Weight Loss: A fun reverse

Stacey, that is one of the most powerful posts I've seen on this forum!! High 5's to you for your hard work, and a great big thank you for sharing your success!! And thank you for the admonition to back away from the chocolate bunny. I went WAY overboard with the Easter goodies this year and it's always so hard to jump back on the bandwagon once you've fallen off. You've just given me all the encouragement I need! :D

I agree!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
I just got tired of being tired all the time and feeling like a slug and I'm interested to see what kind of body I wind up with doing it the right way. I guess I'll know when I get there.

I promise you this, though, when I get to my destination there will be "After" pictures galore!

This is a most inspirational thread, and I'm jumping for joy for you!

As one who also lost a great deal of weight and has maintained the loss for 12 years now, I just want to advise you not to think of "getting there" or a "destination" on your fitness journey. It truly IS a journey! Once you reach a weight your body is comfortable with, you'll continue with the great habits you have developed over the beginning part of this journey. You'll work just as hard to be vigilant about what you eat and how you maintain your muscle tone. The journey goes on, and there's just as much joy in maintaining a healthy body as there is in finding it in the first place!

You've inspired many by your eloquent words and great example. I wish you continued good health and joy!

Stacey, I got chills reading your post. That was beyond AWESOME!!!!

I know you aren't looking for compliments, but congrats on your weight loss.

You truly are an inspiration!!!! :D
Congratulations, Stacey. Your post is truly moving and inspirational, and your accomplishment is awesome.

I also wanted to mention how lucky you are to have supportive colleagues. Although most of my colleagues range from supportive to simply not commenting, I did have 1 guy who made me so mad. I had just lost around 40 pounds, going from a size 18 to a 10 (and I am 5 ft. tall so the extra weight really shows). He asked me how much weight I had lost, and when I told him, he said "great, only 20 more pounds to go". I felt like demonstrating my kickboxing moves on his face.

Oh grrrrr on that Mel, that is terrible, and congrats on your loss. Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do....next to that....maintaing the losss.
Thanks for posting this thread!

I am so struggling. My job has eaten up my life, and I've fallen off the exercise wagon and need to get back on in the worst of ways. There are so many things I need to change in my life. I've worked out all my life, but this year I just couldn't, or didn't, get it done. My work has exhausted me. It's never done. It just perpetually hangs over my head. I can always do a better job. I could do it 24-7 and never get done all that needs to be done. I just have to stop and let some of it go. Stress has really taken a bite out of my life this year, I can't keep letting this happen. Most of my clothes won't fit, I have no muscle tone. I got the flu this year. First time in about 10 years I've been sick beyond a cold or tummy trouble. This job...... oh my gosh. MY hubby just lost his job, doesn't help the stress level, but I'm going about this totally wrong. I keep thinking if I work a little harder I will get to a point that I've got things under control, but its just not going to happen. I've got to make time to be healthy. I am really going to try and keep your picture in my mind and use it for motivation. I've got to get some boundaries in place, or I won't even be healthy enough to work. It's not just a weight issue. My life is unhealthy right now in many ways,and the weight is just one of the issues. Stress feels like this big ugly monster that is trying to devour my life. Stopping exercise just made me into its dessert! Jelly belly, pudding butt, spagetti arms! You get the picture!

People need you! That is the most honest and wonderful story. I know you didn't want a compliment for this story, but look at the inspiration you put out there for struggling people. You are awesome. Thanks for the inspiration.

I am so struggling. My job has eaten up my life, and I've fallen off the exercise wagon and need to get back on in the worst of ways...

oh my gosh, you have got to change your work habits -- and believe me i am a major workaholic! when i had my first child last year and went back to work 3 months later, i realized how much i let work dominate my life. i went past my due date and was still working. the day i got home from the hospital i logged into my workstations from home and started working! i was trying to work and nurse my baby at the same time. it was crazy!!! i realized that day that i had to let some things go in order to get quality family time. my father was a major workaholic and we rarely saw him. he didn't spend time doing fun family things with us. this is just wrong!

sorry to ramble here.. i just feel strongly about maintaining balance between work and personal life. and it sounds like your job is completely dominating your life and it's not fair to you or your health. you sound so unhappy and my heart goes out to you. i struggle with workaholicism but now that we have our son i know what is important.

i hope you find balance.. i know it's not easy especially because your husband is laid off (mine too) but remember something, which my dad told me literally on his death bed: no one is going remember you for how much you worked. they will remember you for being a good person who loved and cared for the people in her life, including yourself!

i wish you the best of luck.
Absolutely poetic Stacey! Kudos to you for accomplishing so much! Everyone needs to read your post, it is moving and so inspirational!

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