~*~We're In This Together~*~ (June-Sept)

SLOW & HEAVY...yes, it was!!!!!:p:D
Used 20# on flat bench press, 18# on flat fays, then #20 on incline flys...and that's where it all started to fall apart...the incline flys nearly took me out!!!!!:eek: The first set I used 18#, the 2nd set down to 17#, and the last set was 16#!!!! I think my chest could take the weight, but my arms didn't want to do anymore!!!! IT WAS GREAT!!!!!;) The push-ups at the end? Totally modified those babies (kind of like praying for it to end, really!)!!! Tonight I'll have to really be careful when choosing my weights...yes, Natty, I do see what you meant! I have slight DOMS today...I rolled a tennis ball across my chest for a few minutes after the stretch last night so that might help a little...wait til that 24 hour mark hits...I KNOW this is going to hurt!
Today I did Body Beast Bulk Arms + Zuzuka Strength workout 2. Love the Zuzana workouts! I wish she would put more of her ZWow workouts onto dvd for us techno-idiots :eek:.

I hate to say it, but some of the dude-speak in BB is getting on my nerves. I've been trying to disregard it because I knew it was like that and I knew what I was getting into buying it. The thing is it's not just Sagi, but also the background guys getting all testosterone-y. :eek: I guess that's just not my thing. :( Despite that, the workouts themselves are good and of course I especially love the two leg workouts! I did like the Arm workout, but you are right Natty, he moves waaay too fast! :eek: I just finished the reps at my own speed which usually meant my rest period was cut a little short.

Whoops...speaking of cutting things short, I just got a patient file! Gotta scoot. TTYL girls!
Hello everyone!

My w/o yesterday was Bulk Chest + S&G (cardio portion only). I have DOMS in my inner thighs and calves, which is very surprising. I used my 30lbs for incline chest presses :eek:. I actually prefer to use my barbell for anything over 50lbs (total weight). It's hard for me to hoist those weights up there, but once I get into position, it's all good ;).

Last night Bella was running a fever :(. I slept about 5hrs on/off, so I don't think I will be doing a w/o today. I might do an indoor walk, but that's about it.

I know what you mean about the "bro" comments :rolleyes:. I actually find the guys funny now :D. Oh, you know what I have been doing lately, playing my own playlist from Songza in the background and lowering the volume on the w/o's. I have my worksheets handy so I know exactly which exercise to do and how many reps. Are you able to do that? I play rock/rap music and I'm really pumped :eek:. It's amazing how I can usually squeeze in an extra rep or 2 during a kick-butt song.

:eek:S&H does it again! During the chest work, I need to lower my weights considerably from what I usually use during 8-10R. I use 25lbs-30lbs with a regular workout, but if it's S&H, I go down to 12-15lbs! Tough stuff :eek:. LOL on the praying for it to end :D. Yup, I know what you mean :eek:.

You look far too young to have teenage kids, I'll tell you that right now ;):). I'm a bit nervous about being a mom to a teenage girl. I know I have a lot of years before I enter that phase, but I still think about it. I want to be the best role model for Bella because I know how difficult it is for teens at that age :(.
Sarah goes to Zumba classes so you can ask her about it :).
Are you going to get Les Milles Combat? I'm thinking it might have to be my early Christmas gift ;):eek::D.

Have a great day everyone!
Yesterdays WO was BB Bulk Legs, Cathe TTM Hiit, Core #1 off of X-train, and STS Extended Stretch (for damage control). I wen super duper heavy on BB legs probably a little too much once again and my form suffered and it took me twice as long to get through. I woke up this morning and my legs still feel so tired, I know as the day goes on the will be soreness creeping in.

Justina - I love Zumba class just not the DVD's. I think the fun of it doesnt translate to DVD because you don't have everybodys energy to feed off of. With that being said it cane be hard to find a instructor that you like their style. Some instructors are hideous, some do more hip hop, and some do more of the international styles of dance. My mom does it religiously, I used too, even my daughters liked it.

