~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Hi everyone :)

Yesterday's w/o was a Leslie 4 mile walk/jog intervals + 4DS Kickbox w/my pink Everlast gloves. Much funner and harder with the gloves!

So I went to get my water checked at the aquatic store yesterday. Except for the Nitrates which are a little high (caused by waste) there is nothing in the water that could be causing such rapid fish death. I was advised to do a water change weekly to eliminate waste (we do it 1X/month). There is so much conflicting info regarding water changes :mad:. We also have a "bully" fish that could be stressing the other fish out :(. We grabbed her a friend because with her particular species, she needs to be in a pack of 3 or more or else she starts chasing/bothering the other fish :rolleyes:. Man, who would have thought all this fish stuff would be SO complicated :confused:. Low maintenance? Ha! I don't think so :rolleyes:.

Here is a link to a great motivational vid. I have been watching this guy's video's and even subscribed to his channel. A lot of great info on there! I love this guy! Warning: he swears
Only ONE Exercise Matters (habit) - YouTube

I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling under the weather :(. It's true that when you're stressed and sick, it takes longer to recover. Getting in 2 workouts is better then none, so don't be so hard on yourself!
It's funny about the 25lbs. When I first got them, I was like "OMG these are SO heavy!". My forearms would burn and sting when I would hold them, even for a few seconds. After using them often, your body just becomes accustomed to the weight. Now they don't feel as heavy as they used to. Thank you for the compliment :).
Bella is great thank you for asking :). How is little Jackson doing? They are so cute at that age :).

LOLOLOLOLOLOL about me eating the fish :D. You gave me such a laugh with that one!
I've never had Bison burgers! OMG I have to try them one day :p.
Glad to hear that you were able to save a few tomatoes. I never knew that too much rain could cause them to rot :(.
I guess I have come a long way. For me it's just habit and part of my lifestyle (just like yourself :)). Getting stronger is def one of my main goals that's for sure :eek:.
WTG on getting in those walks! That's awesome :).

And to my other awesome ladies, hope you have a great day!
On Monday I finally got my test results back, but not after I had to call the doctors again. I was feeling so much better from just drinking lots of cran and water. I have a UTI and got the prescription yesterday. Dealing with the doctors over the last week has been so aggravating. Not to mention having to drink all that juice and sugar made me eat a lot more sugar : (

Nat - My pet ship told me not to change the water. He said take a gallon out every week and put a fresh gallon in every week. I'm sorry you have a bully fish. We were told it would be hard for us to rent in Anchorage because we have a bully bread dog, LOL.

Nancy - I love Bison, even more so than beef. Its just more spendy. The flavor for me and my family is superior. My sons favorite is Buffalo burgers.

Colleen- I like your idea of yoga. I think it would help.

Justina - Hives too, thats awful. I for some reason break out in hives about 2 times a year.

Hi Marie and Jen

Oy vay I just ordered 3 new DVD's :eek:. Kelly Coffey Mayer LIFT and SPlit Sessions, and Paul Katami Burn & Build. Someone really needs to stop making on-line ordering so convenient :D:p;). Finger's crossed I don't get hit w/duty fee's!

My bad :eek: I do 25% water changes monthly, not the full tank. So ya, I guess that would be a 1 gallon water change...but I don't do it weekly. Thanks for the advice :).
I can't believe you had to wait that long for a prescription :mad:! Here in Canada, if you got to the emergency section of the hospital and tell them you might possible have a UTI, they don't screw around and treat you asap. I'm so sorry you had to go through that :(. I hope you feel better soon.
I feel so bad about your dog and him being labeled a "bully" breed :(. Pit bulls get a bad rap, and it's really not fair. I believe that they are actually banned in some places in Canada too :(.
Hey girls!

Yesterday I took Dylan to the doc and after listening to his chest she went "oof, wow" Poor kiddo!! :( He is SO prone to respiratory illness. I have been saying for years I think he might have mild asthma after all his bouts with pneumonia, but the clinic never seemed to be willing to grant my request for an asthma test. He's currently on an antibiotic and an inhaler as needed until this clears up and then in two weeks or so we are going to have him tested for asthma...finally! :cool:

While I let the kids sleep in yesterday before taking him to the clinic I decided to squeeze in a workout...although Monday is normally my rest day. Not sure how wise that was! :eek: I did HoCo Hardcore May Year 2. I liked most of it, although there were a few spots that just felt too awkward which I will modify next time. After HC, I decided to add on some single leg hip thrusts since I didn't get to them on Sunday. I had planned to do 3 sets of 20 with my body bar. However, toward the end of the first set my hamstring spasmed! I didn't think it was possible to have a near Charlie horse in the hamstrings but it almost happened! LOL :eek: I did a set of 20 on the other side and decided to call it a day.

