~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

Here's my plan for this week:
M: XTRAIN Chest, Back, & Shoulders
T: XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HiiT + XTRAIN Burn Sets Triceps + Core 1
W: XTRAIN Legs + Rear Delts
R: XTRAIN Bis & Tris + Core 1
F: XTRAIN Tabatacise + XTRAIN Burn Sets Shoulders
Sa: XTRAIN Cardio Leg Blast + XTRAIN Burn Sets Biceps + Core 2
Su: Rest

Last night I really enjoyed the variety and pace C,B,&S. I lifted heavy and have some nice DOMS today! I hate to admit that I really liked being done in 51 minutes :eek:! After many weeks of 70-90 minutes per day it was a treat :rolleyes:!

Natty, glad you're feeling better! I forgot to wish you a Happy Canada Day! My Mom used to give us those maple sugar candies shaped like maple leaves on Canada day...yum!!!! Your w/os look fun! I really like the LIS series! I'm always surprised by how challenging TBT is!

Justina, sounds like your schedule would really embrace Xtrain Burn Sets; each body part is only 15 minutes!!!! You could do one a day ;)! When is THE BIG TEST?????

Colleen, I'm impressed with the 8# single leg hip thrusts...Natty is right, you're the Hip Thrust Queen :p! I have often remarked that I wanted to be able to crack a walnut between my glutes....I bet you can!!!!

Well I have a bit more work to finish here and then it's HIIT time!!! I actually really look forward to Core #1...I've had great results with it!
Hola chicas! :D

Today I did STS Meso 1 disc 2 (back and triceps). I had intended to do a quick Zuzuka workout as well afterwards. I quickly remembered how whipped I get when I do serious upper body weight training! :eek: It's SO weird...I can do tons of cardio (even Hiit), HC, kettlebell or lower body training and being raring to go to add on something like ZCuts but give me an hour with Cathe and upper body weights and I'm ready to take a nap! :eek: It takes so much out of me. :eek:

I'm also realizing my hamstrings are a weak link. They are definitely stronger than they were years ago, but these single leg hip thrusts (as well as the one legged hamstring roll-ins that always slay me) tell me I have more work to do! My hammies were SORE yesterday! :eek: I want to continue to add those moves onto the ends of my lower body dvds like I did on Sunday. Here's hoping I stick to that. ;)

Nancy- LOL on the walnut cracking. :eek: I'd say probably not! :eek: Those single leg hip thrusts were not pretty, let me tell you! I barely eeked those puppies out, but I'm hoping to become the queen of SLHT's! We all have to have goals, right? Great XTrain week coming up! :eek:

Natty- Oh yes, Dexter has been on a slow downhill slide for me since Season 4. I think they definitely tried to keep it going waaaay longer than they should have. IMO, they should have wrapped up the story in 6 seasons. After season 4, I think they should have had season 5 be about Deb finding out, and then season 6 the fall out and swan song. I think they could have kept the story very tight and exciting if they hadn't been afraid to let the show end. I remember thinking the same thing with XFiles way back when. They RUINED that show by trying to drag it out! :mad: Regardless, I have to watch Dexter to the bitter end...gotta see how it ends up! :eek:

Sarah- Yin Yoga is definitely one you want to do all alone with no distractions. I find that one to be purely meditative, actually. It's not just the stretching and long holds, but listening to Travis and blocking out all other thoughts and noises. It's really the closest I'll probably ever get to meditation! ;) So when do you guys plan to move to Alaska?? :eek: Are you excited? It will definitely be an adventure, that's for sure! I'm so excited for you guys!

Justina- growing a garden is definitely more of a hobby for me than anything else. We used to try and convince ourselves we were saving money by growing vegetables. Honestly, though, by the time you buy all the stuff and take into account the water usage to water the garden you really aren't coming out ahead considering all the work. Not to mention when you lose stuff due to crummy weather, bugs or for us one year...hungry deer because DH was too lazy to put up the fence! :rolleyes: lol Good luck with your test! I definitely hear you on keeping the sanity level stable...I always tell myself if I get to a point where things are really crazy and I just can't fit it all in, I will cut back on working out if it's necessary. These kids are only this cute age once! :D

Gotta run! Waving HI to Marie and Jen! Have a great night ladies!
It was all I could do to mustar enough energy to to Bulk legs today. I told myself I didnt need to go as heavy as usual so I didnt wear the weighted vest. I still felt it. Plus I had some back DOMS from Bulk Back yesterday : )

Heya fit & fabs :);)

My w/o yesterday was a 4 mile outdoor walk + XT All Out. I almost forgot how much fun that one is! Can you believe my butt is DOMS'ing? Good stuff :eek:

So what do you guys think about the clips/pics of Cathe's new vids? I'm a little disappointed that Lorraine is not in them :(.

