We're In This Together **Nov 1st - Dec 31st**

Hello Friends.

Lots of stuff happening which I will explain at the end of this post.

Natty, Congrats to your cousin and Mia. No prob with the candidness. Lots of politics in MI here even with Canada paying on a new bridge. The Ambassador is privately owned which he wanted to control any project in MI whether State or private.

Colleen-Good for you on CEs. Pain to get all of them in. Used to be certified aerobics thru ACE so I know the drill.

Sarah-Life happens. Please don't apologize for not working out, I haven't in 2 weeks b/c of class. Sometimes, you need a break too. How is your sick one? This crazy weather is doing it.

Update: ONE more week of class, unfortunately, the craziest. Tues-quiz, Wed-graded review and Thursday-final. Cause our class meets 4 nights a week, they expect us to do more on the weekend although we catch up on other stuff. Will work part-time if things go well thru the final cause the rate is so low.
The guy from CA called and wants to move on MI. It'll be a job and a move back to Detroit. He is saying January 1st but if that was the case, more like March to get things going maybe.
Finally, yesterday, I received a letter from the State that my unemployment will now be Federally paid. I must do some stuff on Monday to ensure benefits.
So, yesterday was my road-therapy trip to KZ. Some drives are life-changing b/c it started my blog. My decision is to start my own nonprofit 501c3 to assist with the unemployed financially over/above benefits or lack thereof. Work along other nonprofs so the person can stay in the loop professionally to find work, etc. The letter trigger some of it but lots of stuff played into it like not being able to find work so I will create it myself, passionate for the unemployed like myself cause brutal to keep conversation alive during the election, and news of many more layoffs. Over this past week, my blog grew like crazy.
So, if you don't hear from me this week, its class. The following will be for the nonprof.
Happy Saturday!

Today I did Kettlebell Kickboxing: Longevity. Still loving the KBKB! On VF there is buzz about a new kickbox workout called Rapid Fire 3 by Susan Chung...lots of kicking and basic choreography that's easy to follow? Me likey!! One more dvd to add to my wish/trade list! lol It never ends! :eek:

I'm thinking tomorrow I'm in the mood for some old fashioned step aerobics! :D I haven't done any straight up step for several months now. Power Step by Kathy Smith is calling my name! Oldie but a goodie. Well, it's between that and Cathe's Intensity actually. I can't decide. I finally bought some light, minimalist shoes that I think will work well when I do step. I also have been wearing this ankle brace by ACE that is sort of like a tight compression sock that has been helping my ankles, and I plan to wear it with the shoes as well. I swear, all my joints are so loosey goosey. Knees, ankles and now I suspect my shoulders. I'm one of those people that just has a lot of laxity in the joints, I've come to realize. It's especially noticeable around ttotm. That darn relaxin hormone! :mad:

Marie- A lady on my other check in gave me this great idea for you. She is babysitting her infant grand-daughter pretty much daily, and she decided to get some Leslie Sansone walking videos to use with her in one of those baby carriers while she works out to the video. The motion keeps baby happy and her hands are free to do movements with the workout. There are tons and tons of Leslie Sansone videos that would probably work great for that! Of course, you wouldn't want one that did what Leslie calls "boosted" walking, which is basically jogging in place. :p

Natty- Aww, that so sweet Jennifer asked how I was doing! That other lady who can do 30-40 pushups...wowza! I thought I was super hero doing 20 in a row! lol Good for you working on your core more (imagine big pat on the back! :D). I laughed out loud at the vagina cringing comment! LOL Oh yeah, that is a HUGE baby to have to push out! Yikes! :eek: :eek:

Sarah- definitely feel free to check in whether your fitting the workouts in or not! I love to hear from everybody even if it's just to chat about non-fitness stuff. For most of my life, my exercising wasn't at all consistent like I am these days. :eek: I would be on and off that wagon so much it would make you dizzy! I hope the sickness doesn't work it's way through your house :confused:. That's the worst when one person gets sick and then you just hold your breath waiting to see if another one will get sick, too.

Jen- Good luck with all the testing and finishing up of your course work. Sounds like you are going to be one busy lady for awhile!

Gotta get going, the next patient is here! :) Have a great weekend ladies!
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Hey lovely ladies!!

