lyric:
Smoke on the water...

Misunderstood lyric:
Slow, cousin Walter...
I don't think I've ever misunderstood her, but I am always amused when she says,

"Now your legs come apart" I think it's in the cooldown for MIC and my legs came apart several minutes earlier.

"Exhale as you breathe out." Well, uh...yes.

and my favorite in MIS

"Now bend over with a flat chest."
RE: Gayle, that sound like a hoot!

how about CCR:

'There's a bathroom on the right'

instead of 'There's a bad moon on the rise'

RE: Gayle, that sound like a hoot!

What about in MIS when she says, "Don't worry about those Shakin' legs". I catch it as "Don't worry about those chicken legs". I can tell she is saying "Shakin'", but at first it sounds like "chicken".

RE: Gayle, that sound like a hoot!

I can't remember which workout it's in, but I want to say that it's power circuit. She is talking (I think) about your knees not extending over the tops of your shoes. She says something like "Make sure your toes don't go past the tops of your shoes!". Rhonda kind of looks at her like "What did you just say?". I love the snowball heels and boxed lunches thing!
RE: Gayle, that sound like a hoot!

Over face-in Over! LOL!!

I did not know what the heck she was saying. It took me a while to figure out she was saying "face-in".

I could have sworn at the end of "Rhythmic Step," Cathe says we should get a "life supporter," but she actually says "light sip of water." (Though my interpretation is just as applicable!)
This isn't a Catheism, but I have the TV going on in the background, and I just for a nanosecond, misheard one of the side effects of some medication (blood clots) as...butt clots!
This isn't a misunderstanding but when she say in MIC after the power lunges-"Let's pick it up a bit" and I can't breath, I'm like OK-SURE! Don't you love how she pushes us!!!!

The first time I heard Cathe say "March, inhale" it didn't sound like she paused enough between the two words. I thought she was telling me to "March in hell!":7

It still cracks me up when I do the CTX series.
RE: Face-in

>Over face-in Over! LOL!!
>I did not know what the heck she was saying. It took me a
>while to figure out she was saying "face-in".

I had trouble with this also. I kept wondering what "Faissin" meant.
I did Imax2 a couple of times before I realized that Cathe was telling us to do "Tuck Jumps," not "TOUGH Jumps." Well, they are TOUGH for me!
I was doing a tape the other day (I think it was Muscle Endurance) and while we were doing bent rows, she said "point your pinkies toward the television." I thought she said "point your pee pee toward the television."
>I was doing a tape the other day (I think it was Muscle
>Endurance) and while we were doing bent rows, she said "point
>your pinkies toward the television." I thought she said "point
>your pee pee toward the television."

Hmm...I guess we're all in the correct position then, right? LOL!
It always cracks me up when Cathe's putting the barbell on her lap for tricep dips and she says to "center it in the center". I have to yell out to the TV "center it where???" And at the end of Bodymax she says something I still haven't figured out - it sounds like she's saying "we're jamminen!" ???
>at the end of Bodymax she says something I still haven't
>figured out - it sounds like she's saying "we're jamminen!"

I think at the end of Bodymax, it's a miracle anyone can still talk!!!

Have you noticed that at the end of Bodymax Cathe is all alone out there doing those abs? That's because the rest of the crew bailed one her, hahahaha.
Hey Donnamarie,
This has nothing to do with the thread, but I noticed you're from wine country and just had to respond. I grew up in Novato, and my husband's from Napa. We'll be moving to El Dorado Hills (30 minutes east of Sacramento) in 2 weeks, but we'll always be Bay Area kids at heart. Nice to know there's another Cathe addict out in our neck of the woods. I'll send you good "just one more set" vibes from the foothills!

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