I read somewhere that hammies are often a weak link for the majority of people. Since I started incorporating all those deadlifts from BB, my hammies have gotten significantly stronger. I find that doing the 1 legged deadlift with the EZ bar in between the legs was THE BEST exercise for them!

Love the look of your new rotation!
I'm trying to apply Nia Shank's concept of "quality triumphs quantity" when it comes to exercise. She encourages people to scale back the frequency and duration of their workouts, but put forth 100% into each and every session. So I don't blame you at all for loving the shorter w/o's! More does not necessarily equal better :).
How is your foot doing btw?

When are you guys planning on moving? Are you still keeping the home you live in now? How are the kids taking it?
Man oh man, I just REALLY love the Xtrain series! I really enjoyed last night's w/o...the Burn Set add-ons are the perfect length. Ever notice how each generation of Cathe's workouts gets better? I think she is really on top of her game: good exercise science; effective moves; fun music....yes, I'm a fan! I am eagerly anticipating the new workouts...they all have features that peak my interest. BTW, is AB-manda in any of these?
My foot is still hangin' in there even with the slight increase in impact. It isn't really "better", but it isn't any worse either :p! I think I may be ready to try the "less impact" premix of Crossfire next week. Hard to believe that it was just a year ago that I was bangin' out all the extreme premixes....
Tonight's workout will be a challenge timewise: it's Legs and Rear Delts. I have a hair appointment after work so I'll be getting started later than usual. I may have to do a timesaver premix. I have tomorrow and Friday off so I get to enjoy an uber long weekend and plan on filling it with lots of physical activity (including HouseworkMAX :eek:).

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday...I will do my best to keep checking in!
So I woke up last night and couldnt sleep and my back was killin' me : ( So I though since I'm not sleeping anyway that I would get up and do Yogae Relax premix #1 and I did and went back to bed after that and slept another 6 hours:)

I'm not sure when we will be moving yet. Hopefully in the next few day things will start being figured out. We will not sell this house. The plan is for my neice to rent it and it will cover 1/2 the mortagage payment. That way we will have our house to stay in when we come for a visit. Plan B rent it to someone else that won't be awful neighbors for my parents and won't ruin my daughters room that has to stay 100% intact.

I went for a walk this morning and later I will do Bulk chest.

I am dissappointed too with no Lorraine, she is my fav. I think that Marlo's energy level for me is a downer : (

Hello ladies!

Today's workout was Crossfire premix: w/u + firewalker tabata, then STS disc 3 legs wearing my weighted vest with 12 lbs in it. I even did the bonus part...I don't always do those but I like the one in disc 3 a lot! :D. I decided to sub for the wall squats since those aren't a favorite of mine. Instead, I did 15 reps of goblet squats (holding 20 lb dumbbell), then I did 12 low squats with my 8 lb body bar. I'm trying to work on that really low, butt to the ground type squat and perfecting my form with low weight. I am loving my bar for these lately. Now I'm really wanting to get another, heavier one! I'm thinking it would be really nice to have a 20lb bar for these kinds of squats and other lower body work. Here's the 8 lb one I have now: Cap Barbell Workout Bar - Walmart.com I have the 20 lb one in my cart as we speak...:eek: :eek:

Tomorrow and Friday I get to stay home with the kiddos. Hoping to get STS disc 1 in finally and then maybe take them to the community pool. Tomorrow night...fireworks! It always gets so crowded but we haven't been to the local fireworks display in YEARS! :eek:

Sarah- Yay for the extra 6 hours of sleep after Yoga Relax! YES! :D I agree Marlo doesn't have the energy, smile or pep of Lorraine. :( Maybe now that she's getting some camera experience though she'll bring the energy level up more? She did seem pretty serious in XTrain, but I'm holding out hope that it was more camera jitters than anything. I'm happy as long as we get Jai and Cedie...they are my favorites! I will especially miss Lorraine with the kickbox one, though. She always really gets into the punches and kicks and looks all tough doing it. Since I'm a big one for mirroring (monkey see monkey do!), she makes me really get into the punches and kicks, too!