Today I did STS disc 5 (Back and Triceps). My upper body is killing me right now...like I said, not so sure doing HoCo yesterday was the best idea! :confused: My neck is a little out of adjustment and giving me a headache so I may need to get into the chiropractor. We'll see, though. We're busy at work and I'm not sure I'll be able to get away for a quick adjustment. :(

Gotta run, patient waiting!

p.s. Natty I can't wait to hear what you think of Burn and Build! :eek:
Hello ladies :)

Yesterday was my rest day but I managed to get in a 1hr walk outside.

Today's w/o was PLB :eek:. TOUGH, TOUGH, TOUGH! I went heavier than Cathe in most exercises, using my 2x25lbs dumbbell's for the top set of 8R (she uses 40lbs). For static lunges I even broke out my 20lbs vest, so at one point I was doing 70lbs static lunges. It felt pretty awesome :eek:. BTW, the floor portion is BRUTAL!

I'm so sorry to hear about Dylan :(. I hope the tests gives you guys some much needed answers.

Gotta jet over to the splash pad! BBL :cool:
Happy Happy Hump Day!!!!
I did All Out HIIT + Core 1 + Burn Sets Triceps last night. Felt pretty dang good...increased reps on the failure sets and felt stronger over-all. I allowed myself more recovery time (about 15 minutes) between the cardio and strength and I think that helped a bit. Tonight will be XTRAIN Legs (oh no, shin shavers :p!) and Rear Delts.

Natty, way to go on PLB with the HEAVY weights! I know that was challenging! Don't you just love using your vest for that workout? The gift that keeps giving! I used mine for Slow and Heavy and saved myself the neck strain! I intend on using it to get stronger with my pushups too! I really am struggling to do the toe variety. Don't know what's up with that :confused:!

Colleen, I have had that hamstring spasm MANY times! Usually it is when I am laying on my back with one leg up on the step or chair doing glut/hammie lifts... sometimes with glut roll-ins on the ball, too. I can see where it would happen with hip thrusts.

Sarah, we're lucky to be close to a buffalo ranch that ships it's products to our local store so we get it fresh...but you're right, it is pricey. We've only recently added red meat back into our diet and we eat it about every 2 weeks. We always opt for the bison, but if our grocery doesn't have it in stock we're able to get grass fed organic free ranging beef (from the same ranch). But I'm with your son on this one: Buffalo Burgers rock!!!!

Justina, hope you're feeling better! I like Gillian Anderson very much. She was great in Bleak House (a Masterpiece Theater production). Did you know she was supposed to be Lady Cora on Downton Abbey? I think she had a scheduling conflict or something like that. I'll have to look for the show you're watching! I really love BBC productions!

Hope everyone rocks it out today!!!!:eek: Stay cool!:cool:
Busy week! :eek: I am having one of those weeks where I feel like I have so much to get done that I'm accomplishing nothing...if that makes sense. :eek: I'm the proverbial chicken! I so wish I had Friday off so I could really clean house and get ready for Lydia's birthday party Saturday. That ain't gonna happen, though, especially since I had to take off Monday for poor Dylan. I think I'm getting panicky because I invited something like 15 little girls to this party. The RSVP's are starting to roll in and we're getting more yes's than I thought! :confused: This is the first big party for Lydia where it's not just family and the neighbors.

Aaack! I'm getting stressed out just typing this! LOL :eek:

Okay, workout...Today I did STS disc 6 Legs (minus calves and bonus section). I wore my weighted vest with 15 lbs in it.

D'oh gotta run! Sorry for cutting this so short...:(

Hi everyone!

Squeezed in 3 intervals from Tabatacise before Bella came bugging me :mad::p:D. I substituted some moves with fast jump rope (with an actual rope!) which is crazy hard!

Guess what? No DOMS today :(. None. I guess I should have went a bit heavier with PLB yesterday :confused:.

Great job on your w/o yesterday! Increasing reps and feeling stronger is AWESOME :eek:.
Those shin shavers are friggin' brutal! I love the way it makes my legs burn though!

I think I'm going to break-out the M1 Legs discs again :eek:. WTG on doing the whole w/o with a 15lbs vest!
Hope Lydia's party goes well! I'm sure everyone will have a great time :eek:.

Have a kick butt day ladies!
Nat - I dont think you should be worried about not having DOMS. I really think uping my protein ( having a protein shake afterwards) really took most DOMS away IMO ; )

Colleen - I hope the b-day party goes smoothly and your little guy doesn't have to bad of a doctors appointment.