Nat - I private messaged you a recipe, its supper good. I can get more just holla! I hope you get a descent nights rest : (

Colleen - The man speak is slightly annoying in BB. But I honestly block a lot out just because I'm so focused. It's weird. Where as I really like good music with Cathe but when its not I block it out also. I really liked those ZWOW WOs too. I just don't like her boobs. I know I should learn to block out those babies too.


Nancy - Glad you liked S & H.
Afternoon girls!

Yesterday I did To the Max (no extreme premix this time ;)). Love me some Cathe cardio! I felt so dang happy when I was finished. OTOH, I am not at the cardio peak that I hit last fall when I was doing TTM and CF regularly. That was seriously my all time cardio capacity high back then! I could do TTM and CF all the way through with no problem. Yesterday though, I was practically peeling the paint off the walls I was sucking wind so hard! :eek: LOL :p

Today I decided to do Kettlebell Kickboxing: Strength. I was going to do BB Bulk Back but decided against it. I'm going to save my lifting for when I start STS next week! :eek: I'm really looking forward to lifting with Cathe. Something about that start up music in STS always gets me pumped up. :eek: I think I've come to the conclusion that I really only enjoy lifting (at least upper body lifting) when Cathe is leading it for me. Doing it on my own with paper workouts doesn't appeal to me much and I have yet to find another instructor that really "does" it for me when it comes to lifting upper body. With cardio, kettlebell, circuit and other endurance based stuff I have lots of instructors I thoroughly enjoy. With lifting, I've tried Supreme 90, Kelly Coffey-Meyer and now BB and each time I eventually found myself dreading the workout. :( :confused:

Sarah- LOLOLOL about Zuzana and the boobies! :p I will say, in the dvds she has those puppies under better control. They are still out there, but I don't notice it too much (or at least it doesn't bother me). I totally laughed out loud when I was watching her on youtube the other day. I wanted to check out a ZWOW workout (it's so overwhelming because there are SO many to choose from!). She was doing this one and she literally had to stop and adjust her top because she was about to pop out of it. :eek: I'm thinking "honey, that can't be comfortable working out in that top like that...for heaven's sake get a top with more material!" :D I mean, really...how can you put your all into a workout if you are constant danger of exploding out of your shirt? lol

- I'm so sorry Bella has a fever. :( Is she feeling better today? Great idea about turning down the volume and pumping your own music to BB! :eek: I might be able to snag Mark's Ipod and play Pandora back in the bedroom...Hmmmm...

Gotta run! Waving HI to Justina, Nancy, Marie and Jen!!
Hi everyone :)

I tried to do legs yesterday, but I was just too tired and quit about 5min in. I ended up doing a 40min indoor Jessica Smith walk. Bella is still stick, but her fever seems to have subsided (knock on wood!).

Today's w/o was Bulk Arms + 4min jump rope finisher (2min X 2). Then the three of us went for a walk to KFC :eek:. I had this crispy chicken sandwich which was actually very tasty :p. Gotta treat yo' self sometimes ;).

Sorry you are dreading the BB w/o's :(. I know what you mean about Cathe and lifting. She really sets the bar high, so it's hard to "click" with other instructors.
Are you starting off with M1? As much as I love M1 legs, I kinda dread the UB work :(. I just don't have the desire to do endurance weight training right now. Anything over 15R and I start to think about drinking Mojitos in Cuba lol :D.
Your KB w/o's have me jealous! I really need to get myself a heavier one :eek:.

Holy w/o yesterday :eek:. Great job!
I get distracted by Zuzana's boobies too :eek:. I'm probably the only person in the world that does not dig her or her w/o's. Something about them just does not appeal to me :confused:.

Have a good night ladies :)

My new position is going great. I was on a general MedSurg unit today. I've been learning some really cool stuff. I've been administering IV meds which is fairly new for me and also did some really cool wound care today. This guy had some huge ulcers on his tailbone. Yesterday I was in the emergency room shadowing a nurse. Unfortunately I didn't get to see anything too critical but I did see a couple cool lacerations. This one guy came in with his thumb almost cut off. I also saw a 10-month-old that fell down a flight of stairs who had a huge bump on his head and a cut on his forehead. I would've been a mess if I was that mom.

