*** Weight Watchers Monday Again***


Good Morning Ladies:)

I think I had just enough sleep last night b/c I feel good today:) I just wanted to get the thread started and I am going to read over the last couple of days to see what I missed and then i will be back!

**Kali** Did you decide what rotation to do? Im not doing anything right now but it would be nice to start something again. That rotation does look good!
DH ordered me a HRM (actually) one of his employees ordered it and she is on holidays now and he doesn't know if she actually ordered it. I can't wait to get it and figure out how many cals I am burning when working out.

**Amelia** Sorry to hear your DD is still having a hard time with school. It will get better though and its also a great help to know that there isn't much you can do about it! LOL They have to go to school, that is unless, you want to homeschool her!

**Robin** Lucky for me, DD liked everything that I bought her. She didn't really have a choice b/c they were so cheap, they couldn't be returned anyway. Everything was final sell. I think I am going to start tucking some money away and go on a little shopping spree for myself. I saw lots of clothes but my brother was being a weirdo:+ and didn't give us much time in the mall.

**Kim** Glad to hear you are still alive:+ Hopefully life will calm down for you soon and you will be able to check in with us again:)

**Cheryl** Yeah, bf'ing is caput for me:) I had a hard time for the first couple of days but I stopped thinking about it. I do that alot when things bother me, Im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.I just put things in the back of my mind and that way it doesn't hurt so much.
Im getting seriuos starting today. I didn't want to get real serious this month cause my sister is home and I knew we would be on the move. Plus, we usually munch in the night time and stuff but she as been really good this trip and junk as been kept to a minimum.I just have to set a plan now and go grocery shopping!

**Laine** I probably wouldn't wear my HRM for weights, like you said,it would be to depressing to find out I only burned a couple hundred cals! LOL
I would like to tell people off alot lately! Im not the telling off type and I would never do it but I think there are alot of people who think I am a royal B**th! I give alot of people hard looks and I am starting to hate the public more and more. I use to love christmas shopping and all that stuff....but I could careless about being around people anymore. Thats why I love my cyber friends so much!!! hahaha Hope your feeling better today!

**Belinda** Busy gal! I hate mocing but I guess you are happy to be going! Hope its not to crazy for you!

**Jennifer** You must have left before I joined ? Or am I wrong? LOL I lost all my baby weight but just kind of hanging around still:) Enjoy the gals to much to leave. I just stopped nursing so now I am ready to kick everything up in to high gear.
I think you need to play with your calorie range to figure out what works for you, long runs burn lots of cals so you may need to adjust.

I think thats everyone!

All in all...I had a pretty good weekend. DS was good for the drive but not so good for the rest of it.He did sleep well though. Now, i am having 2nd thoughts about having a 3rd and he is a good baby so I can only imagine if he was really bad!
DD's father brought her back last night and she had a good visit with him. He hasn't seen her in 4 yrs so I expected her to be a little homesick and she was on Fri night but was better after that. He took her shopping before he brought her back and when he was here we had a little chat. It was nice to catch up. We never really fought after we broke up (we weren't married) he moved and let me raise my daughter and never butted in. And thats probably why we get along so well. I dont think he will be home and time soon again, he is actually thinking about leaving early b/c his family drives him insane. I can see that b/c they have to be the dumbest people I have ever met, plus his father sells drugs and still cheats on his wife.Anyway, he spends ALOT of time at the gym and almost asked for his input in working out but I didn't. I thought that would be a long discussion. He said he wrote a "diet" up for his aunt that took him 2 hours to do...and Im sure she won't follow it when he leaves.
Anywho....Im not sure what todays workout will be. I was thinking GS UB and cardio...Ill figure it out at some point!
Have a good day!

Happy Monday Ladies!

Hi Gidge! Glad your feeling good!That's always nice on a Monday morning! I decided to do August's rotation which is BM2 today. I just did it the other day but that's ok. I love that one. Actually tho I think BM1 has more UB work, but I guess doing it on the stability ball makes up for that. The PT I know told me any work on the ball is great for toning. Tomorrow is a scheduled "off" day but I will definatley do cardio.

I was going to go back to bed but I feel pretty good too so I think I'll get my workout out of the way so my day will be free to clean some and study.

What's everyone else doing today! Hope everybody had a nice weekend!

Hey Girls,

Just a quick pop in to say "HELLO" ;-),I don't have time right now to read yesterdays thread,but I will after my workout today! Im doing body fusion with some abb work!

I woke up late so,here I am agian...in a rush...I'll be back after my workout later!
Hey Morning Everyone. Monday, Monday...so good to me...LaLaLaLa

Hey Gidge I know what you mean about the public. It's not like the olden days when people had respect. Hi Jennifer nice to meet you. I've been chating on this forum for two months. I'm a single mom with two kids and I w/o with Cathe 3-4 times per week. I also do yoga and power walking. Since doing cathe w/o my knee is getting stronger. Today I was able to do a little jogging and my knee does not hurt....yet.

Congrats on your weight lost Cheryl . How's your headache today Laine I hope you feel better. I have not order body bar yet. I may replace my yoga practice with this w/o.

Hey Kali let us know how the rotation goes.

Hey Amelia, busy Monday.

chat later
Heyyy, everyone!

I've been checking in on the Leanness Lifestyle website and it's been forcing me to go back to the classic bodybuilder's diet of 5-6 small meals. That seems to be doing me well.

A few protein and fiber bars that I really like; eggs with salsa, baked potato with greek yogurt/dill on top... can't handle the eggwhite/oatmeal/chicken breast routine. Fixing things I really like and that seems to be going well.

This morning is L&G/KPC for a total of 100 minutes. Yayy!

Lori, we can do this!!

