Way O/T, but need some feedback...

Donna, I don't post a lot here, I mostly lurk, but you have always been a huge inspiration to me. I'm so sorry that happened to you, I can't imagine how you must feel. I hope it's some comfort to you to know that so many people you don't even know admire and respect and care about you, and I think we greatly outnumber the idiots. Sending big hugs your way!

First of all, you ROCK Donna!!!!

I've gone from hurt, shock, disbelief, anger, totally pissed off, to a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside after reading all of these posts! My picture right now is all of these buff, super cut, magnificent, healthy, super fit women standing in one big group hug, with you in the middle!!!

I think we have all summed it up that you are one very inspirational, big hearted, amazing woman.

One of your many friends in fitness!
:D :D

You just summed up exactly what these posts feel like to me, "one big group hug!" :)

These replies just go to show that the hatred in this world is just one small sector, there's far more love and acceptance out there! And although hatred sometimes raises its ugly head to be acknowledged, love comes through and defeats it! :)

I truly feel "group hugged!" :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
RE: NOW I have closure!........

Donna - I know I am a little late. I am glad you now have peace with this situation. I was apalled when I read it and am deeply sorry you had to experience this type of pain from such a loser. Yes, there are definitely more nice people in this world than there are people like her (Thank God!) Do not let her incosiderate ignorance hurt you. She is not worth the tears.

YOu are such a good person and such an inspiration to so many. You know that, we know that and God knows that! Forget her! We love you, you love yourself and most importantly God loves you! It is her we should feel sorry for she will now never know what a good friend you could have been to her. Look at it as her loss... not yours!!!!!!!

Sending you cyber hugs of love sweetie! :7

p.s. Sorry I was so late :-(
RE: NOW I have closure!........


All I could say was WHAT!!!!!!!

Kind of ironic how some people will take and take (she took tons of your time, patience, and wonderful advice) and then POOF something totally mornic funks out their brains. I'm still stunned, just read it this morning, sorry so late but at least you know you're loved!


P.S.....You are such and inspiration to so many!!!!!!!
I just read this post and am so sorry that there are people out there that are that mean spirited. This person is probably not a happy person. I think it is so wonderful to see how supportive everyone is here an Cathe's forum. Love reading your posts. You have a wealth of knowledge to share. Keep your chin up.
Diane Sue
Donna...she was so mean-spirited to do such a thing. I cannot think of any words that could make you feel better except there seems to be, from all these threads, more people who think you are a wonderful woman as opposed to one, mean person. I don't mean to excuse her terrible act, but she must be hurting herself to be so cruel.
Stay your sweet, loving self. It's her loss if she refuses to see that.
Have been away for a bit and just read your message. It brought tears to my eyes that anyone could be so cruel to hurt such a wonderful person such as yourself. By the number of responses you must know how much everyone on this board thinks of you. Why is it that we can hear a hundred words of praise but only remember the one word of hatred. You are the best and don't you forget it!
Dear Donna,

My heart ached for you when I read your letter. I am so sorry this happened to you and you need to be reminded how beautiful you are! I am sorry that someone is so ignorant and hurtful to do something like this to you. There is no excuse and when people do things like this, I know it is hard to forgive, but there are swimming in depravity and need a change of heart. I truly believe that our words can't change people like this, but our love and actions can. The decision is yours whether or not to forgive, but in the meantime, my hope is that you know that you are beautiful and this action was so wrong. I pray that you are comforted by the Lord's love for you.

Peace to you,
Dawn :0)

I haven't seen any posts (been busy this past week) in a while - but when I read yours - I was so appalled - there are no words that can describe how disgusted I feel that there are people out there like that.

I haven't read any of these responses, yet, but I am sure they are all like mine. I am 47 years old and when I grew up, my step father was very prejudiced - but I couldn't even picture him saying anything like that. It always made me sick when he would make any comment about anybody's race.

We are all created in God's image - He created us all as equals - it doesn't matter what color our skin is - I think you were really blessed to be able to see what kind of person whe really was before it got any further. People like that don't have a place in this world that is my opinion.

When will people get over it? I am at a loss for words to think that there are people who acttually think like that. If you ask me I think its scary!

But we have to remember there are really sick peole in this world - people who murder with no feelings of guilt or even remorse - I have never had the frame of mind that was biased against any person - their sex, religion, or their education.

You are a very inspiring person - you did not deserve to be treated like you were - I love reading your posts - I always know they are going to be good.

Cheryl ( mother of ten)

I'm appalled that anyone in this day and age would be so incredibly hateful and ignorant. My knee-jerk reaction here is: out the damn bigot! Report the incident to the moderators of the forum where you met, this is written hate crime and if this person solicited your help as a MENTOR (I"m fuming here...) on a fitness forum, then those that run the mentor program should be told. I don't know, maybe this won't help you to find peace of mind...but it might...