I've been getting my workouts in too :) Today I did Hard Strikes for the first time and wow was that a fun workout. I can't believe she ended with the five push-ups five sit-ups combo. That one is killer!

Breckin is doing great. Such a little man :) we have been busy going to the park every day and going for lots of walks.

Have a good evening and good day tomorrow everyone. Hope to be back soon to do some more checking in.
I slept awful on Wednesday night. I had planned on doing a double dose on Thursday so I didn't get behind on the rotation but just couldn't, and I was sore too. So Thursday I did BB cardio and to help me sleep I did Ultimate Yogi. I already forgot which one. The first one I turned on he said we were going to hold poses for 3 to 5 minutes and I was like "uh, no". So then I picked another and it was really relaxing. It was a lot like Cathe's Yoga Relax. It was a little long but I sat and chatted with my girls as they were playing on their laptops. They had no interest in doing this. They said Travis's voice was weird, LOL.
Right now I am waiting at the airport for our flight to Alaska. I'm excited, but trying to be reserved, just incase it doesn't work out. We have been talking about just Tristan living in Alaska because it would be cheaper and for me to stay in Washington with the kids. He would come home every 2 weeks for 4 days. I think it would break my heart : (
The up side was I slept great last night for 4 hours until we had to get up to get our flight.

Marie - Glad to hear your learning lots of new stuff at work and that you liked HardStrikes.

Nat - How were the muffins? I will be trying those ASAP. They sound really good.
I really like jumping rope too. And it is a lot harder with an actual rope. But I love getting into a fast rhythm. I love what you wrote about Bella and when she watching you put your weights away.

Colleen - I think Zuzana appeals to more men because she has those boobies. Or at least they use the videos for other things, LOL. Gross!

Gotta go! Hello Justina, Jen, and Nancy

Hi ladies!
How are you doing? This week has been crazy at work. I have had back to back meetings all day. It just my day unproductive, because I don't get anything done!

Anyway, looks like everyone is keeping up with their workouts. I have been studying instead of working out this week. I have decided to work out on the weekends only, until my exam is over.

Hi Marie,
your little guy is soooooo adorable. It's a great picture of him. I would be a mess too when it comes to little kids getting hurt. You have an interesting profession and you are helping people at the same time. How cool is that? :D

Hi Nancy,
Happy that you are enjoying slow and heavy. I would have to start with a lower weight first to get used to the slow pace. :) How's your garden doing these days?

Hi Natasha,
I'm sorry about Bella. Is she feeling better? Thanks. Yeah, having a teenager and a pre-teen is challenging. Different ball game for sure. I'm kind of scared about high school. :) Morgan's going in the fall. Jaden will start middle school. Not sure about Les Mill Combat yet. I'm also considering Zumba. I never did any type of dancing work out before so I'm curious. :D I love martial art too so it will be a hard decision. I hear that it's best not to do zumba on carpet and that's what I have at home where I work out.

Hi Colleen,
I hear ya about the guy talk. I usually just ignore it. I laugh at them sometimes. :D I understand about dreading the workouts eventually. I'm the same way. I get excited about a workout before I get it, then after doing it for awhile I get bored. That's why I have the collection of workouts that I do. LOL. With that said, there are some workouts that I keep going back to. STS is one of them. I haven't gotten tired of it yet. :D

Hi Sarah,
So Alaska? Wow, I have never been. I wonder what it's like there. There is a long list of places that I'd like to go. Maybe one day. :) I'm sorry about the possibility of you and hubby living apart. I feel like distance is good sometimes. I think my hubby and I will get along better if we see each other every two weeks! We won't get on each other's nerves as much. LOL Maybe that's what happens when people are married for 10+ years.
How do you enjoy yoga in general? I tried yoga but it just doesn't do it for me. Forget about posing for 3-5 min. It's difficult for me to not move for 10 seconds.