Just wanted to stop by and say HELLO :) and that I miss you guys! I hope all is well!
Hey all-

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. It's been harder to get online. B and I are doing great. His awake times have lengthened and nap times have shortened so it's been harder to get stuff done. That's parenthood though right?! I do love it though. Unfortunately the forums are the last thing I have on my to-do list for right now. Hoping to get them back up there as time goes on. I will check in as I can though.

B is doing good. He tends to have more fussy periods after eating lately. Reflux possibly. The dr wants to wait to put him on medication which I totally agree with. We have been trying other things like holding him upright after eating. Seems to help somewhat. Anyone have advice on this topic. I will gladly take it.

We have been getting on for daily walks which has been nice. The weather was great today :)

Glad everyone is doing well.
Good morning ladies!

Yesterday my mom and sis were over. It went ok, but you guys know how stressed out I get when they're around. Anyhoo, after they left I did 4DS Low Intensity Step. It was perfect for an 8pm workout.

My rear delts have been DOMS'ing these past few days. I'm really not sure what caused it as my last weight work was MIS on Thurs. On Friday I did that TTM premix which had UB/Core work. Perhaps it was the plank work :confused:.

I'm glad you and Breckin are doing well :). Walks are perfect with a c-section. Do not underestimate how effective all those steps are!
Babies are such an enigma during the first few months. After a few weeks of breastfeeding, Bella was getting the same way (fussy) while she was eating. She would turn away from my breast and scream while eating. Very stressful. My doctor determined she might have been having a reaction to my milk and recommended I give her Nutramigen formula (hypo-allergenic). I felt guilty at first, like I was a terrible mother for offering my child formula and breaking that beautiful boding experience between mother and child. With that said, Bella was a horrible eater since birth, and even with a nurse coming to the house to help with breastfeeding, she still made my nipples crack and bleed. That made my decision easier I suppose. I did however try other methods before moving on to formula, like holding Bella upright after feedings, a slanted pillow especially for babies and acid reflux, gripe water, more burping, ect. I'm sorry if this was not much help. Breastfeeding was not my forte :(:(. Hang in there! You're doing awesome :cool:.

How did the shoes turn out? I'm so excited you are trying step aerobics again! I have come to the conclusion that the "bad times" for my joints are always around ovulation. It never fails that my right knee hurts and my lower back always aches. Both seem to be more susceptible to injury during that time.
I hope the ankle brace helps you :).

I hope your final week of class goes well :).
How great that your blog exploded with more followers!

Hi!!!!! Hope you, Addie and Heins are doing well :).
Dr. Jason, who posted with Cathe on Facebook the other day follows me and my blog on Twitter. We conversed right after on Twitter. He's a good friend of hers. Small world.
I wanted to l show you guys the finished room. 10 pounds later and 1 month of no exercise :(





My daughters love it, so I guess it was worth it.


PS Now my other daughter is sick so I've been all night long. Poor thing vomited about 15 times. She is so sore because of it.

Natasha- Thanks so much. Good to know I'm not alone. B does turn away and scream when feeding. Hope he is not having a reaction. Today we started a homeopathic drop. It's all natural and given before a feeding. Supposed to help with tummy troubles. So far I think it is working. Knock on wood. Fingers crossed.

Colleen- Thanks for suggesting those videos. They sound great and I will be checking them out.

Jen- Good luck with the rest of your semester.

Sarah- The room looks amazing. Lots of hard work put in. I'm sure they are enjoying it.

Rebekah- Hi! Thanks for popping in :)

Tony was off today...one reason I'm able to check in lol. He is holding B right now. It was freezing out so we did our daily walk at the mall today. Hoping its nicer tomorrow. I miss the outdoors when the weather starts turning cold. Looking forward to Tue. My sister in coming in town from CO with her 7 month old baby. Then to Duluth on Thu Fri to hang with family.
Yesterday I did Power Step by Kathy Smith (oldie! did it all the time in college) and then Sepember HC 101. So nice to get back to the HC's! I'm not so sure about step aerobics, though. Even with shoes and when I lower the step, I can still feel it rattle my joints. Weird that I can do all kinds of high impact plyometric drills with no problem but step bothers me. :confused:

We had some excitement this weekend with my poor niece. She has had this sore throat for a few weeks and went in twice to get it checked. They assumed it was viral since the strep test was negative and told her to take ibuprofen. Well than the side of her throat swelled up and she was in pain so her dad to her to the ER on Friday night. They found an abscess on her tonsils. Apparently the doc was just brutal and stuck a needle down her throat (with no anaesthetic) and drained the abscess but poor Gabby was screaming and crying in pain (she's sixteen). Well, 24 hours later she was a wreck, couldn't speak and was having a hard time breathing, so my BIL took her in again. They removed her tonsils this time and found two more abscesses the first doc had missed. They refused to just remove them the first time so she went through all kinds of hell for nothing. :mad: Grrrr.