Nancy- I have Housework Max coming too! :eek: Ugh, there is SO much dust in my house right now...:eek: lol

Natty- I LOVE AOLIH! I just love the music in that one especially! :D

Waving HI to Justina, Marie and Jen!

Gotta fly! TTYL girls and have a great Fourth of July! Of course, I just realized for Natty it's just literally the fourth of July...lol. Do you guys do fireworks for Canada day, too?
Ever notice how each generation of Cathe's workouts gets better? I think she is really on top of her game: good exercise science; effective moves; fun music....yes, I'm a fan! I am eagerly anticipating the new workouts

Nancy, I forgot to comment on this and say YES YES YES! :eek: I feel the exact same way! :D
Happy July 4th to all of you! Do you celebrate today to tomorrow?

Yesterday we spent the entire afternoon at the park and splash pad. I forgot to wear sunscreen and now my shoulder's are burnt :eek:

You know how I told you guys I wanted to go a bit "lighter" with my weight selections for a few weeks? Ya, apparently I don't know what that means :rolleyes:. I pulled out XT Legs cuz' I figured I could be pretty conservative with my #'s. I ended up doing those walking lunges with 2x25lbs (trying to work my forearm strength you know :p). I did the plie wall squats with 25lbs too :p. The ball hamstring roll-outs were...get this...easy for me! So at the end of the w/o I threw in some straight legged deadlifts with my barbell to really focus on the hammies (for good measure ;)). I also tried a new deadlift move called the Sumo. Here is a link of it: How to Sumo Deadlift - YouTube.

I have come to the conclusion that I'm not a very good low squatter :(. I can do the plie squats well, but that's about it. I feel as though, even with no weight, my back rounds too much at the bottom of the squat when I reach parallel and try to go below parallel. Maybe it has to do with my torso length or my pelvis tucking inward :confused:. I'm gonna keep trying though!
Have fun with the family at the fireworks display!

I meant to comment about those candies your mom gave you. You know what? I don't think I've ever tried those! :eek:
I really love the XT series as well, especially Burn Sets and Super Cuts. I think I might have to go back to Burn Sets very soon :eek:. I don't think I can stay with lighter UB w/o's for long ;). I just love the feeling heavy #'s gives me, even though they can be a bit taxing on the body :(.
Hope you have a good hair appointment! Are you getting your hair cut? :eek:

You know what, I've never thought to try yoga when I wake up at night and can't go back to sleep. What a great idea! Glad you were able to get an extra 6hrs.
Make sure you do background/credit checks on anyone renting your home. There are some shifty people out there :mad:. I hope the process goes well for you :).

MArie & Jen
No Body Beast for me yesterday or today. I have either a bladder infection or a kidney infection : ( i just dont feel 100% and cant get an appointment.

No Body Beast for me yesterday or today. I have either a bladder infection or a kidney infection : ( i just dont feel 100% and cant get an appointment.


Make sure you drink lots of cranberry juice and get to a doctor asap Sarah. If you can't get an appoint w/your doctor, go to the emergency section at the hospital. Those things are no joke! I've been having UTI's since I was 17yrs old. It's funny how these things happen during holidays when no doctors are avail :mad:.

I hope you feel better soon!
OMG I think I MUST get this :eek:
30 minutes to Fitness Lift - YouTube
One word: AWESOME :eek:
I've been looking for a simple power-lifting/Olympic lifting DVD and this fits the bill nicely!

My w/o yesterday was TBT UB. Today I did a 30min walk/step aerobics w/o by Jessica Smith. Today is my official "off" day, but if I can't get out for my walk (raining :(), I have to go indoors for my steps :p.

Have a happy and safe holiday!
Hello ladies!

I hope everyone had a Happy Fourth! I'm going to make this a quickie ninja check in since I seem to have a sore ring finger on my right hand which is making typing kind of painful. I think I have an infected hang nail or something...it started hurting last night and is a little tender and sore right now. Hopefully it gets better on it's own...