I have been walking everyday still. I having been pressure washing. Painting our decks. Weed wacking. I think I will finish up with BB when I return from Vacation. We leave early Saturday morning and won't be home till the following Saturday. We are doing are annual Prineville, Oregon trip. I hope you guys have a great weeK !

Hey all!

I feel like it's been forever since I checked in. I've been getting my workouts in. Today I did Supercuts! Yesterday was To the Max. I forgot how hard that one was. I do love it though!

Breckin's doing great. He is all over the place with crawling and he standing up and clapping now too. Such a cutie.

My sister's in town from Colorado. She has a 15 month old so it's been great to see them interact.

Have a great day everybody. Hope to check in soon.

Colleen- I can't remember if I mentioned that I liked that workout that you posted for me. That will definitely be on my wishlist. Thanks for thinking of me.

Natty- Glad you're having a good summer with Bella. She is such a little cutie. I think you should post more pics on her on Facebook or here ;)

Hello to Justina, Nancy, and Jen :)


Hi everyone!

We're off to the beach this morning so a quickie check-in :)

My w/o yesterday was 4DS C/S/T (40min) + STS TB C/S/T (compound add-on 10min). I'll say this once and I'll say it a 1,000 more times -- 4DS is DA BOMB!

How is work going? WTG on getting in your w/o's too!
Loved the crawling stage! B is the cutest of cute I tell ya!

I hope you are feeling better :).
All the chores you are doing around the house IS exercise! Probably harder than most DVD's too!
Have a great trip :).

Have a wonderful weekend ladies :cool:
Hi fit ladies!

I've been busy with work and family. Surprise, surprise. :) I took Nancy's advance on doing Burn Set on different body part per day. I'm loving the express workouts! :D I can spare 15 minutes for a good, old-school weight lifting routine. Thanks Nancy!

Work has been challenging. I don't feel fulfilled at my job. Do you ladies ever feel that way? I guess I'm not meant to do this thing. Anyway, I know it pays the bills right now, so that's that. :(

Hi Natasha,
So you have a bully fish? Nothing wrong with water then? Jackson is doing well. He's a sweetheart. :) Thanks for asking. He goes to daycare part time and is enjoying playing with his little friends. It was tough when he first started; he cried every morning when I drooped him off.

Hi Colleen,
I'm sorry to hear about Dylan. Hope the test gives you answers you're looking for. Jackson had pneumonia about 3 weeks ago. We didn't know what it was until we took him to the ER one night. He was miserable. :( Hard to see little kids suffer like that. Wow, Lydia's party will have 15 little girls?? You are brave! lol I have limits for my girls when they have parties, because I'm scared about watching so many kids. I understand the stress. Will you have help at the party? I just noticed that the party is today. I'm sending positive energy your way! Hope everyone is having a great time; including you! :D

Hi Marie,
Breckin is so cute! I remember those days. I had to watch Jackson all the time because he would be all over the place and getting into things. It's so fun to watch them though. :D Jackson is 3 now. He loves cars and trains. I guess most little boys do.

Hi Nancy,
I love BBC too! I didn't know Gililan Anderson was supposed to have that role. I can't wait until Downton Abbey comes back on. Did you watch last season? Wow, it was awesome. I also love BBC Comedy; Keeping Up Appearances, Are you Being Served to name a few. Pretty entertaining stuff. :) I have to check out Bleak House too.

Hi Sarah,
After that break-out I never had hives again, thank goodness. I hate going to the doctors. I try to avoid it when I can. I mean just the waiting time is painful. So far this year I have not had my annual female checkup or dental check up. I'm usually pretty good at keeping up with this, but this year for some reason I'm just not motivated. Well, have to go before the year is over. :D

Have a good weekend everyone!

Hi everyone!

Attached is a pic of Bella at the beach. Enjoy :)

My w/o when I came home yesterday was a quick LB w/o STS TB LB premix. I remember when I first did this w/o and thought there were too many deadlifts. I think that was because I really dreaded doing them, convinced it would aggravate my low back. Fast forward 1yr later and I love and appreciate deadlifts! I think they have actually helped my low back pain TBH. I also appreciate this w/o now that I understand the concept behind it -- COMPOUND EXERCISES! This means deadlifts, squats, presses, rows. I wish Cathe would make more total body w/o's like this because they truly are effective.

How is everyone doing? Hope you guys had a great weekend!

I really love Burn Sets too! It's wonderful you are finding that 15min in your day to incorporate those w/o's!
I'm glad to hear Jackson is doing well in daycare :).
Yeah, I have a bully fish :(. The owner of the aquatic store said I could bring her back. Not sure if I want to though :confused:.

Bye bye for now ladies!