Marie- One thing I learned with breastfeeding is that sometimes the baby will get too much of the "foremilk", which is the first kind of milk that comes through and is more watery and has a higher amount of lactose which can cause baby to be fussy and gassy. The "hindmilk" lets down after the first few minutes and is richer and has less lactose. I was told if baby is gassy and fussy (like my son was), to pump a little milk out of the breasts before feeding so baby gets less of the foremillk. It worked like a charm. This is common if you are producing a lot or too much milk for baby. Try just pumping for a few minutes (both sides) before feeding and see if that helps.

Rebekah- thanks for stopping by to say hi! :D It's great to hear from you!

Sarah- The room looks great! It's crazy how much work home improvements are. Definitely something that can become all consuming! I'm so sorry about your daughter being sick. GI upset and vomiting is the absolute worst :(.

Natty- I wonder if TTM was what made the rear delts sore. I swear that move where she does the squat and arnold press really works my back! I feel it in my lats, rear delts and even lower back. Kick butt move! Still liking Dexter this season, btw! I still think it peaked at season 4, but it's fun to watch again. :D
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No workout for me yesterday. I had my aunt and uncle over for dinner. I marinated chicken breasts with lemon & pepper, then grilled them on the bbq. My sides were corn on the cob and assorted spring mixed salad. It was a hit!

Songza - Listen to Music Curated by Music Experts
EVERY.SINGLE.SONG.EVER.MADE. at your finger tips FOR FREE! I've been having so much fun with this website, picking playlists from the 80's & 90's and doing chores to it, dancing with Bella to it, cooking with it (you get my drift ) ;).

This week I will workout to 2 of my most dreaded cardio w/o's (CCC & Afterburn) and use the playlists from this website that are specifically designed for cardio w/o's. I will mute Cathe's music & voice. This is kinda like a little experiment to see if the dread factor is slightly lessened by listening to my own choice of music. I'm excited to see how I do :eek:.

Hope things continue to get better with breastfeeding. Colleen's advice is great! I wish I had her around when I was having problems :(.
I used to go walking around the mall when it was cold out too. Bella hated the stroller but she loved the body carrier, where she would sit upright. Mark used to walk around everywhere with her in it. It melted my heart to see that.

I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. Poor little thing :(. I wish her a speedy recovery.
Sucks about the step aerobics and your joints :(. You are a champ for giving it another try though. When you have limitations, it's better to be safe. There are some exercises that I can't/refuse to do because of my lower back, and have to modify.
I'm iffy with the last two episodes of Dexter :confused:. I did not see the one that aired yesterday, but I hope the season starts to pick up again.

I LOVE THE ROOM! You guys did an incredible job!
I'm sorry about the illnesses going around in your home :(. I hope your daughter gets better soon.

I hope you are doing ok today. Hugs {{{}}}.

Have a good one ladies!
Colleen- Thanks for the tip. I will be trying that. Poor dude maybe just is not getting full. So sorry to hear about your niece. That sounds terrible. What a horrible dr for not using some local to numb her before draining. I couldn't imagine!

Natasha- Thanks for posting that website. I'm a huge music fan! Good call on using your own music with CCC. Let us know how it goes. I bought that workout when I was in my second tri and had to modify big time. Haven't done it since but will be able to soon. 2 weeks and counting till I can workout again. Must start slow though. No CCC for awhile lol. That one is killer!

Went for a walk today. It was cold but we bundled up.

Cleaned the house.....quickly during his nap. No more detailed cleaning for awhile.

B and Tony are taking a nap right now. His dad is coming over soon for a quick visit. Hoping to relax a bit tonight after he leaves. We tried to last night but it didn't go as planned. B was a little upset poor guy. Knock on wood he seems to be doing better today. I have been giving him that drop before every other feeding. I feel sort of guilty for giving him medication but I keep telling myself it's natural and he apparently needed it since it is working.