P.S. alternately, you could accidentally publish her email addy here...kidding! (sort of)
Yeah, the rest of us could "mentor" her a little!

I have thought about this a great deal since I read your post, Donna, and while I am deeply saddened by it I am also glad to have my awareness raised. It makes me that much more determined to, as Gandhi said, "be the change you wish to see in the world". I will speak out to anyone who puts that kind of ignorant and destructive crapola out there. I am astounded by the fact that the creature had an email relationship with you and yet, when she received your bio, all she could focus on was your race as if being a woman of color somehow cancelled out your wisdom and humor, your awe-ispiring accomplisments, your warmth and grace and that beauty which enriches the lives of those who have come tho know you in these forums. That's both sad and frightening. I'd say she must be brain damaged but that would be an insult to brain damaged people. (All we can hope is that she won't breed and pass on her beliefs to her children.) Perhaps I should strive for compassion because she was probably a nice enough person at at first and some bigot corrupted her innocent mind with that poison. I know you are spunky and I can't imagine you letting anyone walk over you, but it's sickens me that you had to be subjected to such a horrible word and such a horrible person who could use a word like that on such a lovely human being!
Obviously, I am still flabbergasted here but, on the bright side, everyone to whom I have told your tale, has had the same astounded reaction. There are more good folks out there that dummies and that is an encouraging thought!

Chicks's Rule! http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Bobbi
My pal Aquajock mentioned this thread to me--sorry to bring something so awful up again--but racism is a hotbutton issue for me.

I can't tell you just how much this angers me to see!!! There are few things that push me to the point of physical violence, but racism, child and animal abuse are the three that do. These three atrocities are simply beyond my comprehension, period.

All I can guess is those who engage in such behavior truly are people whose ignorance or stupidity are overwhelming. Otherwise, I'm left speechless at the nastiness of what happened!

Hang in there!
Oh my gosh Donna,
I just found this tread today since I have been hanging out more on the fitmoms one since I am pregnant. When I read your post, I got a pit in my stomach and just felt sick. I have not had a chance to read all the replies but I have to say that you are a beautiful person and to say that woman is ignorant would be too kind.

I grew up in the DC area- montgomery county and it is such a diverse area that and the way I was raised peoples race/religion was NEVER an issue. I am jewish and after my DH and I got married we ended up moving to rural new hampshire for his job. I had never experienced anti-sematism until we lived up there. I realized that even though I am white- people were judging me and disliking me for something that had nothing to do with who I was as a person. My DH actually had patients stop seeing him when they realized he was jewish. My ob/gyn who delieverd my first 2 kids was jewish and when I told him I wanted to move, he told us to get out of there as soon as we could and he told us how much discrimination he faced because of his religion.

We ended up moving away because we did not want to raise our children in an area like that. It was so eye opening to me.


Again, I don't know what to say other than she is ignorant and you are such a beautiful/motivating/uplifting person don't give her anymore thought.
Maribeth & Marci.........

Thank you for your sincere thoughts. It was an upsetting situation, mostly because I thought I'd grown to sort of know this woman a bit, albeit online only, but still, you form bonds especially in regards weight loss and/or fitness, so it did upset me that she threw away all the progress we'd made as "cyber-buddies" over something as stupid as what race I am!?
But, as you see by all the posts here, not to mention how many emails I got, plus a lovely plant garden (which btw, is growing like crazy!), card, money order (to buy a fitness gift to remind me of my friends here), workout and music, being called that ugly name turned out to be one of THE most special moments in my life!
From that one moment of ugliness, came so much love and support! :)

Marci: It's great that you moved your family from that area, and still mind blowing isn't it that you'd have to actually move away from an area because of such open ignorance! It just makes you say aloud, "this IS 2003 isn't it?!" Maybe by 3003 the world be different! Let's hope!

Thanks guys,


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Maribeth & Marci.........

Thats our Donna, seeing a positive in every situation. You are right in how sad it was that in 2000 (the year we moved) we felt we HAD to move so our children would not face discrimination. Also, we wanted our children to grow up in a more diverse area because I think that will help to teach them to make friends and judge people for who they are, not what they look like or how they worship. We ended up in a suburb of NYC. I still miss montgomery county though. One day when my oldest 2 see there birth certificates say New Hampshire, it will be a good opportunity to explain why we felt we had to move away. Its just sad.

I am kind of stuck in my weight right now since I can't lose and my workouts are really limited right now but once I have this baby, I'll be back on this side of the forum full force!!

Whenver I hear of a weight loss story, I think of you. If you lived near me, I would treat your to lunch to hear more about your story and motivation tips. You are a great cyber friend and I bet you are a great in person friend as well. If you are ever in Long Island, let me know.


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