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This is going to be a VERY short post! I enjoyed last week's rotation very much and found I was able to give a better performance with a dedicated weight day rather than after a tough cardio session. I'm going to do a similar rotation starting today using Gym Styles:

Mon: Gym Styles Chest & Triceps + XTRAIN Rear Delts
Tues: XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HiiT + Core 1 + XTRAIN Burn Sets Biceps
Wed: XTRAIN Cardio Leg Blast + XTRAIN Burn Sets Shoulders
Thur: XTRAIN Tabatacise + Core 2 + XTRAIN Burn Sets Triceps
Fri: Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, & Biceps
Sat: Gym Styles Legs + Core 1
Sun: Rest

I think next week I'll do a more cardio intense week....hmmmm; the wheels are turning!

I'll try to get back later for personals! ;)
Sorry I have been mia lately! I tried to write a post earlier today and lost it :mad: d@#% touch keypad!!!

I swear I will write a lot more tomorrow....for now I am just going to check on with the one workout I did this wekend! :eek: Friday and Saturday I did nada. :eek: Sunday I did cardio leg blast plus 35 minutes of sts disc 4. Today was again nada...:p. I'm supposed to do week3 sts tomorrow but I am jonesing for a circuit workout!
Hi everyone!

We're off to the beach this morning so a quickie check-in :)

My w/o yesterday was 4DS C/S/T (40min) + STS TB C/S/T (compound add-on 10min). I'll say this once and I'll say it a 1,000 more times -- 4DS is DA BOMB!

How is work going? WTG on getting in your w/o's too!
Loved the crawling stage! B is the cutest of cute I tell ya!


Aww love the beach! Hope you and Bella had a blast!

Work is great thanks! I'm learning a ton. And I'm lots more busy which is great! More steps is always a plus and I never sit and look at the clock. Love love love it!
Hi everyone :cool:

My w/o yesterday was walking a ton (we spent the majority of the afternoon outside) + STS M2 Legs + 50 hip thrusts w/45lbs.

Sunday's w/o was 4DS Back & Bi's + 4DS Bootcamp. I was a little hesitant to do bootcamp after my weight training session, but I had energy left so I decided to give it a go. It went pretty well :D.

My DVD's have arrived! I'm not sure if I will give LIFT a go today or tomorrow, but I AM anxious to test that sucker out asap :eek:.

How was Lydia's b-day party?
Cardio Leg Blast, at least for me, is not as hard as Plyo Legs. I always get nice DOMS w/Plyo Legs but very little with CLB :confused::(.

How is your foot doing?
Great looking rotation :eek:.

Glad you are loving work :). It's so much better to have a career/job when you actually enjoy going.

Have a kick butt day ladies!
Hi fit ladies!

I've been busy with work and family. Surprise, surprise. :) I took Nancy's advance on doing Burn Set on different body part per day. I'm loving the express workouts! :D I can spare 15 minutes for a good, old-school weight lifting routine. Thanks Nancy!

Work has been challenging. I don't feel fulfilled at my job. Do you ladies ever feel that way? I guess I'm not meant to do this thing. Anyway, I know it pays the bills right now, so that's that.

Hi Marie,
Breckin is so cute! I remember those days. I had to watch Jackson all the time because he would be all over the place and getting into things. It's so fun to watch them though. :D Jackson is 3 now. He loves cars and trains. I guess most little boys do.


Sorry about work! That is hard. I know how you feel though. Certain days in my last position as a Geriatric Psych nurse I just felt like I wasn't doing anything. Certain days were just lots of observing and making notes, seems like mostly so the dr could drug them some more. So sad! So ya I feel ya. Hope it gets better soon! But like you say at least it pays the bills.

Love the name Jackson! I bet it feels like just yesterday that it was Breckin's age.
This is going to be a VERY short post! I enjoyed last week's rotation very much and found I was able to give a better performance with a dedicated weight day rather than after a tough cardio session. I'm going to do a similar rotation starting today using Gym Styles:

Mon: Gym Styles Chest & Triceps + XTRAIN Rear Delts
Tues: XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HiiT + Core 1 + XTRAIN Burn Sets Biceps
Wed: XTRAIN Cardio Leg Blast + XTRAIN Burn Sets Shoulders
Thur: XTRAIN Tabatacise + Core 2 + XTRAIN Burn Sets Triceps
Fri: Gym Styles Back, Shoulders, & Biceps
Sat: Gym Styles Legs + Core 1
Sun: Rest

I think next week I'll do a more cardio intense week....hmmmm; the wheels are turning!

I'll try to get back later for personals! ;)

Wow! Great rotation Nancy! You will rock it like always!

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