Have a good night everyone!
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Just finished feeding and wanted to pop in to say hi.

Back to bed for us.

Up in a couple hours to walk with a friend then my sister comes in town for the week.

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning ladies :)

I was really excited about testing out a w/o I made in the Blender. It combined the toning sections from S&G and AT. The whole w/o came in in at about 50min. Lot's of plank work, however I was ok with it since there was NO repetition :D. If anyone wants an effective, thorough, total body toning workout using only bands, discs, and the step (used for push-ups) I would encourage you to mesh the two segments together. My core got an incredible w/o too :eek:. Overall I give this mix&match 2 thumbs!

Today's w/o will be CCC with a playlist from Songza. Hopefully my experiment goes well, and the dread factor is lessened by muting Cathe's voice & music and incorporating my own kick a** music from the website. Wish me luck!

Starting slow is the way to go after a c-section. I was exercising at 4 months post-partum. My first ever exercise DVD was 30 Day Shred. I remember feeling as though I wanted to DIE after Level 1 (20min). But I'm pretty certain you are far more fit than I was after Bella was born. I was not able to exercise at all throughout my pregnancy. Don't worry, you'll get back at full speed in no time!
Do you have a Twilight Turtle or Sleep Sheep? Highly recommended by me! Here is the link just in case you are interested:
Sleep Sheep and Friends

Have a rockin' day ladies :cool:

Today I had tons of time to workout since I didn't have to come into work until 11:00 am :D. So, I combined two workouts: first I did STS disc 26 Plyo legs, then I did 28 minutes of Jessica Smith's Cardio abs. I just got the second one in a trade and I think I'm going to really like it! It's more intermediate, but the moves were mostly kickboxing based and pretty straightforward. Plus there is another 28 minute aerotone section, a straight forward ab section and a 4 minute tabata that I think I'm going to add on to tomorrow's HC workout. :eek: I love trading on VF! :p

Marie- I love your new avatar! :D What a cutie! You'll have to keep us updated on how things are going. I hope the fussiness passes! I didn't know about the tip I told you about until Lydia so I wound up dealing with some colic from Dylan for awhile. I was able to head off problems with her right from the get go ;). One other thing I wanted to suggest, and I think maybe Sarah mentioned it, was I got this wedge thing that fit under his sheet in the crib so he could sleep with his head elevated. That helped quite a bit with the acid reflux, too.

Natty- Good luck with CCC today! I hope using your own music helps with that one. I know a lot of people on VF use their own music while working out to dvds. My niece is feeling better, thank goodness. She is out of school until tomorrow, but they think she'll be fine to go back on Thursday. I was so stressed out watching her suffer...even when she had appendicitis and had that removed she wasn't so miserable. Do you guys remember when we were young how everybody and their brother got their tonsils out? They used to do it routinely, but now apparentely they hold out and refuse to take them out unless a person has "recurring and chronic" infections. Hello? They aren't even really necessary! :mad:

Waving hi to Sarah and Jen! Rebekah, if you're still popping by to read I hope your Crossfit is still rockin'! :D

Nice job on the workouts!

Natasha- Thanks for that link. They look great. I will be buying one. Willing to try anything ;)

Colleen- Thank you! I'll keep ya all posted!
Hope everyone has a good Wed...it's Wed right? :confused::D

So I did it. I did CCC with a music playlist from Songza. I would have to confirm that yes, the workout dread is lessened...somewhat. What I noticed was that the workout seemed easier with pumped-up music. Not sure if really was music related, or that I have actually gotten fitter since the last time I did the workout. I'm gonna give credit to the music ;).
Just a little FYI about the music -- I picked a playlist which includes recent top dance hits: LMFAO, Rihanna, Britney Spears (hate her new songs :mad:), Pink, so basically all the songs from CF & TTM. Next time, I might pick an 80's playlist since that's my favorite decade of music :D.

WTG on your w/o yesterday! You are like the Energizer Bunny on your "long" workout days :eek::eek:.
I'm glad your niece is feeling better. Poor girl :(.
O-M-G The Walking Dead. Rick has gone banana's!!! You know what, I love Darren. When he was holding the baby, I wanted to give him a huge kiss :eek:.