Have a good weekend everyone. I have a meeting to dial in to in a few minutes. I'm working from home today. :D

Hello ladies!

Today would usually be my rest day, but since I didn't have any patients scheduled before 10 a.m. I had a little extra time this morning. I decided to do a quick Zuzuka workout. I did Zuzuka Strength: Workout 3. It was a 15 minute total workout. She spends about 5 minutes explaining and demonstrating the moves, which I often chapter skip over, but today I used it as my warm up time by bouncing on my rebounder while watching the demonstrations. Total time working out including getting my workout clothes on and a quick stretch when done: 25 minutes. :cool: Short and sweet...and it felt pretty good to get my blood pumping this morning! :D

I stumbled on a really good fitness site the other day. Check it out! Breaking Muscle Lots of good articles on there. :)

Justina- speaking of gardens, I did something bone headed with mine this year. lol I usually plant the bush variety of green beans and I realized after I planted everything that I accidently bought the regular climbing kind. Whoops! :eek: The beans were coming up and spreading, falling down under their own weight so I finally got some chicken wire and stakes to give them something to climb and support them. I was putting that up until 9:00 pm last night! :eek:
If you guys get Les Mills Combat you will have to report on what you think of the workouts! :eek: I've been coveting those workouts for awhile.

Natty- I can't wait until you buy a heavier kettlebell! I know you will love it! :D Swings and power cleans, plus shoulder presses are so awesome. It's just not the same with dumbells! Have you tried snatches yet? You could start out practicing those with your 10lb bell, in fact I would suggest sticking to that lower weight for awhile. I still can only do a few snatches with my 25 lb bell and mostly stick to my 15 and 20lb ones when doing a high volume of snatches. Did I tell you I scored a trade for the Skogg kettlebell system?? :eek: I can't wait! :D

Sarah- Eeeewww with the guys and Z! :eek: I'm sure you're right though! lol Good luck in Alaska! I hope everything works out the way you guys want. :) Hopefully you wouldn't have to do the long distance thing for too long. :( That can be pretty stressful on a relationship. I'm glad you liked the UY workout. I'm actually thinking I need to do that Yin Yoga one pretty soon (the one with the long holds). I really love that one. It's actually really intense in this weird way. I slept like a BABY when I did that one at night once!

Marie- I'm so glad your new position is going well! :D Even when you are enjoying it, sometimes learning new things can be pretty stressful (at least for me! :eek:). Great job on Hard Strikes!

Gotta run...Waving HI to Jen and Nancy! TTYL
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Hello ladies :)

It seems as though I've gotten sick :(. Rough night for me, so probably a no-go for w/o's :(.

Yesterday's w/o was Build Legs. I started off with the the plie squats and felt this sharp pain in my right knee :confused:. I ended up modifying all the squats and did the hip thrusts instead. This morning my knee is ok, so I'm not sure what all that was about. I think I might back off the heavy lifting for a week or two (my low back also feels a bit tight). Or at least be really conservative with my weights. I was thinking I might get Nia's body weight program: BB Bodyweight Guide with GetDPD » Nia Shanks and give that a go and see what happens :eek:. That would def solve my problem of no heavy weights...except for my own body weight. You guys know what I mean :p.

I hope your trip to Alaska goes well. I hope your whole family is able to move to Alaska and not just Tristan. I know for me, I would not want Mark to be gone for 2 weeks. It would also break my heart :(. Finger's crossed everything turns out :).
LOL about Zusana and the guys watching her vids...for other purposes besides exercising :D. I'm sure it happens ;).

I will check the article out! Thank you :).
Thanks for the tips on the KB's. I might take your advice and buy that Paul Katami one you suggested.

I'm in such awe of you :eek:. I could NEVER, and I mean NEVER have the guts to do what you do and see what you see. I think I might seriously throw up or pass out or something :eek:. I have the highest respect for nurses! You guys are absolutely amazing :).

