Weight Watchers 1/17 WEDNESDAY


Happy Wednesday to all....
Schedules all wacked out as Ice Storm hit about 3am. DH will be here working until some later point. I'll be back later w/ personals and my plan for today once I figure it out!
Hope all are safe as Mother Nature plays havoc with so many of us. Have a great day!
Good Morning,

Tracie, I seen the news this morning the ice-storm Texas is suffering with it awful, stay inside. I pray that things get better there.

I didn’t sleep well last night I got home from church pretty late and then did some things around my home. I was in bed by 11:30. I almost talked myself out of a workout this morning, but after laying there I decided to do something so I hopped on my treadmill and jog for an ahour, I did 4 miles :p

Tonight, I plan to do Abs & PUB, I’ll talk to you guys soon:) :)

Good Morning.....WI is today. I hope it goes well. I am off to do PUB, and some cardio. My head is wavering on it's monthly migraine. I will do some lower impact cardio today I think. I will check back in later!!

I saw the ice storm too! WOW, that looks nasty. Stay home Traci!!
OKAY, now I'm really getting concern, I e-mailed support@cathe.com three times regarding my replacement DVD (BodyMax2) and I haven’t heard anything yetx( x( Last Friday, I received LIC, DM and CF. Wasn’t BM2 also being replaced?

Hi everyone -
Just a quickie today as I'm up to my a** in alligators - yesterday was PLB. Today I did Cardio X. I've got a massage appt today and I am so looking forward to it. Weight is still not budging - gotta stop that darn sugar!

Gotta run - will try to BBL!


"A Drug is a substance which, when injected into a Rat, produces a SCIENTIFIC REPORT."
Hi everybody!

Claude-what am I missing? Alligators? I'm not getting it. LOL

Teddygirl-yes....all the DVDs were being replaced.

I was up early this morning for P90X's Chest & Back. I've just gotten home from an errand and I changed. Now I'm going to hit the treadmill for a few miles. 3? 4? We'll see how the legs feel today!

Gayle thanks,

I thought so, but just wanted too make sure before turning into monster woman }( }( :p Strange tho, I usually always get a very quick respond from them. I'm going to wait untill Friday, hopefully by then..........x(

Gayle, You got a nice workout going on, Nice work! I tell ya, my legs are (((stiff))) today from yesterday workout:p :p I though the run would help but it hasn't ;) Have a great day.

Alright, Ms. Tracie, where the heck are you? And what’s going on in Texas?

Sneaking back for just a minute.... DH just left at 10:30am for work... already has arrived safely! temps at 33 so we are out of freezing. My POOOOOR Avocado tree is about ready to snap from the ice weight...DH and I out in freezing rain tying it up. I REALLY have a new respect for who live in icy cold winters... no way no how could I thrive in that climate. I'd never leave the house or get dressed! lol

Good Luck w/ WI...I know its your FAVORITE thing to do! lol I so hope your migraine gives you some reprieve this month you seem to suffer so. {{{{{Lori}}}}}}

Great job on getting the w/o in with such little sleep! Are you a night owl by nature? You are so sweet to worry but dont! We are all fine- just being winter wimps out here....drivers (me included) have no idea how to handle ice so its just bumper cars out there. You may want to just shoot an extra email to SNM... I know they are still swamped so its possible it got lost in shuffle. At least we know eventually they always get us all helped!

lol on alligators! I so remember those crazy days! I am very happy you are working out for mental sanity and that massage sounds like it was heaven sent! ENJOY. Must be in the air as I have had chocolate every night for past 4 nites... I was completely off the stuff....urrrrr

You wild workout woman! Glad you got your C&B done !! Once I'm dressed I just never seem to get my w/o in so I refrain from doing so until I get it all in. You are so much more disciplined than I!

Still havent caught up from yesterdays posts but thought I'd better check in before TGirl got on a plane to look for my frozen body!

Hi, everybody! Wow, what a crazy morning!

T-girl - I PM'd you - I need to get your personal e-mail address in order to send the Compendium to you as an attachment. I can't attach anything to the messages I can send you from here.

Traci - Omigosh on the ice storm!!! You poor thing!!! Please be careful.

Claude, so glad you are scheduled for the massage, on multiple levels. You shoulf forgive yourself for the sugar for now. But yes, it will be great to start losing again!

Lori, I looked up your jewelry company online last night, just for fun. Looks like a great firm! Maybe we should run a virtual party for all the fellow Cathe-ites, eh? Good luck with that WI!

Gayle, welcome - and would love to get to know you much better.

Well, I did Step Works this morning, as planned, followed by PS abs. Loved Step Works! So glad I tried it. The abs were pretty easy, by Cathe standards, but just enough for today. I'm happy. Weigh in at home was 129.4 - not progress, but I'm feeling good and feeling like I'm making steady progress on the BF front.

It's a good day.

Have a wonderful afternoon, everyone! Stay safe!
Good Morning all! Yes, I got up and it's still morning!