Love your new avatar! Your little dude is beautiful. I love baby boys.

Sarah, Jen
Have a lovely day :)
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All 3 of the kids are back at school today :D:D:D

Nat - I do love the sound of your mix and match WOs.

Colleen - I'm so sorry to hear about your niece. I can't believe that happened it sounds like cruel and unusual punishment. :( I hope she is recovering good. She probably will have always have ill feelings about doctors from here on out.

Marie- I have to tell you the breastfeeding thing was very hard. Does your hospital have the lactation specialists? They really helped me. I wanted to breast feed. Since they were premature that was a hurdle because the hosp. wouldn't let me in the beginning.

I am very small chested and I wanted to feed both of my daughters but was unsure if I would have enough milk w/o supplementing. My daughters would latch on and drink for a couple of minutes nicely then would get extremely fussy and frustrated because my milk would run out. They would have to continue through sucking and getting hardly any, until my milk would let down AGAIN. The girls would get so fussy they would even turn their heads away. But they would always come back and latch on because sucking was still soothing regardless if there was milk or not. This happened especially in the evenings because my body was tired and your milk production does decrease in the evening (atleast thats what I was told). I always felt bad for this but was assured that they would get enough by keeping track of weight gain and dirty/wet diapers. I never supplemented. I breast fed them until they were almost 2 years old. :eek: When you mentioned you thought he may not be getting enough I had to write you. Motherhood to me was literally going from one worry to the next. If you have alot of concerns/questions about breastfeeding find some help through the hospital (I believe it was free). By the way, good job on the walks. B is just too cute.

Jen- Did you finish school? I when you read this letter it is done for you.

Afternoon ladies!

This morning I did HC Volume 2 and then the 4 minute tabata on Jessica Smith's Cardio Abs dvd. That was a nice little finisher actually. It wasn't on the level of Cathe's CF or TTM, but it got my heart rate up briefly to end the workout. I really liked that! I'm really excited about the tabatacise dvd in XTrain coming up. I think I'm going to try and add a little tabata like that onto my strength training with XTrain, if I have time. I am also SOOO happy to be able to do HC again! :D

Sarah- Yay for no more sick kids! Phew! It's always so stressful dealing with illness. It's like everything just stops, all routines come to a halt, and you have no choice but to deal with just that. That stinks the NICU doctors didn't let you breastfeed right away :mad:. I went through the same thing! Dylan wasn't premature, but when he was born they thought he had an "infection", apparently we both had a fever when he was born but they never actually explained anything about it to me. They just rushed him off to the NICU and monitored him, but I never could get them to really explain what the heck was going on. They didn't seem to have an answer...they said the placenta "had evidence" of an infection, but he ended up being fine. Anyhow, they did the same thing with me. They gave him formula (against my wishes) and a pacifier before he was allowed to nurse. I had planned on giving a a paci after we had settled into nursing, not before! :mad: It took me forever to get him to latch on at first! :(

Marie- I agree with Sarah about not worrying too much whether baby is getting enough to eat with just breastfeeding. In America, we are always so worried about that, but the more baby sucks the more milk production will ramp up to meet the needs. So go ahead and let him suckle even if it seems he's doing it just for comfort...it'll stimulate more millk the next time he feeds. As long as baby is putting on weight and going through the expected number of diapers everything is fine. Some important things to remember, though, is to get enough calories and fluids in you to support the milk production. It is an unfortunate reality that you will likely find the weight falls off in the beginning, but there are about 5 lbs or so that will want to stick to you while you're breastfeeding. I think that's nature's way of making sure there is a "reserve" there for the milk. It takes alot of calories to keep milk going, plus drinking tons and tons of water helps, too. Also, trying to get enough sleep (I know...HA! right? lol) and minimal stress if possible is helpful, too. ;)

Natty- Oh my, Darryl holding that baby on TWD caused my estrogen to go through the roof! :eek: lol It's so funny, I like to go on this website called Television Without Pity, and on the forum there this one lady was like "I had my ovaries removed several years ago, but after that scene I think they spontaneously grew back. Also, I think I'm pregnant, and Darryl's the father!" LOL SOOOO adorable! The actor playing him must love kids, 'cause you sure can't fake that. :) Poor Rick. :( I hope he doesn't go completely off the rails!
Say- if you like 80's music, you should totally check out Low Impact Circuit! Cathe has "girls just wanna have fun" on that workout. :p That's a fun little workout actually!