Sorry to hear about all the craziness going on at work. Hopefully things calm down soon. I think it's wise to put your exercises on the back burner until your exam is over. Why stress yourself out? You gotta do what's best, at least for your sanity!


How have you been?

How was the shopping trip to Ikea?
I came back because I wanted to post a cake that my cousin made for her own birthday lol. It is quite amazing. She really is a talent :).


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Love IKEA Dallas, second biggest US store which made the walk thru one hour. Went to Grapevine Mills today. Coolest factory outlet. 6 neighborhoods. One side, I think, represents Dallas & the other Ft. Worth.
Today is a rest day after my Slow & Heavy week. I need it! Although I really liked some parts of S&H, I had concerns about form and back strain. I think maybe I was just lifting too heavy? I found the Back and Shoulders segments very tough...kept feeling like I was arching my back rather than retracting my shoulder blades. I will incorporate Cathe's modifications next time ;). My favorite segment by far was Biceps.
I'm also going to go back to some of my "modules" that I designed a few months back. I am loving Tabatacise and All Out HiiT, as well as Cardio Leg Blast. I'd like to stick with those in my weekly schedule and arrange the weightlifting around them for a while.

Natasha, I am sorry you are sick :(. I had a feeling you were catching Bella's illness when you wrote about how tired you felt. There is nothing worse than being on a roll and then getting sidelined by an illness. I hope you feel better soon and can get out for some walks.

Sarah, it is very tough to live apart from your significant other. For about a year I only saw my DH every other weekend. I kept busy with a full time job and school, but I really missed him. Then he ended up working over in Kuwait after the first gulf war and I only saw him 2 times in 18 months!!!! When he came home we vowed NEVER to live without each other again! It takes a very strong relationship to endure separations, and being separated can either drive you into misery or make your relationship stronger than ever. We've been together for 27 years now!

Justina, I understand your need to scale back on something to make life easier. Years ago I had a very wise coworker who told me that when you are striving for something in life, you will have to give something up for balance. When one of the students would be talking about goals and dreams he would ask, "What are you willing to give up for that?". I still think about that :rolleyes:! I think you have a great attitude and realistic expectations, and I know that you will roll with whatever happens!

Colleen, I cracked up about your pole beans! VERY FUNNY! I have some that have been going for about 5 weeks and they are growing like crazy (still no sign of beans though). I've also got Early Girl tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, and bell peppers. Since I live in an apartment I am using "grow bags". Everything seems to be doing well (I actually ate an Early Girl last week...the early Early one:p...and it was HEAVENLY); however, I do seem to have a lot of weird bugs I've never seen before! Believe it or not, this is my first experience growing veggies! I've been in apartments and condos for most of my life! I'm hooked now: I like the fact that I can grow truly local and organic! What else are you growing?

Well, I'm going to sign off for now and get my morning going...looks like rain (my little garden will do a happy dance....they've been roasting these days). I have grocery shopping, yoga, and more reading (Clash of Kings!)!!!!!

Marie and Jen: Hope you're both doing well!
Hi ladies!

I took a week off from work so I can focus on studying. Today I also sent the kids to my in laws. There is no way I can concentrate when the kids are home!:D Last night I did Gym Style Back and Biceps; premix. I can spare 30 minutes to keep my muscle mass! :D

Hi Natasha,
I got sick over the weekend too. Not enough to put me down though; thank goodness.
That cake looks amazing! I have a friend at work who is a professional baker. Any time she bakes she would bring me a bag of goodies! I think making a cake like that definitely takes patience. :)

Hi Nancy,
Thanks for that! :) It makes a lot of sense. Anything worth while is not going to be easy and it takes sacrifice. I know I cannot do it all and keep my sanity. When I'm stressed out, my family pays for that. It's not the right thing to do.