Yesterday I did STS disc 1 (chest, shoulders biceps) plus Ab circuits: medicine ball abs. Always excited to get a chance to use my medicine ball! :eek:

Today I'm thinking Tabatacise!

Sarah- Ugh, UTI's! :( They are so awful. I hope you are feeling better soon. I was having trouble with getting those almost every month before my period a few years ago. I started taking Kyolic cranberry extract with probiotic daily which seems to keep it at bay most months. Every once in awhile I'll feel that tell-tale tingle and add in D-mannose capsules plus extra vitamin C and that seems to kick it to the curb. I sure hope it isn't in your kidneys!!! If you are feeling feverish or anything try to get to the doc ASAP!

Have a great weekend girls!
Natty- that's Kelly Coffey-Meyer...she's VERY popular on VF! :D I was :eek: when I read the weights you used for XTrain Legs! LOL That's awesome! ;) I have to go heavier when I do that one too or I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything! :eek: 25# for walking lunges, though, is WOW! :D
Never got an appointment till yesterday and by yesterday I was feeling better. They are waiting for test results which should be in first thing this morning. I am not feeling better this morning at all. So I am trying to be patient but : (

I am starting to feel overwhelmed. I havent exercised this week except on Monday and Tuesday. I can start my rotation back up this next week but am leaving next Saturday for Prinville Oregon and wont be back for another week. We have only 2 weekends after that before my husband will be moving. And we have a ton of maintence things that have to be done with this house. Its kind of one of those times where I dont know where to begin.

Thanks for all the UTI tricks though. I think thats why I started feeling better yesterday.

Cardio Leg Blast for me today :eek:. I used my 25lbs for the majority of the strength exercises (except for squats because my main goal is to improve my depth, going at/below parallel - aka a** to the grass ;)).

We enjoyed the afternoon at the beach today :cool:. It's hot as heck out there!

I can't believe you had to wait a full day for test results :mad:. I've had so many UTI's that I know exactly when I'm getting one, even before the test results can show an increase in white blood cell counts (that's what they test for btw). I can't tell you how many times I have gone to the doctor office telling them I have UTI, they test me, and the results come back negative :mad:. They should have given you antibiotics based on your symptoms or previous UTI history (if you have). The medication offers almost instant relief from UTI symptoms, which gets worse and worse the longer the infection is left untreated. I'm sorry you have to go through that :(.

How is your infected hangnail? I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks for the "wow" on the walking lunges :eek:. Yeah, I'm pretty good at them...now if only I could kick butt with my squats :(. In due time :).
Yesterday was my day off of working out and today I'm thinking it will be a lower body focused day. Planning for Afterburn express premix 1-6 followed by Lower Body Trisets. :) I'll probably try to do some hip thrusts as well. ;) My ring finger seems to be better. The tenderness and redness is going down. I was a little worried I was going to need antibiotics.

Sarah- I don't blame you for feeling overwhelmed! Big life changes like this really mess up routines and such, so I would definitely not stress about working out too much. At the very least, I wouldn't worry about a planned rotation or too much intensity and maybe just do what you feel like doing on a day to day basis. I think it's so much easier to wind up feeling drained and over trained if there is also a lot of emotional stress and upheaval going on while trying to do intense workouts. All that cortisol, you know! :eek: Maybe you could even just really focus on yoga to help center you. Ultimate Yogi to the rescue? ;)

Natty- I've also had test results come back negative with my UTI's every. single. time. :( So, they never put me on antibiotics. I'm like, do ya think this is in my head or does it have to be SO incredibly bad to show up? :rolleyes: I gave up going to the doctor and thankfully found my own little remedy I mentioned before, which has kept me pretty symptom free now for a couple of years. Of course, if it was really bad again I wouldn't risk a kidney infection and go in. I'm so excited for you to try KCM! It's really fun to find new instructors you click with. I hope you like her stuff. :D She is similar to Cathe in that she is no nonsense, professional and friendly (and also from New Jersey I believe!), yet her workouts are not quite as tough as Cathe's. Have fun!

Better run! Waving HI to Nancy, Justina, Marie and Jen! :)
Hello everyone :)

I had my cousin's b-day party to attend yesterday and I needed to fit in a quick UB workout. I chose STS TB UB premix. Because I feel as though there is not enough bicep and tricep work, I added some bicep curls w/band, and lying tricep extensions. Great workout :eek:.