Okay, sorry about the book guys...and I must have babies on the brain since I went on and on about them today! :eek:
Have a great day!
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Hello ladies!

Yesterday w/o was Push/Pull + 2 bonus leg segments from STS M1. The whole workout came in at around 70min. Mark was off and so I had to take advantage :D. My whole body is DOMS'ing today, especially my LB :eek:.

I'm thinking of how I'm going to do an Xtrain rotation. I know Cathe will do one, but she usually has a 6X workout week, and will most likely work legs 1X/week. I need to find a way to accommodate a 5X workout week with the 6th day being Yoga and fit in 2X legs days (whew!). Here is my loose plan:

D1-UB split (bi's & tri's)
D2-Cardio (low impact hiit or tabatasize)
D3-Legs+rear delts
D4-Cardio (hard strikes)
D5-UB split (chest, back & shoulder's)
D6-Yoga + 100rep challenge for legs :)eek: Barbell Glute Thrust anyone??)

OR Crosstrain Xpress Style (1 or 2 body parts each day). Approx. 60min workout times.

D1-UB split premix (bi's only) + Cardio
D2-Legs+rear delts premix + Cardio
D3-UB split premix (tri's only) + Cardio
D4-Legs + Shoulder's
D5-UB split premix (back, chest) + Cardio
D6-Yoga 30min + cardio 15min

What do you all think?

Why do I keep calling Daryl, Darren? :confused:. I'm bad with remembering names, I will admit that :eek:. Funny about that lady and her ovaries comment (LMAO!). I can't really discuss what my feelings were at that exact moment, but I did feel certain emotions throughout my entire body...most of them R-rated :eek::D. Oh man, is he ever HOT.
Great w/o yesterday. I'm glad you are able to get back to your beloved HC workouts.

Glad the kids are healthy and back at school.
I loved your breastfeeding story. I will be the first to admit that I quit too easily. You and Colleen are giving such great advice to Marie. I admire all of you for toughing it out, as I know how difficult breastfeeding is.

Hope you are getting some rest. I absolutely found it far too difficult to nap when Bella was napping because she was never a long napper, only sleeping 30-40min stretches. So I would workout or clean instead :D. Now that I want to nap, this kid is up ALL DAY :mad:

How are your tests/classes going? I hope you are doing well.

Have a good one ladies! Sorry for the long content above :eek:
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So as soon as I wrote you guys yesterday about all 3 being at school. I promptly got a phone call with TJ in the nurses office. None of the 3 of them have ever gone to the nurses office. So I went and got him and he started vomiting too. He continued into the evening. But that was it. He seems pretty good today but I kept him home none the less.

Nat- I think your rotation looks great I might have to join in. The five days a week, seems like a great idea. Yoga really did help my back pain. If I dont schedule it, it doesnt happen. I would like to try one body part a week as well because I've never done that before. The unappealing part of it is getting the weights out everyday instead of only 3.

I ordered some pants yesterday for walking in the the rain and cold weather, hoping it will get my butt out walking again.

Tomorrow me in the kids are going to a cabin in Sisters, Oregon for a few days to help out my friend Stanley ( builder of the treehouse and girls room). Its a really nice cabin and there is not much to do there except read and play games.

One Wednesday I will be heading over to Idaho to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and her family.

Colleen - Some hospitals are better than other about looking out for the best interests of mothers that want to breastfeed. I still ahven't gotten to even start the new season of dexter. I have like six episodes backed up but no time.

So I have another story to tell about the whole girls in the hospital breast feeding thing. This still, to this day pisses me off. So I was realeased to go home about 3 days after the girls were born but they had to stay. I really wanted to breastfeed and was pumping and bringing the milk to the hosp. twice a day marked with name and date. One day I went into the nursery to finger feed the girls with my breast milk and went to the fridge to get the bin of my milk and found out they had misplaced another mothers milk in my bin. They had been feeding the girls someone elses breastmilk :mad: I tried to put it in perspective, but my emotions were running so high during that time with having to leave my daughters in the hosp and be released to go home. I just started crying.

Jen - Where are you, are you hanging in?


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