Hi Sarah,
I hope you enjoy the trip to Alaska, and your whole family is able to stay. It's definitely ideal to keep the whole family together. When my hubby and I first got together we had to live apart for a while. I only saw him every weekend but we talked over the phone daily. Our relationship was tested and came out stronger than ever. 14 years later, I think we can still manage distance if need be. It will probably stop us from killing each other! LOL. If this move doesn't pan out the way you had hoped, I'm sure you guys will keep the marriage strong too! :) Best to you and your family Sarah. We are here to support you whatever happens.

Hi Colleen,
wow, the pole beans. lol. I have no experience in growing veggies at all. I was getting tips from Nancy. Being so busy with everything else, I have not attempted what I wanted to do for the garden. It's my goal for next year for sure! I will have to start in spring right, buying all the supplies and have a plan for what I want to grow?

Hi to Marie and Jen!

Have a good day everyone! Back to the books!

Nat - I hope your feeling better. It just sucks being sick. The cake was amazing. Did she have any training?

Justina and Nancy - Thanks for the insight on long distance relationships. Tristan and I are weird we actually don't get along when we dont see each other. The more we are together the better. We also hate talking on the phone. Years ago before we were married we saw each other once a week and talked on the phone once a week. We ended up splitting up. Obviously we got back together ;) but it was rough.

Nancy - I really though with slow and heavy that I could do great form because there was nothing but time to focus on form. But we are all different and what works for some is a no go for others. : )

Colleen - I think the Yin Yoga wold have been better with the house to myself. I just cant focus as much when the kids are right there.

We got back from Alaska yesterday and at that point were still undecided. but we talked and then said, why not have an adventure? So we will be moving to Alaska. Don't know when and where, hopefully we can find a house that is not a murder shack. Plan B I can always come back to WA with the kids. I am happy with ths decision. We will just have to play it by ear.
Hopefully today I can do BB Bulk back, but it is hotter than a mutha here.

Hello ladies! I'm at swimming lessons with Lydia trying to post with my phone. Did I mention I dislike these touchpad keyboards???

Friday night I decided to do that uy yin yoga due to some hip pain and tightness I was dealing with last week. I thought of you Sarah cause I seem to remember you had the same thing? I've been terrible about stretching and yoga lately! Yin yoga helped, and then last night I did some seious foam rolling and stretching while mark and I watched dexter. :eek:

Saturday I did a core bonanza with cardio core circuit and hock volume 2. Then Sunday I did plyo legs disc 29 and some various other modernist like hip thrusts, pistol squats,clam shells, etc. I did some of those single leg hip thrusts with my 8 lb body bar. Those are killer on my hamstrings!!!! I think that's why they are so much harder for me...my glutes are apparently much stronger than my hammies!

Crap gotta go...someone just puked in the pool and everybody had to get out! Swimming lessons may be over now.....
Hi everyone!

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday -- it was Canada Day :). We had a busy day at the beach and lake-shore/waterfront. The temps cooled down considerably from last week :confused:.

I modified my rotation bit because I missed a few days last week due to Bella and myself being sick. I ended up doing LIS TBT UB + XT Rear Delts on Sunday. Since I want to lay off the heavy weights for awhile, I will be doing the LIS TBT UB/LB for my weight training days this week. Today I have XT Low Impact Hiit scheduled :eek:. I have not done that one in a very long time!

LOL on the autocorrect :D. I have mine turned off on my phone cuz' I hate that damn thing :mad:.
Great w/o's this weekend :eek:.
I haven't watched Dexter yet! Last season kinda SUCKED so I have not been very inclined to watch this season. But I guess I have to just to see how it all ends.

I'm so happy your whole family is moving to Alaska! I think I told you awhile back that Mark's old boss lived in Alaska for a few years. He said that it is like a totally different world over there.
My cousin went to culinary school, but her true love is w/baking, not cooking.

I think you might also be lifting too heavy. I think the title S&H is a misnomer because I can't go very heavy at all :confused:. I remember my #'s being a lot lighter (except for legs) than I would use during a typical heavy weight training session.

Good for you to ship the kids off at the in-laws :D. It's nice to have that time alone...even if it was for studying. WTG on fitting in a GS premix too!

Have a good one ladies :cool:
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