OMG I have the Tank Of Death :(. All my fish are starting to die :confused:. I'm going to the aquatic store today to get my water tested and see what the heck is going on. Poor little guys :(.

I'm happy to hear your finger is better :).
I'm going to purchase those KCM's today! Initially, when I looked into her step w/o's, I was like "meh :confused: I'll pass". But then I came across the LIFT dvd on youtube and it caught my eye :eek:. I like that she advocates going as heavy as possible. My style indeed ;).

How are you feeling?

Have a wonderful day ladies!
Happy Monday Ladies!
Hope everyone had an active holiday weekend! My week got a little scrambled because I ended up having an unscheduled rest day on Wednesday and it set everything off by a day. I got in way too late after my haircut/highlites and went for a walk after dinner instead. We had bison burgers for the 4th and Virgil's Root Beer which is a very rare treat for us indeed :rolleyes:! It rained a lot over the 4 days, but we managed to get some sweltering walks in anyway! I read a lot (started in on "Storm of Swords", the third book in A Song of Ice and Fire saga), and we did some cleaning and maintenance too. We also had a fresh tomato off the vine everyday! With all the rain our stuff is rotting on the vine before ripening, so we feel lucky to have gotten the 4 tomatos :p!

I've decided to do a repeat of last week's workout plan (and hopefully NO deviations!) so it will be Xtrain Chest, Back, and Shoulders tonight.

Natty, I'm sorry about your fish! Maybe they've been watching your workouts and got scared to death that you might need them for additional protein :eek:! Wow, you are really lifting heavy and doing it with GUSTO!!!! Good for you! Can you believe how far you've come in just one year???

Colleen, I like the Afterburn/TBT LB mix you put together! How did it feel? I understand how debilitating an ouchie finger can be...it can really put a damper on things when you have to hold weights, ey?

Sarah, I have the solution for your stress and UTI: VODKA & CRANBERRY JUICE!!! Kills 2 birds with one stone! Seriously, I hope that things start to calm down for you! Your adventure is just around the corner, that must be so exciting!

Justina, I hope you haven't sprained your brain with all your studying ;)!

Marie, did you get the holiday off?

Okay, I'll be back for another check in later!
Hi everyone!

Hope you are doing well. It's my first day back at work. It was very hard getting up this morning for work. I hit the snooze button too many times!

While I was sick last week I did manage to get two work out sessions in. I still don't feel 100 %. I used to never get sick. I'm guessing the stress is getting to me.

Hi Sarah,
I'm so happy that your entire family can move together to Alaska! :) I know there will be tons to do, but I'm sure one by one you will cross out the to-do list. By the way, I hope you are feeling better. I have had UTI before (years ago) but I still remember how miserable I was. On top of that, I was allergric to the medication I was given, and I broke out in hives. Just awful.

Hi Nancy,
Studying is going ok so far, I think. :) I tried my best to study last week while I was sick. Not so sure how much information I actually retained. I will continue to study until my test on the last week of July. I don't have very much time left. I have been reading up on the material for months now but nothing intense enough. How do you like your haircut? I got mine cut too last week. I actually cheated on my hairdresser. :( I have been with him for at least 8 years. I've a been very loyal client. He has given me awesome haircuts, but he's just too far away. Plus, I couldn't get an appointment for the Saturday I was free. Well, I will go back to him soon. This new person is pretty good too. She's right in the mall which is about 10 minute drive from my house. Your work out plan looks very challenging as always. :D

Hi Natasha,
I'm sorry about your fish. What did you find out about the water? Wow, you're up to 25 pounds now? That's amazing. Good for you! I'm still using my 15's. :D I haven't been strength training like I should though. After my exam I will pick it back up. How's little Bella doing these days?

Hi Colleen,
I'm glad your finger is better. It will be difficult to lift when you have an injury like that. I agree; with gardending we should see it as a hobby. I know I will have a lot to learn about it. At this point, I don't even know when I should start. :)

You know what show I started watching? The Fall. Have you ladies heard of it? It's actually a series on BBC. Gillian Anderson is in it. She was in the XFiles. This is an awesome show. I hope the season comes back soon. Can't wait to find out what happens next.

Hi Marie and Jen.

Have a good day ladies!


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