Amelia, Kali, Robin, Belinda - happy Monday to all! BBL!

Heyyy, everyone!

I've been checking in on the Leanness Lifestyle website and it's been forcing me to go back to the classic bodybuilder's diet of 5-6 small meals. That seems to be doing me well.

A few protein and fiber bars that I really like; eggs with salsa, baked potato with greek yogurt/dill on top... can't handle the eggwhite/oatmeal/chicken breast routine. Fixing things I really like and that seems to be going well.

This morning is L&G/KPC for a total of 100 minutes. Yayy!

Lori, we can do this!!

Amelia, Kali, Robin, Belinda - happy Monday to all! BBL!

Hi Lori,

Your name is familiar, actually--but I think I may have been lurking in the thread by the time you joined, so you probably won't remember me :).

All of your names are fairly new to me, as a matter of fact. I look forward to getting to know you, though I can't promise I can always post!

Hi ladies,

We picked up a new computer yesterday! Again! They don't last long in my house!LOL! I love Costco!

I did MIC Step only yesterday! Today I will do Leaner Legs and CM 1!

Nice to meet you Jennifer!

Kali have fun with BM2! I am in my 2nd week of the Aug.07 rotation!

Lori enjoy GS UB and cardio today!

Amelia I love BF! Have fun with it and abs!

Robin great job on your jogging! What yoga do you do? I love yoga!

Cheryl great job on your workout this morning! ^^^^5!! I am lucky I finish my rotation!

Nancy I hope you o.k?? (((((((HUGS)))))))

Where is Mary?? I haven't seen her around in a long time!

Hope I didn't miss anybody!

Have a great day and workout!
Hey girls,

I got done with body fusion,that one is becomeing too easy;-),i used bb's instead of dumbells and that helped intensify it a bit!

Lori-Good deal on your DD's jeans,I also went shopping for me two bra's and a new cute workout shirt. Feels good to buy something for myself for a change,LOL!

Robin-I wrote a letter to my DD's teacher asking her how she's doing in class with the other childern,is she playing with them and things of that nature.She talks about a couple of kids in particular all the time. She cried agian this morning,I wish it would stop! Great job on your workout!

Cheryl-GREAT WORKOUT this morning,leg and glutes are enough for me but KPC too! You Go girl!

Belinda-Have fun with LL and CM1! Glad to hear you got a new computer! Mary has been MIA for a while now:(

Jennifer-Nice to meet you:)Im a 28 year old SAHM/housewife with a five year old DD and a two year old DS,i go to school part-time at nights and I have been on WW'ers since january of this year!

Hey to the rest of the gang! Our little group is growing everyday:)! bbl!
Hi everyone.

I wasn't on earlier because I spent the morning at the mall shopping for school clothes for my boys. Hopefully they won't need much else for a while.

I'm about to put DS#2 down for a nap and then I plan to do High Step Training. It will be my first time to do that one, though I've done the other two High Step workouts. I also need to call and make some doctor appointments and that sort of thing while he's napping. And I would like to fit in washing my hair as well. He doesn't nap long enough any more for me to really get a lot done, though! That's why I'm trying to type this quickly before naptime.

Lori, I'm not really the telling off type either, but I think about it plenty. I also get nervous before I go to do something like return something to a store. I always expect they'll give me a hard time about the return and I get several arguments ready. Then they don't give me any trouble at all. I guess in my case it's because I'm a little shy or something.

Hello to Robin, Cheryl, Jennifer, Belinda, Amelia, and anyone I missed! I would write more but this kid is driving me nuts--gotta go put him down for his nap.


[font face="palatino linotype" font color=purple font size=+1]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Hey Gang,

I can't beleive I haven't checked in since earlier. I think I went to...but something must have gotten my attention.

I decided to do PUB and I did premic Cardio and Weights from BM2. I think I have done all of the premixes now. It was a great workout and I feel less bloated now.

Cheryl, I have to get to the gorcery store to get some health foods. I have been at my parents house alot lately so I haven't been picking up groceries. DD had some kind of bar last night that she didn't like and it was called "slim down" I ate it at 9ish and I wasn't hungry until lunch. It kept me full.

Laine, I hate returning things to! hahaha I use to dread it but now I am not so bad. Actually, DD as an outfit up in her room with the tags still on from walmart and it was bought back in Jan! I bet I could return that and they wouldn't say a word! The tags are still on it so Im sure they would just give me a gift card.

A big hello to everyone else!!!

Hey girls,

Vent....I am frustrated with my school,I had no idea regristration was this week(for fall classes,i register online)and one of the classes that I wanted to go for was fullx( x( ,I've only got two more classes left and I wanted to finish it! The school usually sends and "reminder registration" email....not one this time!

Also-I sent a note with DD(in her bookbag) to her teacher,just asking how she was doing in school,how she got along with the other childeren! She didn't answer any questions,just sticks a paper that I signed during kindergarten registration stating that i will attend all of dd's pts meeting(her school had a pts meeting on thurs,I had to go to school).She took the note so I know she got it.....I thought about calling her ,but then agian I'm afraid that I will get agravated with her and smart off to her. I don't want that! ARRGG!

Sometimes I wish I could just be like my DH and just say the hell with it,LOL!

OK,vent over
Hey gals. Belinda I usually do power you.

Amelia I would call the teacher asap. Sometimes for a child to get the right type of attention from a teacher, parents have to "act up a little". If not your child will fall through the cracks.

The year that I lost my husband my DS began to have problems in school. My son 2nd grade teacher wasn't really good but I just let it go, even when he did not get reading or math HW. Well six months later I started to show up at the school, demanding meetings, you know etc.etc. Well he got the help that he needed and by the next year they put that teacher back into the kindergarten class, where she belong.

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