It got pretty chilly here last night, in the upper 30's and started to rain about 5 pm or so. So far, no more rain, but it's still chilly.
I am sorry if there are typos, I have a very insistent kitty on my lap!!!

Anyway, I did BM2 as written last night. It felt GREAT!!! I especially enjoyed usign my new PINK stability ball and my new barbell set! I couldn't believe just how different the squats with the barbell felt compared to using dumbbells! Oh, and I got the clips to work too! For the life of me, I couldn't get them on or off, but when I put my weight gloves on, they slipped on and off with ease!!! I guess I could squeeze them harder with the gloves on.

Good news, good news, good news!!! My scale has me down 1.8 lbs from last week! Official WI is tomorrow night, but I am starting to go by my home scale more, just because it feels more accurate (don't ask me why, though!:p )

Lori- I hope that your WI goes well! I also hope that your headache stays away! Did you find anything that you were looking for on those pattern sites? Again, I guess that I could have a better idea of what you are looking for if I knew what you were considering as beginner.

Traci- I hope that you are staying warm!!! I hope that you avocado tree is okay, I know how you've been babying that!!! I totally know what you mean about "winter wimps"!!! When DH and I head home, we FREEZE our butts off!!! I am sorry that the ice hit!

Claude- It sounds like you have a wonderful day planned! I hope that you enjoy it to the fullest!

Gayle- Again, welcome! I am an evening workout person, myself! I just can't seem to get myself moving to workout in the morning!!

TG- I hope that you get your BM2 replacement DVD soon. I played mine through last night and it worked perfectly, but then I didn't have any problems with my original ones!

DH is having to work on my computer, it's giving me problems, so I am writing from DH's computer. I will check in later!
Amy, wow, big congratulations on your WI!!!! Great news. It sounds like things are settling back in to normal for you. I'm so glad.

Gayle - I just took the chance to check out your Picturetrail. You are a cute lady! Is Kathleen Ruth a grandbaby? A neice? I became a grandmother for the first time in April with the birth of the amazing Kaylee Elizabeth (aka Kaylee the amazing baby). This grandmother part is fun!

I am 48, a marathon runner (sometimes) and mother of 5 (3 birth sons and an adopted girl and boy from Russia, ages ranging from 27 down to 12) - also one wonderful DIL in the mix. DH and I are a combined family, so he also has 4, but none living with us. We're a crowd.

Welcome to our daily party!

Hello everyone....WI was ok, I was down a 1/2 lb. At first I was a little dissappointed, but 48 hours into TOTM, how can I complain, I am down!!

Well, I have tons to do. I have got to iron my clothes for the weekend.

Cheryl, I LOVE our jewelry, and our company. It is the best.

Amy, I am just making a dish cloth right now I got off of some website. I just do not know how to add stiches, or delete them yet, yarn overs, etc. A girl in my downline is going to teach me how to do socks on the bus tomorrow, so thast should keep me busy. I also go a very pretty pattern in Knit Simple for a baby blanket I am going to make. I can lay it across my lap when I am in this basement in my office. It is heated down here, but still colder than the upstairs. Thank you for your help!! And congrats on the weighloss!!

I will try to check in tonight before I go, but if I don't, I will be back on Sunday. Tomorrow I am going to do PLB and cardio before I leave. Today I did PUB and cardio. My UB is feeling it!!

Amy – Go Amy, Go...Go...Go Amy ;-) :7 You go girl! 1.8 lbs, I take it. What’s your secret? TGirl, need to know,:) good job!!

Lori- You to, 0.5 isn’t bad, now give yourself a great big pat on the back and continue onward and forward :D right! You are working it:p

Cheryl: what’s going on with you woman, 128.9 niceeeee, just looking at your pictures, you are so tiny and cute:) My goodness woman, what else do you want to lose?????? x( :) As for me, I dare not step on any scale until February and hopefully by then (((((JJJUUUSSSTTT))))) maybe I'll be down an inch or two :p ;( :+

Nancy, from support&cathe said BM2 is being sent to me this week Yay.......Now, I don’t have to turn monster-ish}( }(
Well guys, have a wonderful evening.

Finally got the workout done, I decided to do KPC, without the C. I worked abs pretty good yesterday with BM2, and I don't like to do abs to begin with, much less 2 days in a row!!!

Lori- I hope that the dishcloth turns out cute. The increases, decreases, and yarn overs are pretty simply when you get the hang of them. When I read instructions on how to do a stitch, I have to be able to visualize it, once I'm able to, then it's pretty simple for me to do. You'll like socks, they aren't that hard!

TG- I read Tosca Reno's book last week and have been taking her eating guidelines to heart and stomach! I have been clean eating (squeeky clean!!!) small meals every 3 or so hours. That and watching my sodium intake. I am glad that your BM2 is on it's way!

Cheryl- I googled you! LOL! You are gorgeous!!! You look awesome! 9 kids! Wow!! I am impressed!!!
Amy, aw shucks, thanks for the compliment! Believe me, I still have plenty of "soft" to work off - and I had only 3 pregnancies. 2 of my 5 are adopted, and the final 4 were by marriage.

Have a great night, everyone!


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